Photographic evidence of my Third Eye chakra
I see your atheism and raise you a paranormal selfie
Though I love to rail against hylics for demanding proof of the paranormal (and then stubbornly rejecting all proof), I admit, it’s nice to have this set of photographs:
Should I ever care enough to debate a skeptic on hylic terms, this will be the Ace up my sleeve: An actual photograph I captured of my Third Eye chakra.
Back when I wore a bindi everyday (around age 19), I decided to take some selfies.
The first one (eyes open) was just a regular selfie. But before taking the second one, I decided to close my eyes and focus my attention onto my "Third Eye" to see what would happen.
Lo and behold, as you can see, some purple spots of light appeared in the spot where I was focusing my energy. These photos were not altered in any way. This is how they came, straight from my camera.
If you don't know: the Third Eye chakra is said to be purple, and sit slightly above the meeting point between the brows — right where my bindi is. (That was the whole reason I took up the practice, actually — to feed this chakra with the sacred substances a traditional bindi is made from.)
Point is: The paranormal IS normal.
Truth is stranger than fiction.
Oh, and I love you.