I am heading to listen to the author of The Bitcoin Standard tonight. There is a lot you write here that feels both interesting and powerful. Whilst determining my own life choices, there is a lot I think about around all of this. I don't feel called to live on my own, farming (although I am also intrigued and believe it is possible to live on prana). Someone spoke to me of living a thinly tethered life and not owning many things. That I have embraced and I do find it freeing. But day to day, the right next step that embraces sovereignty for me, is a question with which I walk. Just like you speak of regarding energies in "spiritual" groups as they relate to money, I encounter people who do the same thing regarding Bitcoin. Rigidity. A lack of openness in a quest for sovereignty. Much of what I see appears to me like developmental stages we all go through as children to adults. It appears to me that there is a big thrust to grow out of a child-like state with authority outside oneself. Yet the path to that also has stages. Right now, I am inclined to not poke the beast and to continue to observe things and take careful steps in this world that is changing so dramatically. I really like what you are writing. I am very happy to have found you. Today, I wrote about "I matter" and then I put up separately, my first post behind a paywall. It is an experiment for me. I am not quite sure how or why...but it is definitely a big move on my part and I am interested to see what happens with it. I read a book called Happy Money and I think about it a lot. It is off topic perhaps, of what you speak of here. However, I have become more aware of the energy I feel and the energy with which I spend money. Regardless of the form. And I wish to learn to receive. But the energy I receive is quite important too isn't it? I don't want to receive money that is coated in clouds of negative energy. Perhaps that is also why I have struggled to charge people for things. I am constantly doing my best to be of service...always quietly. Part of me has definitely desired to live in a world that exists without the need for money as a form of exchange. And not some dystopian reality. A reality where people express their creativity and basic needs are just fulfilled. Energy is not a commodity.

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Money was sold as an idea, that it was a convenient means of exchange. Then it was used to bribe people, who then legally by way of fraud created the appearance of Fiat currency. Exchanging debt instead of value. All of it is a means to an end, which is absolute control ( CBDC).

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Your article sparked a question for me. If the Globalists are pushing for an entirely digital currency and want to do away with cash entirely. Where will they put their symbols without cash and coins? Something to ponder. I mean obviously they put their symbols everywhere in the media and on logos etc., but in regards to actual currency, how will they incorporate their symbolism in a digital system.

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A great question! My first thought is that the digital platform itself is called the "blockchain" which may be a reference to the block to which slaves were chained for auctioning to the highest bidder. So the name alone is highly symbolic. There's also the fact that "crypto-currency" clearly means the currency of the Dead. I know not all digital currency is crypto necessarily, but still. Lots to ponder in those two things already.

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Digital is the realm of the unliving/ethereal/energetic but without life. A big con coming is the promise to digitize you so you can live forever. They will create believable algorithms that do a copy of what you did and people will fall for it, right into the woodchipper. Poof. Gone.

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Apr 22Liked by Alicen Grey

Alicen Grey, you just gained a new paying subscriber! I don't know where you're headed but I, for one, want to be along for the ride! And, yes, I've fastened my seatbelt! Thank you!

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I just found this blog written by a man who lives without money. It's so mind-expanding! https://sites.google.com/site/livingwithoutmoney/i-know-it-is-possible-to-live-with-zero-money-abundantly

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Apr 22Liked by Alicen Grey

Alicen, here's a link to a fascinating book written about the gentleman whose blog you discovered . . . https://tinyurl.com/3k9ts8tw

And be sure to follow him on Facebook . . . https://m.facebook.com/freemeansnomoney/ His Sunday, April 7 post is quite wonderful. Countless blessings!

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So many points you have shared here. Many I have understood. Many I need to roll around in my head! Thank you.

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Apr 22Liked by Alicen Grey

Look into Maritime Admiralty Law aka The Law of Water. Then it will ALL make sense. 💧

Also if you’re interested in renunciation this is a great place to start: https://americanstateassembly.com

We need to know our current-sea before we get free.

PS Jesus was on the Delphic wave and came teach about true water codes.

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Great group. One path to more freedom. But liberty is a birthright granted by your creator. They just fooled you into forgetting.

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Alicen, I really appreciate your enlightening perspective on money and sovereignty. Questioning our relationship to money can help us to get real with what we really want and need and where we have agency and where we have unconsciously surrendered our agency for convenience. It's tricky to tease out these strands within ourselves because our beliefs about money are so emotional and get formed so early in life that they mostly dwell in the shadow regions of our psyche which can be difficult to access. Your essay inspires the type of questions that can help us get to those hidden core beliefs, which is a gift, because we can't shift those beliefs until we "see" them for what they are. Only then can we get conscious enough to be in right relationship with both sovereignty and money. Thank you!

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Signing up to the CBDC ( Central Bank Digital Currency) will be a death sentence. Avoid it like your life depends on it because it does.

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Now that's some soulful truth telling and I llike it!

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Apr 22Liked by Alicen Grey

Once again, an essay guaranteed to launch a thousand contemplations, a thousand red pills, and a thousand rabbit holes. Thank you, as always... 🙏

In Matthew 6:24, Jesus says, "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon."

Besides reminding us that greed is never compatible with virtue, could it be that Jesus was also teaching us that there's not even any need to even try serving God and mammon?

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Apr 22Liked by Alicen Grey

Methinks I'll have to re-read this one a few times...as always Alicen ~ your writing opens new pathways in the neurons...thanks for sharing your gifts.

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