With this post, I am setting both an intention and a boundary:
I wish to never speak of transgenderism as
a sex & gender issue
a feminist issue
or a liberal-vs.-conservative political issue
ever again.
When you Google “Alicen Grey,” one of the first search results is an article I wrote for a conservative site 7 years ago, when I was still in my radfem phase and thought the transgenderism debate existed solely to sabotage the women’s movement.
But while I still stand by everything I said in that article, my perspective has grown a lot in those 7 years. So now I can see something I couldn’t see before:
What cyborgs have to do with trans people.
So from now on, I wish to speak of transgenderism only in its appropriate context, which is within the conversation about transhumanism.
Transhumanists portray the debate as one between "cisgender" and "transgender" women — but, really, we're talking about biological women and cyborg "women."
The real “trans issue” is NOT one of redefining “biological sex,”
but of redefining biological Life itself.
Let’s review some definitions, starting with transhumanism:
Transhumanism is a philosophical movement that advocates for the transformation of the human condition by developing and making widely available sophisticated technologies able to greatly modify or enhance human intellect and physiology.
Now, let’s define cyborg:
A cyborg —a portmanteau of cybernetic and organism—is a being with both organic and biomechatronic body parts.
Basically, our transhumanist culture (which lends itself to technocracy — or, technology-based control of the human population vis-à-vis biometric surveillance and the Internet of Bodies) sees cyborgification as the solution to all of humanity’s intrinsic “limits.”
I live to remind you that no such “limits” actually exist.
So in the context of our increasing mergence with machines, the promotion of “gender-affirming surgery” and “hormone replacement therapy” is not the human-rights talking point that people seem to think it is.
It’s a transhumanist lobbying effort — a social engineering operation, designed to normalize the modification of the human body — to make people want to be cyborgs, and to make people demand the “inclusion” of cyborgs to fill their #woke diversity quotas.
Thus, we need to stop naively thinking of “trans women” as “transgender women,” and start thinking of them as “transhuman women” — or, voluntarily cyborgified men.
Because the truth is, if somebody opts into physical augmentation/alteration to “change sex” (read: change what makes them human), they are voluntarily choosing to be a cyborg, and thus, consensually forfeiting their natural human rights.
I don’t say this to be mean, but to be real. So please, miss me with the “YOU’RE DEHUMANIZING TRANS PEOPLE” nonsense. They’re dehumanizing themselves. Unwittingly, but still.
And I say all this because I want them to stay human, not because I see them as anything less than human. This is the opposite of dehumanization. I criticize transhumanism because I’m trying to save people from becoming dehumanized robots.
Very few people are being honest with “trans people” about the drastic consequences this has for them as individuals, and also for our culture at large, which is hurtling towards the Singularity like there’s no tomorrow.
And when confronted with a juggernaut of deception like the “transgender debate” (which is fundamentally predicated on the lie that “men can be women” and vice versa), the solution is not to lie even more with sugar-coated, politically correct language that doesn’t actually say what needs to be said.
We must be honest.
I can see now, how the ~transgender debate~ has all the hallmarks of being created in a think tank, purposely designed to obfuscate its actual function — which is to socially engineer general approval for the mingling of robots with humans.
This is done by distracting people with emotional appeals about how oppressed “trans people” are, and how they need to be ~validated~ as real women/men and need to be included in everything for diversity’s sake — or else they’ll literally die.
Thus, more people unwittingly align themselves with this fundamentally anti-human agenda (ironically under the guise of “human rights”), setting the stage for two things to happen simultaneously:
As more and more people identify as “trans” (again, this means they’re identifying as transhuman, not transgender), it can be said that people are turning into robots
As Artificial Intelligence (A.I.) and sophisticated robots become mainstream and ubiquitous in human society, it can be said that robots are turning into people
This is what is meant by The Singularity — the moment when humans and robots become indistinguishable from each other.
The diversion tactic of the “transgender debate” gets people to focus on virtue signaling their support for “the most oppressed group of people ever,” defending them by default. “Transwomen are REAL women! Transwomen are BIOLOGICAL women!”
But clear away the smoke and mirrors, and you’ll see that people have been tricked into calling cyborg women “real,” “biological” women.
If you can get someone to say that a synthetic, surgically designed vaginoplasty is a real vagina, or that a skin-grafted phalloplasty is a real penis, you’ve essentially redefined biological life to include synthetic cybernetic organisms.
And that’s what this really all comes down to.
It’s about robot rights.
Point blank period.
This may be the biggest psychological Trojan Horse our culture has ever seen.
People are defending robot rights and they don’t even know it.
Now, I dare you to see the obvious parallels between cyborg women and robot sex dolls, contextualized by the modern phenomena of normalized cosmetic surgery, OnlyFans, virtual reality porn goggles, AI-generated pornstars, the Metaverse/Zoomiverse, widespread porn addiction, increasing rates of depression and isolation….
It all leads to less real human contact and more synthetic-simulated “sexuality.”
