Black Magick Money
On SOVEREIGNTY as the missing puzzle piece in a convoluted conversation about the relationship between materialism and spirituality
It’s midnight and I am comPELLED to rant about an annoying phenomenon in the ~spiritual community~, which is: the airy-fairy language that New Age types use to talk about money. 💰👄
Like, yes, there are dimensions of money that can be described as an "energy," "abundance" and "currency," and yes, I can entertain the premise that "money is a neutral tool" because it is symbolic in nature, and symbols don't have universal meanings.
But it feels suuuuuper disingenuous to gloss over the elements of money that are NOT NEUTRAL. 😤
Cash being minted by an exclusive, elite entity called the Treasury is not neutral.
The value of money being contingent upon manufacturing debt is not neutral.
The fact that tender is only legal if the government says so is not neutral.
The occulted secret-society symbols printed all over the coins, bills and cards we use daily are not neutral.
And the clear, obvious, aggressive push to digitalize and centralize all currency in tandem with a biosurveillance-based social credit system is not neutral.
(Although I don't intend to find myself in that future timeline, I'd be curious to see how the New Age money coaches on that timeline would explain a cashless, biometrics-based economy? If a microchip was required to participate in the economy, and I refused to get one, would that be because I'm in a “scarcity mindset”? 🙄 Please.)
Yes, you may, in a sense, "create wealth" for yourself... but if YOU do not create the symbolic tokens of value that represent that wealth, then YOU are still not in control of said wealth. Rather, you are VOLUNTARILY OPTING INTO a symbolic system wherein the rules, terms and conditions of its use have been determined FOR YOU— by magickians, by the way. 🪄🎩
This, I believe, is what Jesus meant when he said, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar." Money isn't ours. It's simply not. To participate in the monetary system is to abide by its rules, just as you agree to certain Terms and Conditions before downloading software or creating an account on social media.
Paying Taxes to Caesar
(Matthew 22:15–22; Luke 20:19–26)13 Later, they sent some of the Pharisees and Herodians to catch Jesus in His words. 14 “Teacher,” they said, “we know that You are honest and seek favor from no one. Indeed, You are impartial and teach the way of God in accordance with the truth. Is it lawful to pay taxes to Caesar or not? Should we pay them or not?”
15 But Jesus saw through their hypocrisy and said, “Why are you testing Me? Bring Me a denariusc to inspect.” 16 So they brought it, and He asked them, “Whose image is this? And whose inscription?”
“Caesar’s,” they answered.
17Then Jesus told them, “Give to Caesar what is Caesar’s, and to God what is God’s.”
And they marveled at Him.
Hating Money Misses the Point
Acting like you're being victimized by a monetary system that you freely choose to participate in is, frankly, a bitchass move. It's like checking the "Yes, I read the Terms and Conditions" box but then complaining when the software does what it said it would do in the fine print you didn't read. Nobody forced you to be here, doing this.
“But I didn’t ‘freely choose’ to have bills to pay and groceries to buy!!!”
Oh, you didn’t?
We are so accustomed to our convenient, domesticated lives that we forget we are not entitled to the conveniences that grocery stores, tap water, and the electric grid provide. No, we don’t “have to” pay bills on these things. We choose to.
If you want a bunch of other people to do the labor of routing electricity to your house, managing the supply chain that brings all your favorite foods from the farm to your local Wal-Mart, and organizing production lines to build the vehicles that get you around town… then honey, there’s a price to pay.
You can either accept radical responsibility for the clusterfuck of ongoing choices you make to maintain a lifestyle where a massive network of strangers makes your life easy as fuck so you don’t have to live like a renunciant, thereby empowering them to monopolize resources and ultimately exploit your dependence on their system,
or you can futilely complain about how you’re being personally victimized by price-gouging at the grocery store.
But you can’t have it both ways.
Not if you want to be Sovereign, anyway.
“Financial Freedom” is an Oxymoron When Money Itself is Slavery
It may seem like I’m coming down hard on people who don’t have a lot of money, but hey, I’m one of you. In fact, this post was “inspired by” my own recent revelations about some very stupid, very deep money problems I got myself into starting 3 years ago, and am only now clearing up. (So if you feel like I’m calling you out, just know that I try not to “call anyone out” for stuff I haven’t first called myself out on.)
