This is an astrologer's take on the problem of Pluto. Rather than simply questioning whether Pluto is a planet, I'll be exploring the ramifications of including Pluto in chart calculations.
Everything we know about Pluto's alleged effect on our world is predicated on the assumption that recorded history is accurate. But it is for this exact reason that investing in Pluto's significance, is not an easily defendable position.
Allow me to explain:
Pluto takes 248 years to transit through all 12 Zodiac signs. Given that the average lifespan is 72 years, most people will only experience the effect of Pluto in a fraction of the signs. Even those who live to be around 120 years (which is considered, in our Death-infected society, to be a long life), will still never feel Pluto's energy through the entire Zodiac wheel.
So in order for us to know how Pluto's influence gets filtered through every sign, we'd need to be certain that at least the last 248 years of recorded human history are dependable and accurate. Where living narrative ends, historical record begins.
Take for example, the claim that the USA is going through its "Pluto Return" because Pluto is currently around the same part of the sky as it was when the USA was founded (1776). *(Keep this in mind for later.)
In order for us to verify that Pluto's return is the reason the USA is falling apart right now, we'd need to rely on historical records regarding the US Empire (and all other historical empires, for that matter) so we could measure Pluto's effect in relation to its astral proximity to an empire, and also compare notes with how other empires endured their Pluto return. To do this, we'd need to believe that all of those historical records are completely trustworthy and accurate, factually represented by objective historians with no agendas.
Obviously, this should never be blindly believed.
And since nobody can prove that history is objectively recorded (if anything, we can actually prove the opposite: even within 1 decade historical records can be grossly manipulated to the point where entire genocides are forgotten), the burden of proof lies on Plutonian astrologers to verify how they know anything they know about Pluto. Psychic insight aside, there's no reliable way to ensure that our understanding of Pluto is thorough and objective.
I understand now, why all forms of classic astrology consider Saturn to be the outermost boundary of the Earth realm. Saturn's orbit (29 years) can be felt multiple times within one average lifespan. But the orbits of Uranus (84 years), Neptune (165 years), and Pluto cannot.
Those rare astrologers who've been paying attention to the skies for 84+ years may be able to speak authoritatively on how Uranus feels (LOL) in each sign. But no astrologer can speak on Neptune or Pluto with that same certainty... except, perhaps, the low-key immortal astrologers among us... who are probably not writing the resources that most pop astrologers derive their information from.
Thus, Saturn's effect can be directly experienced instead of being outsourced to historical records, with the added benefit of repeatability (if you live to be 58, 87, 116, etc.) which is crucial to any serious scientific approach to astrology.
And finally: subtracting the invisible outer planets from astrological consideration, resolves the messy issue of planetary "co-rulers," thus freeing the signs of Scorpio (who is only ruled by Mars, not Pluto), Aquarius (Saturn, not Uranus) and Pisces (Jupiter, not Neptune). Once these outer planets are removed, the wheel becomes a symmetrical circuit again:

Knowing what I know about timeline manipulation magick, it looks less to me like the USA is actually going through its "Pluto return," and more like the hidden-hand-shadow-sorcerers-who-run-the-world want to deify the god of the Underworld, Pluto/Hades, by manipulating world events to coincide with his namesake-planet's orbit.
Now what do I mean by "deify"? Glad you asked! To deify someone is to exalt them to godhood.
There are plenty of rituals and paths by which a person may attempt to become deified, or transformed into a god. Historical manipulation is one such way. Have you ever wondered why many of the historical men we learn about in public school also happened to be Free Masons? Napoleon Bonaparte, Mozart, Mark Twain, Benjamin Franklin.... History is written to deify Masonry's highest-ranking members. By carving a person's face and name into history (and making statues for them, that kind of thing), they are given a type of immortality through becoming an indefinite thoughtform in the collective consciousness.
Celebrity is another form of deification. For example, consider that Beyonce and other successful female pop stars are called "divas" which is a derivative of "devas," celestial beings of great power. This type of deification happens in plain sight constantly. American Idol turns random people into world-famous pop stars, "idolizing" them on the world stage (in a building that features carvings of Sumerian gods, located in Babylon Court, "coincidentally"). The Oscars, Emmys, SuperB-Owl and other major awards shows center around obvious occult rituals, broad-cast to home viewers too spellbound and hypnotized to notice.
Sidequest: Could Pluto the Dog from Disney, named months after the discovery of the planet, be Walt Disney's attempt to deify Pluto by injecting the Cerberus (Hades' dog) imagery directly into the minds of young children? Minnie Mouse was named Minerva, after all...
So my point is: Discovering a planet in 1930 and naming it "Pluto," was most likely (I say certainly) done to exalt Hades to god-tier status, right up there with Kronos and Zeus.
Now consider the ramifications of making Pluto the outermost planet. If Pluto is legitimately the edge of this Soular System, that would mean Hades marks the ultimate boundary of the Soul. In other words, the occultists responsible for naming this planet were attempting to construct a reality in which we're encircled by Hell.
Hopefully, I don't need to explain to you why this diabolical "we're already in Hell and there's no escape" sentiment should not be accepted at face-value. A much, much deeper investigation is needed. And so is more questioning! Why wasn't this planet named something more heavenly, like Elysium?
Sidequest: This topic of deification and timeline manipulation deserves its own post, so I'll pause there. But if you want a deep-dive on timeline-manipulation magick, I highly recommend this presentation by Ras Ben on how Benjamin Franklin used Enochian Magick to open the Gates of Hell and usurp Biblical Prophecy.
* Note: If you take that sidequest ^ right there, it might make more sense why America is said to being going through its "Pluto return" around the same time that the Transhumanist New World Order is being implemented. The Founding Fathers' attempt to create Hell on Earth is right on schedule with the Underworld ruler's arrival. Curiouser and curiouser...
Now of course, in the name of fairness, I must acknowledge some counter-arguments I anticipate in the comments. I won't try to pre-answer these challenges. This could be a great opportunity for open conversation.
Some might say that we can know Pluto's effect on the natal chart by its aspects to other planets. So for example, while Pluto may not transit all our signs or houses in our lifetime, Pluto does aspect different planets in different ways across everyone's charts. Thus, we can compare the Pluto aspects and houses in one chart between many charts, surveying a wide sample size of charts (scientific method-style) until an essence of Pluto has been deduced. The same can be done for Neptune and Uranus.
And, of course, there's always the option of remote-viewing Pluto, thus acquiring information about it through direct psychic insight/Gnosis instead of by taking some other astrologer's claims for granted.
P.S. If you're planning to defend Pluto in the comments, I have a question for you: How do you know what you know about Pluto?
Through reading? Meditation? Synchronicity?
If you're realizing now that most of what you know about Pluto in astrology comes from hearsay... it's okay. We've all operated from unchecked assumptions before. Thankfully, you have the right to change your mind!
And if you're someone who actually has acquired Gnosis of Pluto (through some means that isn't simply playing telephone with other astrologers), please comment below and share how you gno what you gno ;)