Symbolism is cool and all, but the moon can make much much more than just ripples, even if it's an infinitesimal rock compared to the sun, if it were to fall, for example, we would all die and if it were to leave, we would also all die. It's also thought to have emerged from the earth. The sun does no have it's own light, rather it's the nuclear fusion of atoms within that leads to that, so men would be powerful only because of the immense fight between the forces of collapse and the forces of unity or identity.

Also, why is the sun masculine? or the moon femenine? Do they copulate? Do they have genitals?

IDK really, but while symbolic connections have significant weight, they also have a lot more to do with the psychological makeup of the interpreter than they do with an "objective" reality, whatever that would be.

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I love this because (to me) the point wasn't really what one "believes" about the earth's shape, etc. Rather, yer compelling us to think more metaphorically, symbolically, and esoterically.

Let's talk about this concept on a podcast very soon! 🙂

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I'm in! 🤩

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It was a great discussion, all of it! @Alicen, I particularly loved that bit about the sun’s size & proximity... how, symbolically (metaphorically?) that can be used to look at where we might situate (our own) light.

My personal story with it: I started to become, ahem, shape-curious in Jan 2021 after being astounded that a very smart friend alluded to their belief in FE. I looked into it (am still looking into it) and it’s now where I go for light -- pardon the pun -- relief, to take a break from all the heaviness of these calamitous times, aka when I want to reflect on the marvel of creation and energy. Recently I learned about the toroidal shape and that makes a lot of sense in terms of *basic* physics and I’m still learning. I feel lucky that today I can still easily say, “I know so little” (which I’ve always known) and that our realm is far more incredible than I could ever have imagined. ✨

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"Shape curious"! I love that! And I love hearing about your journey to new perspectives of Earth. Yes, it's so good to just marvel at creation. Thank you for sharing ✨️💓

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Before anybody comes at me: I meant to say that in Globe Earth Theory, gravity is a result of earth's MASS, not size. I'm on my phone so I can't edit the article 😛

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Feb 9, 2023
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Just had to look up naive realism, and I wish I'd known the name of this phenomenon sooner. So useful. Thanks for bringing it to my awareness!

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