And to be fair, it’s not exclusively poor people who are “failing” to understand what money is. Believing that one has "mastered" the money system by becoming rich is equally self-deceiving. Because no matter how rich you get, it's still not your money. As long as you aren’t personally determining the value of any bill you exchange or card you swipe, it’s someone else’s money that you’re merely borrowing on their terms. What good is a kingdom built if you built it on someone else’s land?

Now, none of this is to say that having or making money is WRONG. I try to avoid casting these conversations as moral issues.
There’s infinite room for conversations about alternative economies (like this podcast episode I did with my bestie Mickey!), reclaiming money, reinventing money, redeeming money, etc., etc.
But I think that, before we can have those conversations, we need to have the conversation about how we all got sucked into the current monetary system in the first place.
In other words: we need to do our “Shadow Work.”
I'm ready for a DEEP conversation about the occulted aspects of money. The "black magick" side of money.
I want to know what it MEANS every time we exchange a bill with the Eye of Providence and “NEW WORLD ORDER” printed on it. Are we subconsciously programing ourselves to submit to surveillance? Is that why the monetary system seems to be lending itself so easily to a transhumanist cashless hellscape where every transaction is spied upon?
Or does this suggest that money can only be amassed by people who align themselves with the NWO agenda, even inadvertently?
What does it mean when we enter into “mortgage” agreements, when “mort-gage” actually means “death pledge”? Are we pledging ourselves to death when we engage with the banks? And if so, is the monetary system fundamentally incompatible with the Pursuit of Life — a.k.a. Immortality?
These are the kinds of questions I want answers to.

This is Not the End of the Discussion
but the beginning.
If you know me, you know I love perspectives. I’ll seriously consider any perspective at least once. And right now, I want to understand what renunciation really is. Is there truth to the idea that some spiritual revelations are inaccessible to someone who’s enmeshed with the monetary system?
Something tells me that if there is genuine spiritual value in renunciation, that its power lies not in casting a generalized judgment on all things “materialistic,” but in a recognition that to participate in the monetary system, specifically, is to forfeit some degree of self-sovereignty. And this is what is actually meant by the phrase, “selling one’s soul for money.”
People get real defensive at this point, and start coming up with all sorts of elaborate, mind-twisting counter-arguments to deflect any serious, in-depth consideration of a money-free lifestyle. Perhaps the most hilarious of these arguments can be found on Joy of Satan website, which claims:
Christianity creates the problem of poverty by indoctrinating followers into believing poverty is a virtue. This takes a powerful hold subliminally, especially when it is preached in church when many are bored out of their minds and even dozing off.
Bro. What.
Jesus fed crowds with a surplus of food that he made appear out of thin air.
The fuck would he need money for?!?!
I simply cannot see how anybody could read the life story of Jesus and come to the conclusion that its only purpose is to “keep people poor.” Imagine having FREE access to a living grimoire called the Bible, which teaches you how to do telekinesis, live forever, and thrive without food… and still missing the point THAT BADLY?
Speaking of Free Energy:
I am curious about the double-meaning of “Free” in this conversation.
Free means “liberated.” It also means, “at no monetary cost.”
Hmmm… 🤔
So I want to know WHY Jesus — the ultimate Emissary of Free Energy — said that a rich man would have extreme trouble entering the kingdom of heaven. 🪡
I don't fully understand that verse yet, but I have a sneaking suspicion that it's in the same vein as realizing, as I have from my fasting practice, that — just like food and water — money isn't "needed." For anything. So the moment you decide that it IS "needed," you have handed your sovereign power over to a source outside of yourself... which, is essentially, Hell.
Need Versus Want
Before you can reside where the gods reside — Heaven — you must come to understand the difference between Need and Want.
“Need” is desperate. “Need” is infantile. “Need” is an attempt to absolve oneself of responsibility by casting oneself as a victim of one’s own desires, powerless to their intensity.
“Want,” in contrast, is sexual. It’s desirous. It’s shameless. It acknowledges choice and agency in the matter.
You don’t need money. You can, indeed, live without it. Plenty of people do — willingly and happily. Imagine that!
So the question becomes: do you want money — with all its implications about submission and sovereignty?
Or do you want the things money can buy — but have trouble imagining that it’s possible to have those things without money?
This is a limit that stops you from experiencing the fullness of God’s power.
For, after all, you were promised:
Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.
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I just found this blog written by a man who lives without money. It's so mind-expanding!
So many points you have shared here. Many I have understood. Many I need to roll around in my head! Thank you.