The In Vitro Scam: Humanity's Fall From Virgin Birth
How Transhumanist Forced Fertility Obscures Our Potential for Parthenogenesis
Hi, lovelings ♥️ Welcome back to the Transhumanism vs. True Power series!
This is a series where I compare modern “advanced” technologies to their spiritual equivalents. In every post, I reiterate this sentiment:
For every technological “advancement,” a better spiritual equivalent already exists.
Anything robots can do, divine humans can do better.
For examples:
“Text messaging” is simply an inefficient, counterfeit version of telepathy.
Cosmetic surgery is the cheater’s version of shapeshifting.
Uploading one’s consciousness to a cloud is the fake version of actual immortality.
You get the idea.
In this post, we’ll be looking at transhumanist “fertility assistance,” which betrays — in its cold, mechanical approach to force-starting the reproductive process — its deep misunderstanding of what Life is.
And before anyone gets defensive and thinks I’m judging their choice to pursue fertility treatment, allow me to direct you to my article on Potentials:
This isn’t about Right and Wrong. This is about remembering what we’re capable of. This is about acknowledging our souls, our potential, our True Power.
Before we can find out What Else Is Possible, we must confront the ways in which we’ve needlessly limited ourselves.
Ready or not,
we’ll start with this video:
This is footage of a sperm cell, which has been augmented by a nanobot to give it greater speed and power with which to penetrate an egg cell, thus artificially ensuring the fertilization process. (Source.)
As people in the comments section have intuited, this so-called “technological advancement” spells disaster for humanity — but not because we’re supposed to follow some nonsensical “survival of the fittest” code of conduct.
The issue is not that a “weak” sperm is being given an unfair advantage.
The issue is that this steals the egg’s ability to choose who she wants to penetrate her.
What many people don’t know about reproduction is that the egg is an active participant in the process.
She does not passively sit around waiting for the strongest, fastest sperm to plant his flag and claim her like his territory.
They may compete and vie for her attention,
but ultimately, she chooses.
“While it has been known for decades that sperm are attracted to the egg by chemical signals in ovarian follicular fluid, recent research has shown that these chemical signals may also be selective, allowing eggs to influence which sperm should reach them — providing one last barrier for sperm deemed incompetent.”
— Legacy
This is a fractalline, microcosmic reflection of the greater macrocosmic truth, which is that women are the guardians of genetic sanctity in the human species (and in most species, actually).
All the stereotypes about women being picky, having insanely high standards, and generally being “demanding” are actually lesser manifestations of our higher function as genetic gatekeepers. After all, women are the portals through which spirits incarnate into this physical realm; women are, physically and spiritually, the gatekeepers of entry into this world.
So it doesn’t surprise me at all that even on the cellular level, the female (egg) has the final say in which male (sperm) is worthy to enter into alchemical union with her, dissolving into oneness and thereby creating the Philosopher’s Stone (Life).
A woman’s “yes” and “no” are profoundly, radically sacred. The spiritual health of the human race depends on her ability to freely choose who enters this world through the gateway of her body.
To involve a nanobot is to give an unworthy male an advantage he otherwise wouldn’t have, to fertilize an unwilling egg who wouldn’t have otherwise chosen him.
This is rapism, and it sabotages humanity’s evolution — though the Transhumanists loooove to claim that their “advanced” technology is evidence of our “evolution.” Bullshit. Clear and obvious bullshit.
Feminist theologian Mary Daly coined the term “rapism” to describe the mentality that one is entitled to access people and places that did not first open themselves to being accessed. So, colonialism is rapism of land and cultures.
Thus, transhumanist “fertility treatments” are a manifestation of rapism, in that they deeply disrespect the egg’s “no” — physically and spiritually.
I can already imagine the rebuttal:
“But if the woman is consenting to fertility treatments, isn’t she saying yes?”
Well… yes and no.
Shadow Work on Infertility
We are thoughtforms. We are energy. We are consciousness embodied.
So consider the possibility that if a couple is trying to get pregnant unsuccessfully, that their energetic state is the reason for the infertility — not “low sperm counts” or any of that clinical nonsense.
Keeping in mind that egg and sperm cells are conscious and have wills, consider that:
Maybe the man’s sperm isn’t trying very hard to be chosen.
If so, why might that be?
Is he secretly hoping to be rejected, because he fears the responsibility of fatherhood?
Is he also squandering his potential in other areas of life?
Or maybe the woman’s eggs don’t like any of the man’s sperm, even though they’re giving it their best in the “sperm race,” so she isn’t selecting any of them.
If so, why might that be?
Is she not fully ready or willing to be a mother?
Is she inviting the man to become more virile — to strengthen his willpower, to step up into his higher potential, before she’ll create Life with him?
Is she aware, on some level, that this man is altogether not the right partner to create life with at all?
