Hey, lovelings!
In 2021, I wrote this post:
Basically, I decided to remove my chakras because they no longer felt necessary, or even useful. To this day, I regret nothing.
Since then, I’ve been asked many times to explain how I did it.
And I’ll happily explain in just a moment.
But first, let me explain why I haven’t answered this question until now:
The whole point of removing my chakras was to reclaim sovereignty over my own body, beliefs, and spiritual path.
Based on my personal gnosis of chakras (my own and others’) that I gathered through energy work, I eventually came to the conclusion that chakras are not a necessary component of the energy body.
And the idea that “you can’t obtain enlightenment without opening all your chakras” became more and more illogical the more I thought about it.
Any time masses of people are parroting the same exact ideas, I get majorly suspicious. That’s how you know we’re not dealing with gnosis, but with propaganda and programming.
Anyway. Point is: This was a conclusion I reached by deeply reflecting on my observations and experiences. It was only after I internally reached the “conclusion” that I should remove my chakras, that I found out “chakra removal” is A Thing that other people have done.
Following in that same vein of sovereignty and self-sourced gnosis, I devised a ritual to remove my chakras… that was also self-sourced.
I didn’t pay someone to remove my chakras, which most people do. I find it bizarre to give anyone that much access to your energetic body, assuming they’re not just a grifter who’s claiming to remove your chakras. (How would you even prove that they did? How would you hold them accountable if they didn’t? 🤔)
I also didn’t ask anyone what I should or must do to remove them, as this would imply that someone outside me knows my Inner World better than I do.
All of that said,
if you are one of the people who asked me how I removed my chakras,
why did you ask?
I don’t mean to load my question here, but there are a few possibilities I can think of, the disempowered of which are:
not believing you’re capable of finding out for yourself
wanting someone to “give you” the answer
believing you know the correct way to remove chakras, and wanting me to explain my process just so you can pick it apart
thinking that there’s only One Way to remove your chakras that applies equally to everyone — so if you follow the same steps as me, you’ll achieve the same results
actually being one of those paid “chakra removal specialists” who wants to lift ideas from my post & sell them as your own
^ Those are the possibilities that I take issue with.
I will take this opportunity to remind you that you don’t need me, or anyone, to tell you how to deal with your own energy. It’s yours. All yours.
But if you asked because:
you’re just curious 🤪
you want to hear my answer so you can feel what resonates and what doesn’t, taking what’s useful and leaving out the rest
you plan to customize your own chakra removal ritual, and want ideas for the kinds of actions/spells you can include in your own process
this post was synchronistically brought to you on your own chakra removal journey
then I’m happy to share! 🌈
Without further ado, here’s what I did:
I chose a date I perceived as astrologically important (which is something I might not bother to do anymore, as my feelings towards the relationship between astrology and fate have since changed)
I removed all distractions from my environment (turned my phone off, etc.) — as one would do for any magickal ritual involving clear focus
I made a bold proclamation that This Is My Space, and authoritatively banished all entities who intended to influence or interfere with my ritual
I proclaimed my authority to do with my energy as I so desired, and verbalized my liberation from programmed narratives about the chakras that came from anywhere other than my True Self
One by one, I began commanding my chakras to dissolve, starting with “all chakras that descend beyond my feet,” then moving up from root to sacral, etc. … until eventually commanding “all chakras that ascend above my head” to dissolve. With each dissolution command, I strongly visualized that chakra dissolving into oblivion, never to be seen again
After each dissolution command, I commanded all the energy that had ever been siphoned through that chakra to return to the center of my energetic body, for me — and only me — to use as I desired.
Then I strongly visualized the once-lost energy culminating from all corners of the universe into a sphere of undifferentiated light, before pouring back into my center. With each round of reclaimed energy, the “central sun” I was visualizing in my core got bigger and brighter, eventually extending beyond my physical body into my auric fieldAfter my chakras were dissolved, I commanded the Kundalini Snake to leave my spine immediately and permanently, and banished it to the Void. (I may have also visualized crushing its head with my heel)
I blanket-commanded all energetic insertions, traps, and artifices to dissolve at once, freeing my entire energy field to flow in perfect harmony and coherence
I sealed my energy field across all lifetimes, timelines and dimensions from any attempts at chakra re-insertion by anyone other than myself, and in no state of mind other than the light of fully intentional conscious awareness
I made some spontaneous proclamations about my reclaimed power, the details of which I don’t remember. I just let the words flow freely. There were probably some expressions of gratitude involved
Aaaannndddd that was that!
Following Up
So how do I know my chakras have been removed?
I simply don’t think about myself in terms of chakras anymore.
In the past, I might’ve had an ovarian cyst and thought, “Guess my sacral chakra is out of balance, better meditate on that.” Or, I might feel isolated and think, “I should do a heart chakra meditation.”
I was in the bad habit of compartmentalizing myself, and thinking that this was the righteous, “spiritual” thing to do. Now it doesn’t even cross my mind to do that anymore!
When I feel discomfort in a specific body part, or a difficult emotion, I no longer think of it as a problem associated with one chakra — now, it’s part of the bigger picture of Who I Am, which can’t be fragmented off into pieces.
(I can see now, how chakras — as I’ve described them here — aren’t compatible with the gnosis that “everything is connected” or “everything is one.”)
The mere absence of “chakras” as a part of my self-concept is evidence enough. But I also, genuinely, don’t feel my chakras anymore. I used to feel my chakras, especially during meditation. Now I just… don’t.
There’s a coherence to my energy body, now that it’s not segmented off into colors and layers. Like I said in my original post, it’s the difference between being naked and wearing clothing.
I could consult a clairvoyant to “confirm” that I’ve genuinely removed my chakras. But let’s say I did that, and the clairvoyant said “I see your chakras.”
How would I be able to guarantee that they aren’t just projecting from their own expectation to see chakras there?
I wouldn’t!
And that’s what it really comes down to. Gnosis.
Yet again: Only you can say what your chakras feel like, how they function, etc.
Part of the journey of chakra removal, in my opinion, is developing the willingness to be your only witness and to act according to your own intuition, regardless of the pressures and obligations others may try to put on you.
Instead of asking “Am I doing this right?” or “Should I do this at all?” it might be more in-sight-full to ask yourself who you answer to.
Do you answer to random New Agers on the internet who’ve invested their identity into the concept of chakras and therefore can’t tolerate a difference of perspective…
I removed mine 10 years ago. It just made sense. The biggest shift I didn't even notice until about a year after removing them and that was that I no longer suffered from depression. And haven't since. I always felt I was being "attacked" through my solar plexus and that is no longer the case. Peace.
Thank you for this and for so many other posts to spark new conversations around an old way of understanding. 🙏