Jan 15·edited Jan 15Liked by Alicen Grey

As a fellow ideonaut I would like to humbly offer you a collection of new ideas and perspectives to breath in sister.

A few things that are important to understand regarding the thriving interstellar (and interdimensional) community that is all around us.

- Most interstellar civilizations (civilizations that have homes on physical planets in other solar systems than ours) use technology to traverse between star systems (and sometimes galaxies) which involves traversing interdimensional barriers (thus, they are as a pre-requisite TDI or trans-dimensional interstellar civilizations).

- There are also civilizations that are purely interdimensional (they exist in other dimensional planes and are capable of traversing into our dimension via either the use of technology or endogenous capabilities).

- Not all things that go 'bump in the night' (those entities that appear and/or connect with one's mind without one's consent and sometimes attempt to engage in invasive/nefarious activities) are extraterrestrial, in fact most are either humans pretending to be extraterrestrials, or extradimensional entities.

Have you seen this film?


After 10 years plus researching this topic (and having some life changing personal experiences related to this) I have concluded that here are many different advanced cultures who are here now, and thus many different reasons for observation and interaction. That being said, I should start by saying that I do believe there is a coherent intent and motivation on the part of a majority of these interstellar civilizations regarding their interest and interactions with humanity (that being to study, connect with and assist those who choose to operate in a 'compatible state of being' and 'relative clarity of consciousness') so that they may in turn assist the rest of humanity to remember who and what they and take steps towards a more integrous and peaceful civilization on Earth (that can one day become part of a 'federation' of interstellar cultures). I do not however see them as saviors, but rather as compassionate beings offering helping hand and guidance to those who are ready to step up and lead by example for the rest of humanity.

From what I gather this main group of the visitors has seen how detrimental it can be when they force an awareness of their presence upon more primitive cultures (like humans) on other worlds, as this results in either xenophobic fear based reactions and/or them being deified and put on some pedestal and worshipped. Neither are conducive to the natural evolution and advancement of civilizations and so they opt for a more gentle introduction of their presence into the consciousness of developing worlds (which are not yet interstellar capable). This more prominent group that seems to represent a consensus of the majority of advanced interstellar civilizations from our galaxy that engage the Earth is in essence offering an open invitation to those humans who wish to help in laying the foundation for a more peaceful, regenerative, compassionate, honorable and responsible civilization on earth (and beyond). These beings communicate via directed thought forms (sometimes augmented by technological communication arrays which can detect, record, transmit and amplify said coherent thought forms.) There are specific methods of 'coherent consciousness training' (aka meditation) that can help one develop the mental capacities which enable open communication with those that use the above described method to communicate. The CE-5 protocols (developed by Dr. Steven Greer) are effective to those who seek to initiate contact.

There are also others (interstellar visitors) here for passive observation and study ("anthropologists", "geneticists" "botanists" etc).

I would be remiss if i did not also address the darker side of human's perception of our cosmic neighbors in this age of wide spread propaganda and targeted psychological warfare tactics (on the part of humans). I think it`s also important to point out that the vast majority of instances which individuals report being 'abducted by aliens' are in fact operations being carried out by humans in the black ops area of the military. These 'MILABS' are part of an ongoing psychological warfare campaign aimed at propagating fear and animosity in humanity towards our cosmic neighbors. Corporations such as EG&G are involved in the manufacturing of advanced radio frequency / scalar wave implant technology that are used in these operations. Bases such as the underground complex at Dulce are involved in growing/manufacturing what are referred to as P.L.F.s (programmed lifeforms), these "E.T'" looking facsimiles are used on board anti gravity craft (back engineered "ufo-s" that were at one time referred to as A.R.V.-s) to grab people and simulate 'alien abductions'.

Any civilization that has travelled here across the vastness of interstellar space has moved beyond the need to 'harvest embryos' or put implants in organic tissue, if they wanted genetic material to study or manipulate they would need only a single fallen skin cell or hair. Their technology is at the point where distances in 3 dimensional time space do not inhibit the sensitivity of their instruments, if they want to closely observe an individual they can do so with detail and precision from space without any need to stick a physical object in their body. The intelligence communities (enforcement arms of the "Cabal", a transnational racketeering organization that draws its influence from oil, war, fear and domination of our fiat currency based economy) on earth has worked very hard to pump out fear on this topic (through hollywood, 'science' , and black ops like i just described) because for humanity to acknowledge and learn about the reality of the thriving peaceful interstellar community all around us would mean the end of their modes of control, profit, and dominion on earth. They are humans with technology a century ahead of anything available to the public, but humans non the less.

(continued in another comment below..)

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