i've said it before, i'll say it again, and i'll probably be saying it forever:
A magician who doesn't do their shadow work, is just a masochist.
the "law of attraction" subculture gives people the wrong idea that only the positive, happy, wonderful things that they intentionally manifest, are their manifestations... while all the annoying obstacles and problems are just, like, ~there~ for some mysterious reason 🤔
the prevailing LoA doctrine ALSO gives people the wrong idea that CONSCIOUS thoughts are the source of their reality, therefore if they're not thinking any negative thoughts (at least not that they're aware of), then all the bAd stuff recurring in their lives is somebody else's doing.
well i am here to tell you that it's ALL you, baby boo.
the pleasure AND the pain.
(sorry to break this TERRIBLE, AWFUL news to you through a Substack post, of all things 🤣)
your Shadow, a.k.a. the things you're NOT (yet) conscious of, is manifesting all the time. 24/7. like a non-stop reality generator.
and just like how your conscious mind enjoys your intentional manifestations... your subconscious mind LOOOOVES all the other stuff.
this is the part where most people check out of the "manifestation" conversation with melodramatic cries of PRIVILEGE and OPPRESSION and HOW DARE YOU SUGGEST.
(which is especially funny to me, as someone who is not rich, nor white, nor male.)
and therein lies your first magickal test:
will you reflexively dismiss the notion that you created the patterns in your life that you "hate"...
... or will you get curious, entertain the possibility, and seek until you find?
if you're curious, your first task is to find the Shadow obscuring your forgotten Self with all its deep dark desires.
where does one find the Shadow?
i'll give you a hint:
👀 ✨️