I don't always agree with the way you see things...

I think at some point we had something like a disagreement

but I'm grateful that you spread this message

it's rare for someone to get out of the left-right-vote-for-my-guy-or-you-aint-my-guy thinking

And I'm all for it.

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"Given the choice between "evil" and "lesser evil," I choose neither. "


Given the choice between getting punched and getting kicked I choose to play a different game.

Fuck the pro kick and pro punch discourse

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Because, and yes,I can begin a sentence with because. It's pure and simple, English.

I am not completely onboard with your thoughts and actions, however you have touched my brain.

What I am and what I will be going forward is an utter mystery to me. God has captured me in a way I cannot explain. He is the Way Forward.

I give you Grace of our Father and Savior. I don't have answers, but I ask for guidance everyday. Not from Man, but God.

Thank you for this post, and may God fill your heart with love.

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None of my business

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> The Most Important Election Ever actually takes place on a day-by-day, moment-by-moment basis.

It’s the Energetic Election fractally contained in every single choice you make —

how you spend your money,

what media you consume,

who you keep as friends,

and even the very thoughts you choose to think.

New reader here, and you nailed the real "voting" that each of us can do every day through our intentional actions. Cheers!

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if your choice is guided by God, then you are good.

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You’ve Got to Stop Votinghttps://medium.com/@dalow/you-ve-got-to-stop-voting-c8f1dd700ac7

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"But now I understand that voting is a giving-of-consent:

consent to a system that only presents evil options

and calls this “necessary.”"

Absobloodylutely. "Choose between the group that will rob you blind and the group that will rob you blind and burn down your house."

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"He who is silent is consenting; he who does not resist is accepting what will happen to him." -- Michael Nehls, MD

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Tell me your reading comprehension is zero without telling me your reading comprehension is zero.

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Being a US CITIZEN is a choice for Americans. It’s a choice we can make at any moment — to be one or not to be one. Whatever passports, drivers license, voting records you have is a declaration of conditional citizenship. Conditional on your words. United States jurisdiction only applies to US CITIZENS. It is your word in any moment that determines your status. You can go from non citizen to citizen and back again in one breath.

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The realisation that self governance under natural is the only natural way to live will become self evident very quickly.

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Thanks, Alicen. I'll be citing this in something I'm posting later. There's more understanding of this in this election than any other I've experienced. I think that's hopeful.

On I Mage a Nation, check out my post if, for nothing else, Amy Rosebush's stunning AI art:


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I share your thoughts, but there IS enough of a difference. The Democrats will operate totally outside the law. The Republicans eschew all the psycho-insane ideas the Dems have about immigration, gender, education, etc. I'll hold my nose (it's even worse: I live in a totally Blue state) and imagine I have bought some kind of absolution if the worst happens. I'll continue to live my individual life as free as I can. Do the same, girl!

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The last time I voted was in 2020, and I hadn't seen Covid for what it was yet, so I early-voted for Biden and as I drove away from the ballot box I had this overwhelming energetic sense of having been used and taken advantage of.

Now four years later it's obvious the whole thing is a giant energy siphon, (and that RFK was a way to divert the energy of the "health freedom movement" into something useless-when your new campaign manager is "ex"-CIA it's a big red neon sign that says "don't trust me") and I'm never voting again. But also I like to imagine what would happen if a critical mass of people were to not vote. We'd get a lot of scolding and lectures from the talking heads and politicians, but the jig would be up-everyone would know that everyone else knows that the system will never deliver any real change.

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EIther way WE LOSE. Both candidates are completely and despicably evil to the core. No politician will save us. WE have to do it ourselves.

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I don't believe that, Lucy. Kackles, was placed there as an MKUltra brainwashed puppet. Her brain is a mash of scrambled eggs. No platform, no focus, a mess of emotional nonsense.

DJT and his chosen team, will do some much needed reform. You will benefit, but you will never admit or give credit.

God is leading this charge.

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Yes and … much as the system is broken, corrupted, and worse.. I personally feel the RFK / Trump / Elon path will at least allow us to continue to share our perspectives.

Possible that in a few short months we return to pandemic-era censorship and whatever harmful scams come with that.

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I'm with you. (Will write in "Unacceptable Choices". )

And yes, we are each sovereign beings, so enough of this pretense. We're in charge of ourselves as soon as we claim that. Thank you for this post.

And yes!! We are the energy that frees this world.

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