But healthcare is already free.
What Luigi Mangione and his supporters misunderstand about greedy CEOs.
I’ll start by emphasizing, yet again, that I don’t believe anything on the news is real. Our politicians, celebrities, and other figures on the world stage are merely actors — or, perhaps more accurately, puppets.
But rather than being animated by some evil Illuminati master puppeteer, these actors on the world stage are animated by something much closer to home.
I don’t believe there’s a “shadowy elite” group of controllers orchestrating events from behind any curtain…
…unless, of course, you’re talking about all of us, and how we misapply our consciousness to create horrifying egregores that we don’t recognize as our own.
Then yes, there is a shadowy elite: it’s us — unwitting magicians, possessed by our own shadowy bloodlust to collectively create the worst of all possible worlds. We are the “man behind the curtain,” and that curtain is the veil of ignorance cast over our eyes, preventing us from seeing how we did this.
So as hilarious as the Luigi Mangione memes have been, let’s not lose the plot.
This is such a ripe opportunity for Shadow Work.
Shadow work involves working with your unconscious mind to uncover the parts of yourself that you repress and hide from yourself.
~ via Better Up
Shadow Work is usually done to address personal issues, like health problems, bad habits, and limiting beliefs. But, magickian that I am, I see no reason to believe that there’s any separation between “myself” and “the world.” As within, so without, after all.
That means if something’s fucked about the world, we can reliably look within ourselves to find the source of that problem, and transmute it.
The world is a fractal hologram, of which every piece represents the greater whole.
Reality is a hyperdimensional mirror, in which one can only see reflections of oneself.
Surprise! We were the shadowy elites all along, controlling world events.
So let’s get our all-seeing-eye on this shit, shall we?
Riddle me this:
Why are we celebrating the murder of a greedy health insurance CEO,
when we are the ones legitimizing the health insurance industry by paying into it?
It would not exist without us.
Fight me all you want, but this is a fact.
Shadow Work
If everyone in the USA just up and decided tomorrow to stop paying for insurance, and to find another way to make healing happen for free, the whole nightmare would be over just like that. No more medical debts to pay. No more children denied chemotherapy. No more.
We collectively-created this bloodshed-based health “care” system, just like other countries have somehow figured out how to collectively-create different healthcare systems that don’t just callously let their people die.
So what sense is there, in shooting a billionaire health insurance company CEO, for the spiritual crime of “being too greedy” and “letting people die”?
He wouldn’t be in the position he was in at all, had we not all agreed to participate in it.
In essence, it is us — greedy, evil, entitled Americans — letting our own people die of perfectly treatable illnesses.
The blood’s on our hands.
In fact, it’s dripping from our wicked smiling mouths, as we celebrate Luigi Mangione, the archetypal “people’s hero” who has been energetically elected to play out our deepest, darkest, bloodthirsty fantasies for us on the world stage.
I am saying, as plainly as I know how, that the collective’s celebration of the CEO’s murder is proof that we are the bloodthirsty vampires we accused him of being.
Luigi Mangione’s beloved celebrity status is a confession — it’s us telling on ourselves.
“Yes, I would kill someone if given the chance! Yes, I revel in bloodshed! Let’s kill even MORE people!”
Sick in the heart.
Sick in the soul.
Sicker than any health insurance coverage, free or not, could ever heal us from.
Healthcare is free.
Healthcare is, always has been, and always will be, free.
Just like you.
I say this to you as someone who healed 17 years of excruciating menstrual cramps, ovarian cysts, and debilitating fibromyalgia pain, by talking to my womb.
I say this to you as someone who no longer suffers from life-threatening OCD, because I did Shadow Work on my violent intrusive thoughts. No mental health meds required.
I say this to you as someone who was diagnosed with PTSD by 4 different therapists, but no longer meets the diagnostic criterion for it because I sat with my pain.
Aside from my own direct experiences with spontaneous, medicine-free healing, I know many people who have healed by the power of “thoughts & prayers” — which is just a fancy way of saying applied consciousness.
And because of my own direct experiences with medicine-free and money-free healing, I am inclined to take very seriously the Gospel accounts of Jesus Christ’s countless miraculous healings, which he performed for free.
