Amen to that

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I pretty much agree with what you write about Jesus, e.g. money and free energy. I also like this bit:

"Like an intergenerational game of telephone, what we now accept as “Christianity” is largely based on bad translations, conflicting agendas, and a whole lot of he-said-she-said."

This is my experience of Christianity too, which is why I no longer regard myself as a Christian. In fact, I suspect what we know of as 'Christianity' has very little to do with Jesus Christ. It's more of a Pauline religion I'd suggest.

Maybe you found a branch or a version of Christianity that promotes your interpretation of what Jesus was really about? Is that why you became a Christian?

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"Pauline" is an excellent succinct summary of my remaining resentment towards the egregore of Churchianity. And no, honestly, i haven't found a denomination of Christianity that aligns with my personal interpretation, because my personal interpretation is that Jesus was teaching us how to be physically Immortal. If there are any churches out there teaching this, then I don't know about them! I've arrived at these perspectives largely through Gnosis. So that's why I've begun writing about it. I plan to map out all my theories into a coherent body of work over time. Haven't decided on a name for "my" Christ-centered immortalist transmissions yet. Chrysticism? (As in, a portmanteau of Christianity and mysticism?)

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Thank you for replying. You're engaged in a fascinating line of investigation. Best wishes in your research.

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All religion is an energy story!

All the structures that deceive (illusion) are built the same as Eve from the cage of Atom/Adam. (Rib cage metaphor)

Matter is the prison/prism refractory of light. Magnetism and Dielectricity the co eternal, inseparable holos with the son (hybrid) equal all trinitys.

Here’s more syncretism that you may enjoy.



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Jul 22Liked by Alicen Grey

Hi Alicen, for more on Free Energy, I recommend these exact versions of these books: (1) The Interior Castle, by Saint Teresa of Avila, translated by Mirabai Starr, and (2) Autobiography of a Yogi, by Paramhansa Yogananda, original 1946 edition plus bonus material (blue cover version).

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Jul 12Liked by Alicen Grey

Hi, Alicen. When I looked at the third picture from your baptism the following thought came to mind:

"Joy is the flag flown from the castle when the King is in residence". I believe it's from an old Christian song.

On another note, after reading your post the following verse came to mind:

"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father." John 14:12 (NIV)

Even greater things, Alicen! How incredible is that?!



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I love reminding people of that verse! And this one:

Mark 16:17-18 "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;

18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover."

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Jul 10Liked by Alicen Grey

This was an unexpected read in my inbox this morning! Started it fresh from sleep and finally finished it just now! I wish you well on your walk with Jesus. Though I’ve been part of the Christian community for roughly 30 years, I’ve become disillusioned of late. Reading your post gives me hope. Thank you for sharing.

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If ideas about Free Energy can be charted/graphed as a sort of 'star map', then my current star map and your current star map don't match up 100% (in Venn diagram terms, there's a lot of overlap, but your circle is not identical to mine), BUT our star maps do have a number of important constellations on each that map onto the other.

Sorry I probably won't be able to be there for the online event on Saturday. Do you have the tech and interest to save it as a viewable resource on your website? If so, please feel very encouraged to start an archive for these.

Twice (maybe thrice...raised Catholic, so the temptation to say 'thrice' is nearly irresistible) I have sent you a few $$ via the KoFi mechanism, but I'll go back to today's post and become a paid subscriber. The money will be yours to give away in your new-ish "Who cares about money?" mode, but I have a strong intuition (belief?) that you won't waste it, wherever it goes.

Re Dali: Living in Washington, D.C. at the time, I saw the Last Supper around 1962 or so, when it was on loan to the Smithsonian (or National Gallery...I was about 11 y/o and didn't take notes) and during my college years in NYC, I saw Crucifixion at The Metropolitan Museum, but I don't recall ever seeing even a print of Ascension, which according to an internet source, is in a private collection. That image reminds me of the visuals that I just found in this clip...hope you enjoy the ride. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPLVqOJNX8Y

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Forgot to mention...thanks for the link to that XRC site. I will pass it along to a friend who is currently in the underground tunnel system involving Tartaria, Mud Floods and Orphan Trains. Oughta keep him busy for a good long while.

Not sure if I mentioned it before, but if you're looking for books that are any of these descriptors: old, out of print, suppressed, esoteric, etc. a good resource is annas-archive.org

Not as expansive and more popular material is often at oceanofpdf.com, which often also has material in Epub format.

They both offer free downloads, but/and I always use a VPN just in case...they both have mechanisms for accepting financial support, but don't charge any fees for downloads.

For an no-math intro to a STEM Pov on Free Energy, I found this book interesting long ago: https://oceanofpdf.com/genres/history/pdf-epub-the-hunt-for-zero-point-inside-the-classified-world-of-antigravity-technology-download/

All in good time.

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YAY for being on a Free Energy wavelength :D Thank you for your support <3

I do intend to record Saturday's event and make it available for people who can't attend live. If successful, I'll send out an email when it's up!

And you're free to say "thrice" here any time! ;)

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Jul 10Liked by Alicen Grey

Wow...I am awesomely impressed and inspired!!

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Love this ❤️

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Jul 10Liked by Alicen Grey

I feel compelled to repeat these words of yours here:

"Thankfully, though, the Christ story lives inside of each and every one of us. So as our inner state of being changes, what is revealed to us outwardly through the vehicle of the Bible changes accordingly."


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You're going to love my upcoming post about how God/The Bible/Jesus Christ are hyperdimensional mirrors! Stay {at}tuned <3

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Jul 10Liked by Alicen Grey

#excitement 🙏

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deletedJul 10·edited Jul 10Liked by Alicen Grey
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Listening now. This speaker is badass! I'm vibing with a lot of what he's saying.

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