It’s become popular in the New Age scene to claim one is “Christ Conscious.”
Christ Consciousness, according to Yogapedia, is
an awareness of the higher self as part of a universal system. Although it can be interpreted in a number of ways, a common understanding is that Christ Consciousness is the state of consciousness in which a person has found self-realization and unity with God or the Divine.
In this framework, Christhood isn’t exclusive to Jesus The Christ.
Rather, it’s merely a state of mind, accessible — and claimable — by anyone!
So you can claim to be Betty the Christ, or Joe the Christ, or Gertrude the Christ…
…and no one can stop you!
So you bet your ass there are thousands of New Agers describing themselves as #ChristConscious (and this identification is usually accompanied by other sparkly descriptors, like #ArcturianStarseed and #LightWorker).
Now, hey: I can’t tell you what to call yourself, nor can I conclusively say that you’re not God (although, respectfully, I have my doubts).
But I will happily take Self-Christed people to task on what it means to be Christ.
If being Christ simply means recognizing one’s unity with God, this raises the question:
What does it mean to be united with God?
What are the qualities of God?
As Christ-ness is the thing in question here, I’ll be using Jesus The Christ as my reference point for the remainder of this essay. And not just because he’s the most recognizable Christ (assuming there could be others). But because he set the bar for Christhood pretty freaking high.
Jesus The Christ wasn’t merely “enlightened,” whatever that means. He was a redeemer and miracle worker.
Let’s start with the “miracle worker” thing.
John 20:30 says
Jesus performed many other miracles that his disciples saw. Those miracles are not written in this book.
So all that stuff about Jesus phase-shifting water into wine, feeding the masses, and raising the dead?
Turns out that was only a fraction of all the miracles Jesus worked.
Which means he healed, fed and helped way more people than the Scriptures tell us about. Dude was working so many miracles that they couldn’t all be recorded!
Meanwhile, I don’t know any self-described “Christ Conscious” people who can walk on water…
…or restore vision to the blind…
…or cause the lame to walk…
…or raise the dead…
Jesus is universally recognized as God — or at the very least, God-like — because of these miracles. It was established all throughout the gospels that Jesus’s connection/union with God was evidenced by his miraculous powers. They are precisely what distinguished him from the common man, and elevated him to Christ status.
This partially answers the second question: What are the qualities of God?
As I discussed at length in my Free Energy series, God is Free Energy. Free Energy is free because it isn’t bound by this realm’s laws of physics. The Free-ness of God’s power is what makes turning water into wine possible, for example.
That said: If people who claim to be “Christ Conscious” cannot even turn water into wine, their Energy is obviously not Free… so on what grounds can they claim to be unified with an all-powerful God?
If not on the ground of omnipotence, then #ChristConscious people are likely identifying with the more ambiguous qualities of God, like being infinite, being unknowable, and having immeasurable potential.
And if that was all that the word “God” meant, then I’d hand it to them. Like, sure, you’re God — if God is just an amorphous and next-to meaningless word for that which we don’t understand.
But we know that God is not simply a word or idea. There’s ample reason why God has been the most controversial, widely-discussed topic in history. There’s a substance, something substantial, that keeps the Mystery alive, and we all intuitively recognize this.
Which brings me back to the second missing key in the “Christ Conscious” conversation: Jesus Christ was/is The Redeemer, who sacrificed himself for all of humanity, thereby exhibiting the Greatest Love of All. Talk about substance!
Here we see another ill-logical line of #ChristConsciousness exposed thusly: “God is Love, and I Love humanity, therefore I’m God!”
But do you know any Christ Conscious people who would undergo a crucifixion — nailed palms, sword-split side, crown of thorns and all — because they just Love and Light everybody sooooo much?
And then after being crucified for Love, do you know any of them who could raise themselves from the dead to prove their Godhood?
Any #ChristConscious people out there wanna prove the substance of their God-Level Love by dying and resurrecting themselves to redeem humanity’s sins?
Yeah. I figured.
But seriously, I’ll dial back the sarcastic cuntery to say this:
By dissecting the concept of Christ Consciousness, I’m not just trying to make people feel bad for casually identifying with it.
Rather, I hope to incite serious reflection upon the insidious consequences of theoretical knowledge passing itself off as experiential knowledge.
We’ve all seen the consequences of identitarianism in other arenas. For example, we see what a mess our culture has become because men can say they’re women without needing to verify it. We’ve seen how this commitment to the transhumanist delusion has deceived the masses, thrown established orders into disarray, and resulted in the butchery of children.
I posit that a similar mechanism is at play with the Christ Consciousness trend. If anybody can identify as Christ, the word becomes essentially meaningless. As a consequence, the so-called “Christs” lose their discernment for Truth. And is there anything more dire than losing one’s ability to tell right from wrong? Evil begins here.
In other words: It’s one thing to think you’re Christ-like — but it’s another matter entirely to be Christ-like.
The former is a delusion.
The latter is a sacred responsibility.
Because in a world as lost and loveless as ours, I can think of no endeavor more revolutionary than that of sincerely checking one’s delusions and act-ually embodying God’s Love, as a ray of light in this dark world guiding people back to the Truth.
In conclusion:
Excellent job, you have dissected one of the many things that make the New Age style of spirituality so troublesome. It would be fine if such thinking were harmless and positive as they so often like to sell it, but it becomes another thing entirely when it slips into delusional and narcissistic worship of the self in pursuit of "manifesting endless personal abundance".
"Gertrude the Christ." 😂
But seriously: Thank you for this much-needed, thought-provoking essay.