It would do us well to study this awakened being, who told his “patients” that it was their own faith that healed them (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 17:11-19).
Jesus also told the people he healed, that their sins were forgiven.
What does that have to do with illness?
Was Jesus suggesting that sickness comes from the same spiritual state as wrongdoing?
Well… yes, in the sense that sickness is just an automatic byproduct of unconsciousness.
After all, the phenomenon of The Placebo Effect pretty much proves that our state of health (or not-health) begins in the mind.
And so, if you’re still with me at this point in the essay, I have another Shadow Work question for you. It’s the same question Jesus asked the crippled man at the pool of Bethesda:
“Do you want to be healed?”
As the story goes, there was a healing pool in Bethesda. An angel would stir the water every morning, and the first person to dip into it would be healed. So a crippled man would wait by the poolside, hoping to be the first to get into the water so he could be healed.
But every day, someone else always got to the water first, and no one ever helped him.
So for 38 years, he laid by the pool, feeling rather victimized not only by his illness, but by others’ refusal to help him.
Then Jesus came along and asked him if he wanted to be healed.
Instead of just saying yes or no, the man immediately made excuses. “No one ever helps me!” was his defensive response.
Jesus wasn’t having it. “Get up and walk!” he said.
Just like that, the man got up and walked.
All of the man’s self-victimizing stories (“nobody cares about me and that’s why I’m sick,” “I need other people to heal,” and “healing isn’t possible for me”) were rendered null and void in one sovereign decision to heal himself. Turns out, the power to heal was within him all along.
You know that story is about us, right?
Your Sins are Forgiven
This Luigi Mangione drama is taking place like a subplot in the greater unfolding storyline of “elites getting what’s coming to them.”
A bunch of Hollyweird celebrities are being exposed right now, and many are demanding that they be punished in the worst possible ways for their evil practices (child trafficking, adrenochrome harvesting, etc.)
But just as I said in this essay, we are the ones guilty of vampirizing children.
And until we “wake up” to that fact,
the elites we demand to see hanged
will be us.
Oh, we’re getting what’s coming to us, all right.
I know what I’m saying is radical and uncomfortable, but consider it this way:
If we KNOW free healing is possible — because we have records upon records of proof that healing can take place without money or medicine — then every time we don’t invest our time and energy in creating a healthcare system based on Free Energy, we are choosing a timeline of needless death and suffering.
We are the slayers of innocent lives — and the celebrities we blamed, are mere shadows projected on our cave wall for our own amusement.
And now, for our next level of Shadow Work, I offer one last question (for now) —
If you think you’d do a better job of running the whole world than “the elites” you’ve heretofore blamed for your problems, then tell me the truth:
How much responsibility are you willing to take
for yourself,
for others,
and for the entire world
«Our being is the true Creator of all that happens to us. Heighten your level of inner responsibility, renew your promise, and you will see that even economy and business obey the laws of Being. This is the solution! Don’t blame the world, circumstances and other people, looking for fault outside yourself; regain lost ground instead, and reassemble the fragments of your lost integrity. This is the solution.
Integrity is a state of Being, a sense of certainty, of completeness, of vitality absence of fear. You feel it in your whole body, in your heart and in every breath. Governments and nations, organisations and enterprises guided by integrity are prosperous, and they have long and happy lives.
Be a King, the Kingdom will come.»
~ The Dreamer, The School for Gods
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My prayer for you: To become all that you dream 🩶
Bravo, bestie! 👏 👏 👏 👏
As I read this MUCH-needed post/perspective, it felt like watching the Spider-Man meme come to life in real time. We are all Luigi, and we are the CEOs, doctors, administrators, and victims.
Meanwhile... we are also all healed, healthy, and restored. If we want it.
It reminds me of the Christmas billboards John and Yoko hung in 12 countries - 55 years ago this week. Those billboards read: "War is over! If you want it."
Thank you! 🙏
Yes! Love the egregore image, that's how I always envision it in my head...consent and compliance by the individuals creates the egregore that they then, once realizing things are not what they thought, fight...thus fighting themselves for complying but think they are fighting the egregore.....until the next realization. :) Great Post!