As I have stated elsewhere, it is worth keeping in mind that humans are now capable of making very lifelike genetically engineered, cloned and/or cybernetically augmented "entities" which would appear as though they are "extraterrestrial" to the untrained eye.

Corporate entities such as EG&G, S.A.I.C., Battelle, and those that work in the Dulse complex, compartmented military operations (such as "Blackjack Control") are run out of Fort Huachuca as well as Kirtland Airforce Base and are involved in the psyops (that utilize physical craft and advanced technological assets) to manufacture fear in the general population towards our cosmic neighbors.

If you look at the long history of psyops and false flags (see: the “Blood libels” for one example) and then extrapolate the potential use of the kind of material people like Linda Moulton Howle are putting out in that context, you can begin to see how MILABS and staged mutilations (being blamed on ETs) can serve a very specific purpose.

Words are powerful because they shape how we will think and act. If the only words we use to describe the human-Extraterrestrial relationship are negative, fear-based, and xenophobic, words like "alien", "alien agenda", "UFOs posing a national security threat", “abductions” and “mutilations” we are falling right into the traps that have been set up by those that have a vested interest in keeping the general population perpetually afraid of some big bad boogie man they can point at.

Some of the operations involved are listed in this document (and are still active) https://archive.org/details/nro-doc

High ranking military people that actively sought to get control of said operations through the proper chain of command were stone walled, threatened and told they do not have a need to know (when some of them refused to stop investigating, they were killed). We are talking about illegal operations that not only scoop up tax payer DOD money but also have their own funding mechanisms (some traffic narcotics some are involved in even more unpleasant racketeering operations). When Senator Daniel Inouye gave testimony about what he described as a “shadow government”, this is what he was talking about. ( Re: Senator Daniel Inouye on the shadow government: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EbFphX5zb8w )

The group that runs the illegal operations relating to this topic started really gaining influence and moving beyond the reach of the proper chain of command, the reach of the law and really any meaningful transparency/accountability around the time when Eisenhower was in office. ( Dwight Eisenhower's 1961 warning about the Military-Industrial Complex: https://rumble.com/v296bdy-dwight-eisenhowers-1961-warning-about-the-military-industrial-complex.html )

The name of this group that manages the ET presence, related back-engineered technology and related psychological warfare operations was originally Majestic 12 but it has changed over the decades (my sources indicate that more recently it was called "PI-40"). (For more intel on the above described racketeering operation and their bases of operation see: https://archive.org/details/project-aquarius-11-pages )

Early Psychological Warfare Research and the Rockefeller Foundation: https://www.globalresearch.ca/early-psychological-warfare-research-and-the-rockefeller-foundation

Interstellar civilizations do not need to take big tissue samples to study organisms they want to learn about, and they do not want to colonize our planet that is an anthropomorphization. They have a lot better things to do than mess with cows and abduct humans and there are plenty of planets with ideal biospheres that are not inhabited by technologically advanced civilizations to live on.

When it comes to the "Aliens want to eat us" or the terraforming or "aggressive colonizer alien" theories, this kind of thinking flies in the face of simple logic when you consider the modern astrophysics data on the number of Earth like exo-planets that exist in our Galaxy. Why would a civilization (whether it is trans-dimensional or just physical and interstellar) go to the trouble of coming all the way here to eat humans when they obviously had a food source that allowed them to get by before coming here and why would they go to all the trouble of having to clash with/exterminate an existing civilization on a world so they can terraform it, when there are countless uninhabited worlds available for terraforming that have the same characteristics of a planet like Earth (perhaps even more helpful resources in some cases) that would not require that extra effort to colonize? Again, this "aliens are eating children", terraforming/'invading aliens' idea (which is pushed into people’s subconscious via countless psyop films/tv shows) is an illogical anthropomorphization.

There is a part of us that has been conditioned to be xenophobic so when people tell fearful stories related to these topics it is easy to allow our conditioned responses to shape our worldviews, it is a lot more comfortable than re-imagining our place in Creation and the universe.. so much easier to just demonize and dismiss.

They have been setting the stage for this for decades, just look at all the fearful movies.

If we go throwing blanket labels and judgments at all visitors that portray them as “evil invading, cattle mutilating, abducting aliens” we are like a person in Germany that fell for the “Blood Libel” propaganda and started to believe that Jewish people were eating children, thereby dehumanizing them and opening the gateway for war and genocide. Or we are like the person that hears a German accent and assumes the person is a fascist. These kinds of bigoted, fearful and irrational generalizations are a sure path to ugliness and fruitless conflict and something I suggest we should strive to avoid.

We need to be careful not to allow our ingrained proclivity for xenophobia and tribalism to be preyed upon by those seeking to use psychological warfare to perpetuate their war profiteering and population control operations.

Thus, rather than allowing fear and xenophobia to color our perception of this facet of our reality, I implore all interested in learning about (and engaging with this aspect of our reality) to be skeptical, use discernment, watch out for knee jerk reactions, pay close attention for “blood libel” and “a new pearl harbor” type psyops and use their own critical thinking and intuitive capacities to perceive what is true and what is not.

Our choices now (and our choices on the day they unleash this planned 'cosmic' false flag if they are allowed to get that far) will determine what kind of future we live in and what kind of future the generations that come after us will experience on Earth.

When the day comes that those who control the media decide to tell the world that we are living in an interstellar community teaming with intelligent life, exercising a keen sense of discernment and tapping into our innate intuitive capacities so we can tell what is truth and what is not will be of paramount importance.

All that I said above is not to say that there are no such thing as self-interested extraterrestrial entities, but rather it is to say that most appear to be either benign and/or compassionate and painting them all with the same brush because of the activities of one or a group of individuals from one species is irrational, "racist"/specist and counter-intuitive.

I have learned that (though Dr. Steven Greer seems to avoid acknowledging this reality) there are less advanced interstellar civilizations which visit here as well (with the members of their species possessing varying degrees of integrity, compassion and social maturity) but these rogues make up a minority and though some of the individual members of these civilizations have engaged in somewhat nefarious activities, these are the actions of rogue criminals, and not representative of the intent nor nature of their respective species (nor the civilization/world they originated from) as a whole.

From what I gather, this main group of the visitors has seen how detrimental it can be when they force an awareness of their presence upon more primitive cultures (like humans) on other worlds, as this results in either xenophobic fear based reactions and/or them being deified and put on some pedestal and worshipped.

The prominent group that seems to represent a consensus of the majority of advanced interstellar civilizations from our galaxy (and perhaps beyond) that engage the Earth seems to be in essence choosing to connect/communicate with to those humans who wish to help in laying the foundation for a more peaceful, regenerative, compassionate, honorable and responsible civilization on earth (and beyond). This, however, does not appear to be any kind of indication that they will fix everything and clean up our mess for us.

Therefore, I would suggest that making an effort to open lines of communication with all of the various interstellar species that are here now (whether they are rogue criminals engaging in nefarious actions or united groups of individuals/species working in concert towards compassionate goals) should be our priority so that we can find clarity and sturdy footing at inhabitants of Earth and be able ot see through the government/cabal psyops to understand what is really going on and who we are really dealing with as far as our cosmic neighbors are concerned.

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I'd love to get your opinion on some of the interdimensional experiences I've just started posting. https://ce5master.substack.com/

One of them brought a slow, low flying, black, unmarked helicopter over my home after notifying the press about a round crop circle-type orb whizzing around. You'll see it all on my site. Ping me if interested in chatting.

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