1) Any progress on making that recent stream-show available to those of us who couldn't be online?

2) Well, you have livened up the joint, so I won't post a link to my usual Scarlet Pimpernel scene...but on the subject of joints rolled in biblical pages, are you aware of any studies to determine the comparative efficacy of using, say, a page from the Old Testament as opposed to a page from the New Testament? Other differentials of pages could be studied: Prophets vs Apostles, King James vs Douay, Hebrew vs Greek. I was raised in Catholic Catechism rather than Bible Study, so that about exhausts my list of proposable research topics.

Changeable mind: www.youtube.com/watch?v=QD0cE8B5Dj0&t=1s

3) From the "We don’t see things as they are. We see things as we are." imperfect analogies department, I offer this bit of humor from my fave Nobel Prize winning standup comic. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8aWBcPVPMo

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and RE: point #2, that is hilarious. I have wondered what it would be like to get high and read the gospels, and see all of Jesus's miracles through that mental filter. But Revelation? No thank you. I think I'd be traumatized.

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Well, knowing as little about the bible as someone raised Catholic typically would, the best I can say is that the gospels would be more interesting than the genealogy/lineage sections that we heard about, and were thankful to not have to read, let alone memorize. Your crew may have known them as something else, but we called them "The Begats".

Is it possible that Revelations under the influence of some entheogens might make sense? Not volunteering for a randomized double-blunt study...just wondering.

Speaking of Revelations: The Book, have you seen any videos by Dana Ashlie? She came to my attention around late 2019 or early 2020. I think most of her YT clips are still up, although I can't find one or two that I watched around four years ago. She has ideas about C-19, NWO, HAARP and related topics as well as a series that analyzes some of the prophetic things in Revelations (and maybe another book of the bible or more) that seemed very interesting wrt the current mess. She has been absent online for a couple or three years but just popped up today. If this current one is of interest, then I'm guessing her 'back catalog' will also be. When you have time... :-)


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Have you checked your spam folder? I emailed the replay to everyone immediately after the event, but a few people told me that my email went to spam. Not sure why :(

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Will check spam...I seldom have important things go to spam...maybe just usually lucky with email.

Nope...nothing from you going back from today thru 13 July.

Resend at your convenience if possible, please & Thank You.

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just direct-messaged you!

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Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Alicen Grey

got it...will start before bedtime...may have to finish tomorrow, but will start. Thanks.

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just direct-messaged you!

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Jul 23Liked by Alicen Grey

I think this quote from Anne Lamott dovetails nicely with your excellent post: "The opposite of faith is not doubt: It is certainty. It is madness. You can tell you have created God in your own image when it turns out that he or she hates all the same people you do."

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Jul 23Liked by Alicen Grey

I loved all of this but my favorite three words were: "to be continued"!

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