On Thursday I Visited a Parallel Reality
How our choices sort us into different worlds. Literally.
A few weeks ago, I won a contest.
The prize was a free ticket to Lana Sackwild’s masterclass, SUPERNATURAL HEALING: LUCID DREAMING FOR RESTORATION.
If you know me, you know I’m all about this stuff. I eatbreathesleep chaos theory, siddhi studies and basically any living transmission of how to unlock spiritual potential.
Lana is on this wavelength too. She coaches people in how to use lucid dreams to manifest their ideal life of prosperity and wellness.
I’d been wanting to work with Lana for months, but due to personal budget reasons, I could only (voraciously) consume her free content. So this prize ticket was like a gift from the Heavens!
I put the masterclass in my calendar (Thursday from 2-4pm on Zoom) and excitedly counted down the days.
Then Tuesday rolled around, and I got a phone call.
It was for a focus group that, honestly, I forgot I even applied to.
They told me it was paid, and asked if I would be free.
“What time and where?” I asked.
“Thursday from 2-4pm on Zoom.”
Call it practicality, or call it a scarcity mindset. But in that moment, I decided that I couldn’t turn down the money.
Besides, Lana’s masterclass would have a replay link, so it’s not like I would totally miss it. I could just watch it later!
So, reluctantly, I opted to participate in the paid focus group instead.
After all, I “needed” the money.
Thursday at 2pm rolled around. I jumped onto Zoom and found myself in a “room” full of local people of various demographics. I was certainly the youngest person there by at least a decade.
As an icebreaker, the facilitator asked if any of us currently experience aches and pains that stop us from living our lives.
Everyone in the Zoom room said yes and named their afflictions.
“I’ve got arthritis in my hands,” said one lady.
“I’ve got lower back pain,” said one guy.
“I’ve got neck pain.”
“I’ve got shoulder pain.”
And on,
and on...
They seemed to be, like, bonding over their unwellness. Laughing about how “that’s how it is when you get older!” (Which is not fucking true but go off.)
“Alicen, you haven’t answered yet,” the facilitator noticed. “Do you have any aches and pains?”
“No aches and pains,” I said.
“Ah. Youth,” somebody said, and everyone chuckled about it.
I laughed along, but secretly, I was thinking about how I used to have an excruciating autoimmune disease — at first misdiagnosed as lupus, then as fibromyalgia.
Yes, it did cause me to miss out on life. For years, I had to cancel plans with friends due to flare-ups, and I briefly took pharmaceuticals just to make the pain bearable.
And you know how I healed it? With precisely the “~woo woo~” healing methods that I always talk about now: Meditation. Inner child work. Emotional processing. Trauma integration.
Little did these people know, that I actually do know what it’s like to experience debilitating “aches and pains” — despite my “youth.”
And I could’ve blamed my genetics, or any other number of factors “outside of my control.” I could’ve outsourced my healing to doctors and pharmaceuticals.
Instead, I took radical self responsibility…. and it worked!
And that’s why I’m so obsessed with supernatural power now.
I speak from experience.
But anyway.
At this point, the facilitator revealed why he’d used this particular icebreaker: This focus group was actually a sort of mock jury. We would be giving our opinions on a real, ongoing legal case.
The case? Basically this:
Person A’s truck hit Person B’s truck, and as a result, Person B had excruciating spinal injuries requiring surgery.
B was now suing A to cover the cost of his medical bills, because B didn’t have insurance.
The way the focus group handled this case was horrifying.
All these people, who only minutes before had bonded over their own poor health, jumped at the opportunity to berate Person B for not having insurance.
They openly insinuated that he brought the suffering on himself, he got what he deserved, and he shouldn’t get a dime because clearly he was only trying to screw over the other truck driver.
Where was the compassion? The empathy?!
All these people knew what it was like to be in pain — so why didn’t they want to help him?! 😥
Instead of trying to think of a productive solution to benefit all parties in the case, the focus group found a target to destroy.
A target who, eerily, looked a lot like them.
(There’s something to be said here about the role of “self-cannibalization” in suffering.)
Don’t even get me started on how pharmaceuticals, surgery, and other transhumanist horrors were normalized by this focus group.
It was the kind of mindset you’d expect of people who believe we can’t transcend the limits of the material world, and therefore there aren’t enough resources to go around — so kill or be killed!
And in the midst of this strange Zoom meeting, it occurred to me that,
at that very moment,
Lana and her oneironauts were busy learning how to heal themselves (and others!)
by the power of lucid dreaming.
No doctors, health insurance, or lawyers required.
Everyone gains, no one loses.
Free Energy for all!
Imagine a world where everyone knew
they could do that.
On Thursday from 2 to 4pm, in separate corners of the Zoomosphere, two related but diametrically opposed events were happening simultaneously:
One masterclass on how to supernaturally heal yourself and others
of literally any physical, mental or emotional ailment
by lucid dreaming —
no doctors! no expensive medical bills! just your own Sovereign Power! —
one focus group full of chronically ill people
bickering over who should be responsible for the medical bills
of some doofus who was too poor to afford health insurance.
In that moment, I became undeniably aware of parallel realities.
Side-by-side, same day, in the exact same window of time
were two events
on two evolutionary paths
leading in polar opposite directions.
And how did I arrive in the hylic reality?
— the one where health is costly and fragile
and we’re powerless to our circumstances?
By making the choice to be there.
I wound up in the hylic reality because I prioritized worldly money over spiritual riches. That’s usually how it happens.
But after watching the replay of Lana’s masterclass, I know now:
The spiritual “payoff” of learning how to heal supernaturally
is worth wayyy more
than that hylic focus group paid me in physical dollars.
Incredible. I have recently gotten into Bashars teachings (via the Channel Daryl Anka) and this resonates so so much with it.
Beautiful example of the frequency split occurring in this realm. Brings attention to free will choice of where to place our energy in this soup of chaotic CULTure. Love your posts Alicen, glad I found you. 💚