It all leads to the neutering of the human race.
In other words: population control.

All of that said,
I genuinely harbor no ill will towards individual trans people who’ve been, unfortunately, seduced to believe that they can ~identify~ and ~pronoun~ their way out of body dysphoria. They’ve been scammed too, and I only have deep compassion for them as they navigate a world full of traps and tricks designed to turn them against their own sacred bodies.
I have plenty more to say about the beauty of “non-binary” gender politics seen through a spiritual lens. I could go on for hours about the loveliness of Siva-Shakti’s androgyny, or how Adam (the first human) was said to be an androgyne (not a man, as feminists often complain), or how the Gnostics taught that the highest aspect of God is altogether genderless — Barbelo, so beyond human comprehension that one could only surrender to the overwhelming awe of it all… and of course, the real-life deep sea anglerfish, my spirit animal, who merges completely with her mate and thus becomes him as he becomes her.
As if driven by some subconscious urge to get closer to God, I see how “transgenderism” serves to fill a spiritual void. I see people playfully, poetically, viscerally, sincerely, wonderfully striving to transcend duality through the doorway that gender identity provides.
I see it, and I love it. I really do.
But that’s a post for another time — one that deserves more nuance and heart-centered verbiage than I ever bothered to use in my radfem days, as evidenced by that Federalist article. For that, I am deeply sorry.
Before anyone jumps to conclusions about what I’m alluding to, I’ll merely say that I believe that Truth does not inspire the circus-like behavior we’ve all observed in the “transgender” movement. True gender transcendence is an “inside job,” so to speak — a spiritual experience that leads to greater wholeness… as opposed to body butchery, cultic behavior, and weaponized language.
But again — this deserves to be explored in greater depth, at a future time.
In this post, I simply wanted to introduce people to the connection between transgenderism and transhumanism that has, up until now, been intentionally obscured by the technocrats who benefit from this political misdirection and showmanship.
That’s all for now. Thank you for reading. 💓
If you resonate with my words, I would love it if you subscribed to my Substack! Free or paid, either way — it’s all Love 😘💜
And if you can think of some people who’d like this article, share it with them! Please and thank you 🙃
A brilliant, much-needed primer that can silence the screaming (on all sides) long enough to get us back to the same starting point: "The ~transgender debate~ has all the hallmarks of being created in a think tank, purposely designed to obfuscate its actual function — which is to socially engineer general approval for the mingling of robots with humans."
Thank you! 🙏
Excellent explanation! Thank you for sharing this and tagging me so I would see it. What an awesome way to start my day! When the "sex robots" were first rolled out I was certain "they" --our technocratic overlords-- were trying to turn us into robots or at least make us less human and more robotic. The propaganda surrounding them was heavy handed and a form of trauma based mind control. "Dolly programming" is a real thing in which mind control techniques are used to turn women and children even men into sex slaves and "dolls". Sex doll propaganda sent a strong message to both men and women about the value, purpose, and role of women and girls and our form in this society. Most "sex robots" have bodies that resemble girl children, not grown women. "Sex robots" are after all giant dolls, dolls have been associated with little girls in our modern era and formerly with idols (I dolls) images/forms of women / and or goddesses. The message is --as it has been-- that men are in control of our bodies and our image and girls should alter their bodies and minds for their role as sexual play thing of males. I observed an increase in teens and women applying makeup and putting together "looks" like drag queens and sex dolls. Many of the "trans" identified men are just turning their bodies into living "sex dolls" a large swath of them openly admit to this. Porn is psyop and social war to manipulate human sexuality. Male sexual desire can and is being used to force humanity towards a more degraded and literally non human state. Remember during the so called lockdowns when Porn hub gave free access to their paid content for the entire country of Italy? That was an act of psychological and physical warfare to enforce acceptance of the Transhumanist jab. When the jab was being rolled out world wide it became undeniable, what so many of us already knew, there is a wide scale agenda to transhumanize and genetically alter humanity. Can you email me a place you can receive snail mail? thedeprogrammer@protonmail.com I want to send you some stickers I made in 2021 that I don't have listed online. They say, "transgender IS transhuman" and list connections between the two. I would love to talk to you about this more. I appreciate your contributions to this conversation and would love to hear more and exchange thoughts. Oh! Another thing I wanted to mention briefly is that the framework of "human rights" is part of the problem. I believe in and have innate god given birth rites, not "human rights" bestowed upon me from the United Nations. The UNs framing of "human rights" is poised to extend humanity to non human robots and humanoids. I have read through countless UN documents, they are not just erasing women's rights, they are redefining what it means to be human. Much of the language about "trans" appears in the text as "trans human rights". It's right there. Transhuman rights is what they're implementing. Last thing for now, "Trans" is the new reigning religion and philosophy that promotes violence, fascism, black mail, and brainwashing as foundational to growth. "Trans" is the one world religion that seeks to topple and replace all old religious power and structure --at least some of this is a planned demolition in my opinion.