Hi! My name is Alicen Grey, and I am from Utopia.
My memories of Utopia are strong and undying.
I still speak my native tongue of Synchromysticism, where God calls you up by hurling a comet across the sky, or answers your questions by way of random song lyrics on the radio, or talks to you through a stranger who says exactly what you need, exactly when you need it. It's a language beyond words, spoken from heart to heart, translatable only by those with ears to hear.
I still remember when lovemaking was exactly that: Love-Making, the making of Love to selflessly share with the world beyond your bedroom walls, rather than a selfish, soul-sucking descent into little-death.
I still recall the pure, blissful freedom of flying instead of driving a car, digesting light instead of food, and immortality as the norm. And I still carry myself like I did back home: heart open, wings out, laughing just because.
Evidently, my Utopian mannerisms confuse the Hell out of people.
"You can't just be happy!"
"Cruelty is necessary!"
"Suffering is unavoidable!"
"You have to play by the rules!"
Limits and Lies and Laws, oh my! 🙃
Though this bitter, cynical, trauma-addicted world throws the gnarliest tantrums at my mere mention of Other Options, it doesn't faze me in the slightest. These dark- and dull-eyed demons will NEVER convince me that this dystopian phase is how things "have to" be.
I gno what I gno.
When I say ANYTHING is possible, I mean ANYTHING.
When I say energy is FREE, I mean FREE.
No caveats. No catches. No fine print.
Only Love forever and ever here in I-Magi-Nation.
Yes, demons: There is even unlimited love for you -- no matter how far into the darkness you've strayed, no matter what contracts you've signed, no matter what ideology you identify with.
I gno this because I've ALSO lived in Dystopia — just like you.
Until I dared to step into the zero-point,
the vast empty space of infinite possibilities,
also known as Chaos
and be born again.
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