Amusing Ourselves to Life: A Conversation with the Man of My Dreams
What would entertainment look like in Utopia?
There’s a man I’ve been seeing in my dreams for the past 3 years.
He’s exactly my type, of course, and my dreams of him range from your basic (but very hot) sex dreams, to full-on astral journeys full of strange symbolism and profound epiphanies.
The most vivid dream I’ve had with him, to date, occurred on January 29th of this year. There were a few different “scenes” in this dream, but this one part stood out:
We witnessed a car crash involving a police car, and we both saw a woman literally get out of her car to watch the drama. In some way or another, I got the impression that many people found this car chase very interesting.
So I decided to tell him that I didn’t find that kind of drama entertaining, and I mused about what the world would look like if we were entertained by higher things. Like instead of being entertained by a car crash, what if we were seeking entertainment in heavenly things?
I really felt him take me seriously and start thinking about it with me. Together, we contemplated what utopian entertainment would look like as we walked down the street, away from the car crash that other people were gathering around.
This dream-scene circles back to my awareness every time I see yet another stupid, pointless rage-bait story making the rounds in the Human Collective.
The recent outrages incited by the 2024 Olympics — over its devilish opening ceremony, perversion of womanhood, and so-called “breakdancing” — are a useful example of what I’m talking about.

So far, the 2024 Olympics have provided plenty of material for memes, reaction videos, outraged articles, and seemingly inescapable workplace water cooler conversations about the blatant clownery.
But this is about so much more than the Olympics — so if you were gearing up to comment on this post in defense of your own Olympics critiques, please consider not wasting my time, thank you.
Beyond the Olympics, humanity seems to tend towards being easily stimulated by whatever irritant is currently rippling across the Collective Consciousness.
Think about what passes as entertainment, generally:
Serial killer documentaries.
Celebrity scandals.
Political drama.
Really cringe-y, embarrassing porn.
Music that confuses hatred with love.
Sports that are completely staged and rigged.
“Modern art.”
And so on.
And so on.
The dominant “entertainment industry” is a clusterfuck of falsehoods, violence, misanthropy, confusion, degeneracy, and pro-death sentiments.

The fact that public executions once drew massive crowds like this, haunts our Collective Consciousness to this day. We may not publicly gather to watch people being killed anymore, but some people still pay good money to watch boxers beat the shit out of each other, sometimes to the point of permanent injury.
Why do we enjoy watching bloodshed, butchery, degeneracy and destruction?
Why are we fascinated by anti-creation? — by death?
^ Notice how almost all English synonyms for “to get attention” allude to enslavement, soul-binding, indebtedness, loss, deception, and mind control.
This is because our Consciousness is who and what we are.
When our Conscious attention is successfully “gotten” by lower things — drama, non-sense, and reaction bait — we drain our True Power into the darker, denser realms, and thereby fail to access higher realms. Like Heaven. Like Utopia.
Essentially: we become Consciousness Slaves, chained down to the Land of the Dead.
"Orwell warns that we will be overcome by an externally imposed oppression. But in Huxley's vision, no Big Brother is required to deprive people of their autonomy, maturity and history. As he saw it, people will come to love their oppression, to adore the technologies that undo their capacities to think."
— from “Amusing Ourselves to Death” by Neil Postman
Even me writing a post about this, is a version of “focusing on lower things,” in that I’m dwelling on my own disappointment about what humanity dwells on. How meta!
So I’ll make one more point:
You cannot be sovereign and free until you learn to regulate your own emotions.
The current president isn’t the reason for your existential discontent.
Neither is any celebrity, or Olympic drama, or sensationalized news story.
Regardless of how much your Hypno-TV or Non-Sense Newsfeed tries to convince you that you must care about [insert latest stupid trending topic here], this truth remains:
It doesn’t matter unless you make it matter.
That’s what Consciousness does. It matters. It materializes (matter-ializes) thoughts into reality.
Thus: the version of the world you’re seeing, is the version you’re freely choosing to focus on.
Be mind-full with that power.
And now, I will turn back towards our contemplation of higher things.
Back to the Garden
In a recent article, my bestie mused:
In the pre-fall Garden of Eden, I like to believe that Adam and Eve sat around having relaxing, esoteric, profound, and egalitarian conversations about topics that we might not be able to comprehend today.
Adam and Eve were fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image. For a while, they lived up to this reality and it surely must have been transcendent.
We are also fearfully and wonderfully made in God’s image but, these days would rather spend our time arguing online about trivialities.
Our collective tolerance and attachment to the blatant distractions, false conflicts, and copious abominations being imposed upon us are obviously not improving anyone’s quality of life.
What then is stopping us from shrugging off the diabolical chains of ego-driven sin and making our way back to the garden?
I hope I haven’t left you with the impression that our current entertainment options are totally bad.
Uplifting content exists! It’s out there. Seek and ye shall find.
In fact, I’ll get you started by directing you once again to
’s Substack, where he regularly shares a bunch of uplifting, inspiring, heart-warming videos in posts like this one:And not only is Utopian entertainment “out there” waiting to be found — it’s also “in here” in your very own Inner World! — a.k.a. Your Imagination.
You know you can imagine absolutely anything, right?
Abundant wealth!
Total holistic healing!
Hot astral sex with the man of your dreams! 😉
I say this from experience: The more time I spend developing my inner eye through manifestation, mindfulness meditation, and dreamwork, the less I give a shit about whatever the news tells me to care about.
Once you learn to see vividly into higher planes of love, joy, and gratitude, you’ll also begin to see that what passes for “creativity” in the Land of the Dead is an absolute insult to your soul, and you will no longer wish to give it your attention.
The dead can create nothing. That’s why they need our attention to be fixed on their perverse fantasies and soul-draining dramas, to create it all for them… spiritually killing ourselves in the process.
In closing, I invite you to join me and my dream lover in contemplating this question:
What if instead of amusing ourselves to death, we amused ourselves to life?
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NOTE: “ON UGLYNESS and THE SECRETS OF THE ANGLERFISH” now exists in physical paperback form! Get it here.
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Thank you, bestie, for including my posts in this epic, much-needed, Utopian essay! 🙏 May your words accelerate the momentum back toward the garden. I'm so grateful to be on this wavelength with you... ❤️
"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2)
Very timely. I just watched a "well regarded" series that had quite a lot of violence and not only felt very troubled for humanity by how much entertainment is equated with violence, still, to this day, but I also walked away feeling icky on a soul level. So, on the plus side I've been reading more.
Also, why is my hot astral sex always with men from my past? Lol. Gotta point it toward the future!