Now, obviously, the “reasons” why our bodies make the decisions they make, are not always wise or correct, so to speak. Again: this is not about Right or Wrong.
We all have karmic entanglements, meaning, things that we have yet to bring the light of conscious awareness to. Our unconscious “reasons” for making certain decisions are not “wrong” by virtue of being unconscious — they are simply outside of our current scope of consciousness. This is why it is indeed possible for a woman to endure a genuinely unwanted pregnancy… and why it’s possible for a woman who really wants to get pregnant, to be unable to.
So my actual point is not that if the body is symbolically saying “no” through infertility, one should give up trying
but that this should be the beginning of a conscious conversation between all levels of the self (body, mind, and soul).
This is the conscious work that liberates spiritual Potential —
the conscious work that Transhumanism tries to cheat its way out of doing.
Shadow Work on Transhumanist Fertility Treatments
The Shadow Work doesn’t stop at Why can’t I conceive a child?
The Shadow Work continues to Why do I believe Transhumanisn is the solution?
If you’re a man who finds the idea of fertility assistance attractive:
What is it about not being able to fertilize a woman’s eggs that scares me?
What does it say about the quality of manhood?
Why does that inspire me to try to FORCE my way into a woman’s genetic line?
What work am I avoiding internally, that I want Transhumanism to do for me?
Why would I rather CHEAT my way into propagating my ancestral line, when I could be realizing my potential through organic, hard-won means? Do I think I’m not capable?
And for women:
When did I internalize the notion that I SHOULD override my body saying “No?” Why am I trying to force myself to say “Yes”?
Could it be that my eggs saying “No” and rejecting every attempt at fertilization by this man, is my body in her wisdom trying to communicate that I’m not with the right partner?
Or, could my body be saying I have a blockage to fulfilling my desire to be a mother? to experience that bliss of motherhood?
It is toxic to yourself to try to force yourself to say “Yes.” This is internalized rapism. Where did that come from?
My guess is that it’s simply too uncomfortable to face. Just think of how violent some men become when they find out their wife’s inability to conceive was actually their low sperm count all along. Or think of how some women will go to any length to become a mother, even stealing a child. It’s painful to confront the self as intimately as through the lens of conception and birth.
And as Carl Jung once poetically observed,
“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own soul.”
Even grow their babies in fucking petri dishes.
I’ve seen people calling Transhumanist reproductive technologies “the solution to the pain of childbirth.” People would rather grow their babies in petri dishes than endure what they believe is the inevitable suffering of childbirth.
But hey, did you know
that birth doesn’t have to be painful?
— that, in fact, birth can be orgasmically pleasurable?
Pretty much everything you’ve ever learned about conception, pregnancy and birth

Bliss in Birth: Remembering Parthenogenesis
This past year, I had the honor of being on the editing team for Yolande Norris-Clark’s life-changing book, Portal: The Art of Choosing Orgasmic, Pain-Free, Blissful Birth.
As the title suggests, it’s an inspired work that utterly obliterates any notion that birth must or will be painful. Pleasure in birth, she contends, is a choice — one that most don’t choose only because they don’t know they can.
To illustrate her point, she offers her own life narrative of giving birth to 8 children, gradually becoming more sovereign and connected with God with each birth… until finally giving birth to her 9th child in absolute, psychedelic, rapturous bliss. As her Sovereignty was revealed to her, that bliss became easier and easier to choose.
Yolande is just one of many, many women who’ve experienced orgasmic, painless birth. It’s more common — and more possible! — than we are led to believe by proponents of petri-dish babies.
And if we can experience blissful birth with a simple shift in consciousness, then What Else Is Possible?
Well, it’s possible that we don’t need to have sex to conceive at all.
And I don’t mean by way of artificial insemination.
I mean, you can literally manifest a baby.

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^ That may seem like just a cute story, but it reveals something reallyyyy deep about how conception occurs.
Conception, like all aspects of reality, is a manifestation of Consciousness.
This Eagle believed he was a father, so much so that he essentially materialized a baby for himself out of thin air.
He was able to do this because the “Outer World” is not the source of our experiences. The Inner World is the true Source. And our Universe is so magnificently infinite that literally anything is possible. There is no need to fear the circumstantial “limits” of physical reality, because those limits are, ultimately, an illusion.
Even having no male partner cannot stop a female from getting pregnant.
Enter Parthenogenesis.
Parthenogenesis, also known as “immaculate conception” or “virgin birth,” is when a female conceives a child asexually.
No male, no penis, no sperm.
Just, sunlight and then boom — pregnant.
Parthenogenesis has been observed in many animals, most curiously in zoo animals who had no access to the opposite sex. I found plenty of examples on Google, the most recent being this shark. Here are some others: 1, 2, 3, 4.
