
On July 7th, 2024, I underwent the proper initiation ritual necessary to usher me into a not-so-secret society of immortalists dedicated to the revelation and establishment of God’s Free Energy Empire on earth.
In other words: I got baptized as a Christian. 😉
In this post, I will offer my personal, peculiar perspective on what it really means to be a Christian, amidst a sea of interpretations predicated on condemnation, hellfire and blind obedience.
Free Energy
What it comes down to, for me, is Free Energy.
Free Energy is defined as
— LOL, pause.
I (naively) just Googled a quick definition of “Free Energy” for you, and of course all the top results are blatantly biased towards hylicism, claiming Free Energy “doesn’t exist,” and Nikola Tesla’s inventions “were never proven to work,” etc. 🙄
(I see Satan’s Saturnian A.I. false-light inter-Web of Lies is doing what it was designed to do — obscure the Truth!)
So I’ll give you my own definition of Free Energy:
Free Energy is energy that is, as the name suggests, free. It is not restricted or limited by any material parameters (like the “Laws of Physics”). It also costs nothing — not money, not blood, not sacrifices.
So for example: A “free energy” electrical generator would be an electrical generator that generates an infinite amount of electricity, without relying on a finite resource like fuel or expenditures of any kind. It would not harm or kill anyone or anything in the process of creating electricity, nor would it result in waste or toxic byproducts.
But beyond the conversation about Free Energy technology, I’m more interested in the spiritual Free Energy inherent in human beings. This is why I’m always talking about psionics, psychic powers, and so on. We don’t need technology or transhumanism — we already have the True Power within us, waiting to be activated.
In order to unlock this True Power, we must grasp a few things:
Free Energy is spiritually incompatible with death.
Free Energy is the antidote to scarcity and wastefulness.
Free Energy flies in the face of everything this world believes about “how things work.”
And Free Energy is precisely what Jesus the Christ was demonstrating to us throughout his entire ministry.
Churchianity: A Mass-Misunderstanding Machine
Like an intergenerational game of telephone, what we now accept as “Christianity” is largely based on bad translations, conflicting agendas, and a whole lot of he-said-she-said.
Granted, even Jesus’s own disciples didn’t totally understand his message — and they learned directly from him.
So, due to our own inner distortions, we’ve collectively created an egregore of “Churchianity” that focuses almost exclusively on guilt, shame, fear, blind submission, and obedience, motivated largely by an avoidance of eternal hellfire.
Thankfully, though, the Christ story lives inside of each and every one of us. So as our inner state of being changes, what is revealed to us outwardly through the vehicle of the Bible changes accordingly.
Thus, as a magickian, I’ve found myself resonating strongly with, specifically, the magick overtones of Jesus’s ministry as described in the Gospels — because I’ve lived what he’s talking about.
Jesus taught telekinesis:
Matthew 17:20 says, “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”
Jesus taught physical immortality:
John 10:27-28 KJV
28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.
John 11:25-26 KJV
Jesus said unto her, I am the resurrection, and the life: he that believeth in me, though he were dead, yet shall he live: and whosoever liveth and believeth in me shall never die. Believest thou this?
Jesus demonstrated Free Energy:
John 6:5-12 — Jesus Multiplies Two Fish and Five Loaves of Bread to Feed 5,000 People
5 When Jesus looked up and saw a great crowd coming toward him, he said to Philip, “Where shall we buy bread for these people to eat?” 6 He asked this only to test him, for he already had in mind what he was going to do.
7 Philip answered him, “It would take more than half a year’s wages[a] to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!”
8 Another of his disciples, Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother, spoke up, 9 “Here is a boy with five small barley loaves and two small fish, but how far will they go among so many?”
10 Jesus said, “Have the people sit down.” There was plenty of grass in that place, and they sat down (about five thousand men were there). 11 Jesus then took the loaves, gave thanks, and distributed to those who were seated as much as they wanted. He did the same with the fish.
12 When they had all had enough to eat, he said to his disciples, “Gather the pieces that are left over. Let nothing be wasted.” 13 So they gathered them and filled twelve baskets with the pieces of the five barley loaves left over by those who had eaten.
Jesus had the power to read minds (Matthew 9:4, Matthew 12:41-44).
Jesus taught “mind over matter” when, in 3 separate incidents, he tells people that it was their own faith that healed them — not his power. (See the healing of the 10 lepers [Luke 17:11-19], the woman with the issue of blood [Matthew 9:20-22], and the restoration of sight to a blind man [Mark 10:46-52].)
I could go on, but I think you get the point:
Jesus was teaching so much more than just Ethics, Love and Redemption.
He was teaching FREEDOM.
Freedom from all limits—even the limit known as “inevitable Death.”
He was the embodiment of The Way —
that is, the way out of this Saturn-bound world of death cycles, bloodshed and perpetual sacrifice,
and the way towards Life, Life Only, and Life Forever.
