Aug 26Liked by Alicen Grey

Very timely. I just watched a "well regarded" series that had quite a lot of violence and not only felt very troubled for humanity by how much entertainment is equated with violence, still, to this day, but I also walked away feeling icky on a soul level. So, on the plus side I've been reading more.

Also, why is my hot astral sex always with men from my past? Lol. Gotta point it toward the future!

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Krishna’s just reiterating the principle of Karma.

The ones who choose death will get death. Truth alone is immortal; all else is mortal. Therefore, all else is prone to death. The one who is not choosing Truth, has already chosen death.

Death lies then not in the future, but in the event of the choice. And Krishna makes it abundantly clear and repeatedly clear that you will get what you choose. “Even I will come to you as per your choice; even I will behave and reciprocate to you according to your inclination.”

So all the Kaurava warriors, by the dent of the very fact that they are standing opposite to Krishna, have chosen something that is not Krishna, obviously. Had they chosen Truth, they would not have been found standing opposed to Krishna, right? So they had a choice to make. And what is the choice that they have made? The choice is to oppose Krishna. Krishna is Truth. The ones who have opposed Krishna have already chosen death for themselves.

And that’s what Krishna is saying. Krishna is saying that “they’ve already chosen death. You simply act as the means to deliver to them what they have chosen for themselves, ‘Nimitt Maatr’. You are in a sense just carrying out their wishes. You are not even killing them; you are just bowing to their own desire. You are just fulfilling their will.” That’s what Krishna is saying here, and that’s also a template on how to behave with people: give them what they have chosen. That is spirituality, and that is justice.

from: https://acharyaprashant.medium.com/why-does-krishna-say-that-the-kauravs-are-already-dead-403ca02e6584

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Aug 26Liked by Alicen Grey

Thank you, bestie, for including my posts in this epic, much-needed, Utopian essay! 🙏 May your words accelerate the momentum back toward the garden. I'm so grateful to be on this wavelength with you... ❤️

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)

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