For this month’s esoteric contemplation, I’d like to share some thoughts I had when contemplating what makes the smile of an etheric clown / DMT Jester so “creepy.”
To start, let’s get on the same page about what a DMT Jester is.
A DMT Jester / joker / etheric clown, is a being who reportedly appears during altered states of consciousness: in dreams, in visions, during drug trips (particularly on salvia and DMT) and throughout the religions and “mythology” of cultures all around the world.
Because these reports are universal, the Jester/Clown is considered an “archetype” and believed to be the inspiration behind circus clowns, court jesters, and iconic characters like Pennywise and The Joker from Batman.
I’m going to make the bold claim that these entities are real. They’re not “just” an archetype or idea in the collective consciousness. They are interdimensionals who can, and do, engage with our realm when given access to it by way of summoning and portal-opening. In fact, recent discussions with friends have brought me to the conclusion that taking DMT recreationally actually opens such portals, giving these clowns a direct path into our world. This is what I meant when I explained how we literally live in “clown world” on Post-Woke Podcast Episode #45, due to the irresponsible use of entheogens by many modern psychonauts:
Taking it to be true that the Jesters/Clowns are real, let’s think about why they’re considered “creepy” and universally feared by children — and why this fact should be taken very, very seriously.
A common thread in reports about Jesters/Clowns is that they are tricksters. They love tricking people. They love playing with language in such a way that makes you think they mean one thing, when in actuality they mean something else. And when you fall for their trick, they laugh at you!
Almost everyone I know who has encountered the DMT Jesters (myself included) reports feeling mocked and ridiculed by the Jesters, particularly during moments when we feel fear or sadness. Some report that the Jesters enjoy showing the experiencer horrifying and disturbing imagery involving blood and guts, or sometimes they actively try to injure or kill the experiencer! Evidently, the Jesters have a sadistic streak.
Let’s remember: Sadism is the taking-of-joy in someone else’s pain.
Now, tell me: In your heart of hearts, do you find this kind of sadism defensible?
I’ve heard many people try to twist themselves into pretzels, defending the Jesters as being “teachers” who “teach through comedy.” And hey, maybe I’m just too uptight to see the truth or benefit in that. I could be wrong about them!
But I am deeply moved to say that The True Joy, The Highest Joy, is not contingent upon the destruction or deception of another. Bliss comes from recognizing Oneness with all beings… and if you’re One with others, how could you possibly delight in their suffering?
And this, I believe, is why we collectively feel a creepiness in the smile of the Jester/Clown. It’s because deep down, intuitively, we sense no genuine joy in their smile. Their smile itself is a falsehood! This is the same reason we perceive the smile of a sociopath to be creepy. We know that behind the smile is an unfortunate emptiness, a soullessness.
My sense of the DMT Jesters is that they’re lost. They have strayed very far from God’s Light, and as a result they have lost the ability to see Truth. Thus, they can only Deceive people with an endless parade of colors and psychedelic patterns that overwhelm the senses to the point of confusion and delusion. Their playful nature is a mockery of True Innocence, and their laughter is a counterfeit of the True Joy that can only come from Loving others. When you Love someone, you don’t try to deceive them into entrapment or endless confusion.
Those are my thoughts on the matter. Thank you for reading!