Why Jesus is Still Relevant Today
An undeniably important aspect of Jesus’s ministry was about how to Love people.
This is because Love and Free Energy are essentially the same. So when you make a practice of Loving others — including strangers — you are viscerally experiencing what Free Energy feels like.
I only recently got “put onto” this after reading The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn.
This book found me after a looonnngggg journey of me actively trying to become more “greedy.” See, I’ve always struggled with money. The whole thing just never made sense to me. It’s “necessary” to live… and yet some people have more of it than others? As if some people deserve to live more than others?
Deep in my soul, I knew this was wrong. Yet I tried very hard to program myself to like money — to lust for it, even — as influenced by the likes of instagram “coaches” who claimed to make 10k, 50k, even 100k per month because they “undid all their money ‘blocks’ and stopped feeling guilty about wanting more, more, more!”
But despite my best efforts, I couldn’t find it in myself to want more money than I needed. When I read The Treasure Principle, I finally understood why.
The Treasure Principle makes the case that true adherence to Jesus’s teachings entails a life of radical generosity — only buying & using what you truly need, and giving everything else away.
This is because everything “we” “own” (all our money, possessions, assets) actually belongs to God. We are merely stewards of God’s wealth. And God wants to bless others through the vehicle of us… but God can only do this, if we allow the wealth to flow through our hands, knowing that God will meet our needs as we help meet others’ needs.
This resonated beyond words, y’all.
I immediately donated half my clothes and a bunch of other stuff to a rehab/shelter where it would be freely given to people in need (rather than resold by a thrift store), stripping my life down to only the essentials. Then I started giving 5s, 10s and 20s to every homeless person I saw.
I felt blissful! Now I understood the meaning of “cheerful giver”!
So this was the missing piece in my lifelong struggle with money! Even though I had never been a “greedy” person, I was still largely self-centered when making decisions about money. For example, I’d never created a budget and thought “What percentage of this will be given away specifically to help others?”… until now.
Now, I see that my life is meant to be lived in service to others. There is no better feeling than showing people even a sliver of God’s infinite, abundant provision by giving to them with no expectation of return, just as the Sun shines on everyone, and just as our Creator gives to us.
And even after I lost my job last week, I continued to give away the cash I had on hand, trusting — sincerely, genuinely trusting — that God, the Infinite Source of All, would provide for me.
And God did provide! Within a few hours of announcing I’d lost my job, my readers donated so much money that I was no longer in crisis.
I felt so held.
So safe.
So Loved.
For the first time in my life, I experienced something I can only describe as “Heaven on Earth” — everybody looking out for each other. Keeping the wealth Free-ly flowing, helping instead of hoarding.
This is Heaven, here and now!
This is Love!
This is the genius design of God’s Free Energy Empire!
I screamed at God for the starving child until I saw the starving child was God screaming at me.
God’s Free Energy Empire
As momentum builds towards the 2024 presidential election here in the USA, I finally see how silly it is to be emotionally invested in the kayfabe theater that is worldly government. God’s Free Energy Empire is the only one I care to build here on earth.
Free Energy is so free, in fact, that it even transcends the imaginary boundaries of nations, races, and political divides… and unite us as one people, like a worldwide empire of Sovereigns.
Unlike the “New World Order” which seeks to control and enslave humanity, God’s New Earth seeks to set everyone Free.
In summary:
Jesus was teaching people Free Energy, and I am earnest about learning what he taught.
Nothing else matters, suddenly. I see that my life is, and has always been, for others. I no longer care about making a name for myself, or making more money, or any of the other selfish things I used to pursue. I just want us all to be Free, and to know that we are Loved. Loved in eternity. Loved beyond what earthly language can describe.
For the reasons outlined above, I have publicly taken my baptismal initiation, witnessed in-person and via photographs shared online, to signify my seriousness about progressing along the path of Free Energy.
Though I was baptized as a girl, I was unconscious then. I had no idea, the significance of baptism. This time, as a sovereign adult, I’m freely and consciously choosing to be initiated into Jesus Christ’s mission.
And unlike typical secret societies, God’s Free Energy Empire keeps no secrets. You wanna learn telekinesis? Well then, let’s learn. Let’s talk about it openly. Casually. Everybody, get in on this! There are no “elites.” Nobody is more deserving of this knowledge than anyone else.
Free Energy for all!
Thanks for reading, lovelings!
Just a reminder: I’m hosting my first live online even this Saturday, July 13th! The tickets are pay-what-you-wish. I’d love to see you there!
I feel compelled to repeat these words of yours here:
"Thankfully, though, the Christ story lives inside of each and every one of us. So as our inner state of being changes, what is revealed to us outwardly through the vehicle of the Bible changes accordingly."
Amen to that