And if one simply glances at religious history, one will find that Virgin Birth is one of the most universally-featured symbols across religions. This suggests that, despite what The Church might have you believe, virgin birth is actually possible for every woman — not just Mother Mary.
In his essay PARTHENOGENESIS: women’s long-lost ability to self-conceive, Den Poitras shares not only how parthenogenesis occurs, but also gives many examples of parthenogenetically conceived children he has either learned about in research or through direct contact with their “virgin” mothers.
According to his research, Parthenogenesis is the conception of a child by divine electrical charge. Shakti. The explosive power of light meeting sound. A cymatic crystallization of consciousness.
This essay is a must-read.
Here’s just a glimpse of the brilliance:
One such story, that peaked my interest, was about how [the Ojibwa] wise-women looked for certain young maidens that possessed a great degree of grace, intelligence and compassion… [T]hese wise-women kept an eagle-eye open for such candidates and, when found, providing she was willing, her instructions began. It was soon made clear to the village that men were not allowed to court her.
When she reached the age of fertility, her first period, she was instructed to fast for several days. Perhaps special herbs were used while participating in rigorous sweat-lodge ceremonies. Then she was encouraged to dance for hours and hours around a fire in a sacred women’s lodge built far away from the village….
[T]hroughout her time of dancing, she would attempt to enter a state of bliss, a physio-spiritual orgasm, if you will, during which, according to the Ojibwa wise-women’s knowledge, it would be possible for her to conceive.
They knew that a child born this way could become a great leader, healer, or visionary. The Great Spirit, it was thought, would know what gifts the child should have in order to match the currant needs of the tribe.
I am starting to cry as I type this.
How far must we have fallen, to forget that women are capable of
conceiving Life
…by dancing ecstatically around a fire?
by singing in an blissed-out trance,
by blissfully surrendering to the power of God
and letting that hot-white lightning bolt shock Life into their womb?
My God, we are holy. Sacred. So lucky to be alive in this magickal universe.
I have chills.
We are Divine
For the third time, I must emphasize that there isn’t a “right” or “wrong” way to conceive. There are only conscious choices, and unconscious ones.
Some people would choose differently, if they knew they could.
I am simply here to remind you.
As I stated in the previous post, The Anti-Enlightenment Agenda, nobody can hide the truth from us but ourselves. Transhumanism only obscures the unrelenting, mysterious divinity of the human race… by reflecting our own unconsciousness back to us. We consent to this mass deception. Though our consent is unconscious, it is still freely chosen.
But now that you know What Else Is Possible,
what will you choose?
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Thank you, lovelings ♥
I don't think you would be at all surprised to learn that I find myself coming back to your writing most often during bouts of insomnia (as I'm currently experiencing), as of course it's a sacred time of the day (well, night) and I think the veil is a bit thinner. I ended up subscribing after reading this post because I felt drawn to comment. I appreciate all your writings so much- they have helped crack open my consciousness on my healing and spiritual journey. At first I may have been a bit skeptical but now I find myself saying "well, why not?". I am a woman, and one who has chosen to be child-free thus far in life. I was not brought up in any religion but divine conception has actually always been an "irrational" fear in my life. As in, if my period seemed to ever be too late I'd start to be a bit anxious that that was a genuine possibility/thing to worry over/fear (since, in these instances, I wasn't having any sex and certainly wasn't wanting a child). It's a pretty strange thing for an otherwise quite tied to the rational woman to worry on ... divine remembering perhaps?
Hi there Alicen, I spent the last few hours formulating my thoughts and making some notes so I could comment after reading this amazing article, then I saw that I had to subscribe to make my comment so I knew that it was worth subscribing just to make this comment :)
I had tingles reading your post, especially when it came to the shared excerpt about Parthenogenesis and the Ojibwa wise-women, since I can recall a past life that I had as a Hopi Indian woman in which I danced around a fire in a trance in the middle of the desert on my own. Whether this was in purpose for immaculate conception or for another reason, I don't know exactly. Most of my past lives have been as a male, including this current life. That's the only life I remember as a female.
This brings me to another point I want to make since I know someone who was immaculately conceived. I mentioned this to a now ex-friend (male), while I was visiting him a few months ago, and he scoffed at the idea of immaculate conception saying that it was an impossibility and that the only way was through physical relations. I wanted to innerstand why he thought it was an impossibility and he stated that we can have sex in the astral/dreamworld, but not able to conceive on that level, only on the physical level. Then he stated that he thought that the mother of the person who I know lied to her child since she was raped and wanted to save her from the shame of having a rapist father. I felt in that moment that his perception was extremely limiting and self-imposed. After all we all only innerstand reality from our level of perception.
Which brings me to another point that I want to pose a few questions to you - Alicen. If parthenogenesis is possible then what is the role of men? Why do men exist? If women are capable of this then women would not need men? or am I missing something?