Before we can talk about Immortality, we need to talk about talking about Immortality.
I’ve tried in vain to discuss Immortality with spiritual people (who I would expect to be open-minded on this topic)… but surprisingly, I keep encountering the same conversational dead-ends:
“Death is inevitable.”
“Real spirituality isn’t about avoiding Death, it’s about embracing Death.”
“Why would anyone want to be Immortal? That’s egotistical. We should be overcoming our ego instead.”
“The soul is Immortal, yes, but the physical body must age and die because Matter is intrinsically corrupt and can never be as pure as Spirit.”
“When we die, it benefits Nature which feeds on our corpse. Participating in the Life-Death cycle is how we honor Mother Nature.”
“You can’t have Life without Death! They’re necessary to each other! Without duality, we wouldn’t exist.”
“Death is the portal to the afterlife, where the real knowledge is. So why would you want to stay incarnated?”
And then, even among the rare people who do believe Immortality is worth pursuing, this disempowering notion prevails: “You can have Immortality, but you must join a mystery school / go through the demonic gatekeepers to have it. There’s no other way.”
Or the most mind-boggling of all: “You can only be Immortal with the help of technology.”
Let me tell you something about Arbitrary Rules:
Civilization is built on Arbitrary Rules… and would fall apart without them.
There are societal rules like, “You have to pay your taxes.” “You have to get the vaccine.” “You have to register your vehicle with the DMV.”
There are cultural pressures too, like, “You have to get an education / get a good job / get married / have 2.5 kids,” ad nauseum.
And my chaotic ass even considers “You have to believe in the Moon,” “You have to have chakras,” and “You have to prove everything with logic,” to be Arbitrary Rules — that I DON’T have to follow, by the way, because I’m a free bitch, baby 🙃
As any awakening person will tell you: all it takes is to realize even one of these “Rules” can be broken, and the entire Tower comes tumbling down like a flimsy house of cards.
This is because all the “Rules” of the Control System interlock with each other and ultimately rest on the false premise that we have no Free Will.
So once you realize the Truth that you do have Free Will, you begin to automatically reject anything that compromises your Freedom — like a born-wild animal who instinctually fights to break free when captured.
Freedom and Cognitive Flexibility (the ability to change your mind when presented with the opportunity to do so) go hand-in-hand. Which means generally, you can discern how Wild/Free/Sovereign a person is by how they respond to an assertion that challenges their habitual way of thinking.
If their response is automatic, defensive, corrective or antagonistic (like the criticisms of Immortality listed above), then they are trapped, in a sense. They’re trapped by their own unquestioned beliefs about death. The trap is entirely mental, as all traps essentially are.
And we understand that some changes only happen after we conceive of them being possible. In fact, it’s the conception that makes them possible.
Only after you stop identifying as someone who is “destined to be fat” can you lose weight.
Only after you stop identifying as someone “sick” can you begin to heal.
Only after you stop identifying with mediocrity can you achieve success.
So if we can’t even have a conversation considering the possibility of Immortality, how can we ever achieve it?
Now that we’ve talked about talking about it, let’s actually talk about it:
Consider the possibility that Death is not inevitable.
Consider that we are actually able to — and meant to — physically live as long as we want to.
Consider that death is nothing more than a made-up specter that has no power over us except the power we freely give to it.
Consider that dying is a choice.
If these tenets are indeed True (and I gno in my Heart of Hearts that they are), then it’s not hard to imagine why people get hella defensive during the Immortality Conversation.
If/Because it is True that dying is a choice, it follows that all suffering is a choice.
Becoming Immortal would require one to admit that every single incidence of pain, suffering and life-loss was Self-inflicted.
Consider this possibility: Nobody. Ever. Victimized. You.
Not your parents. Not your ex. Not the devil. Not the government. Not the Illuminati, the Masons, the whatever.
^ Earlier in this post, I acknowledged the counter-argument that “seeking Immortality is an egotistical pursuit.” That argument is particularly strange to me… because I can think of no greater ego death, than this one.
And this Greatest Ego Death Of All… is the one that makes Immortality possible.
But it’s a Very Big Thing — it’s The Great Work, in fact! — to dis-identify from addictions and trauma enough to recognize the Self that exists beyond this temporal/causal realm. Most people don’t even know that Blissful Eternal Life is an option, and even fewer intentionally approach it.

To remember Who We Real-ly Are would require us to first unlearn everything this Death Culture has “taught” us (read: lied to us about). Including the craving for death.
What I mean by “the craving for death” is the enjoyment of — and addiction to — that which micro-kills us. This includes:
every wasteful lust-based orgasm, which depletes sacred energy (this is why a genital-based orgasm is called “the little death”)
every bite of unhealthy food
every sip of soul-sucking spirits and every consumption of self-deluding drugs (yes, that includes the “spiritual” drugs)
every idle word
every self-limiting thought
This Death Wish, as actual Immortals often call it, is not natural to the Human Being.
So why do people desire death?
Well, death is seductive. Sexy, even.
Like a siren song leading a sailor into an inescapable whirlpool, death ominously sings us empty promises of fulfillment, if we’ll just come a little closer… and closer… closer…
And unless we re-cognize the already-existing fulfillment of True Life, we will not see why we should stop moving outward towards the source of death’s deceptive siren song and turn back inward, towards Life.
“Why should I give up my favorite foods, my political affiliations, my dysfunctions and my sob story? I’m comfortable! This is Who I Am! This is Who I Want to Be!” says the soon-to-be-drowning sailor, too embarrassed to admit that he steered his ship directly into danger.
Embarrassment. That’s it. That’s the whole reason we die. It’s embarrassing to admit that we don’t have to die, and that we wasted all this time — multiple lifetimes, even! — freely and willfully pursuing a complete and utter lie.
Dying is nothing more than a symptom of Self-deception. Hence, most people defend their death-oriented lifestyle as if it’s obviously righteous and justified, or — most bizarre of all — the pinnacle of enlightenment.
We collectively prefer physical-death over ego-death, because at least physical death gives the appearance of being “not our fault.” Thus, we can continue blaming our problems on external causes, never fully reclaiming our Sovereignty and enjoying Eternal Life as our reward.
When we make death “inevitable,” we give ourselves a “reason” to remain disempowered. “Why bother making better choices if we’re going to die anyway?”

But it’s key to real-ize that, despite being “certain” that we will die, we remain instinctually afraid of death and avoid it all costs.
To me, this indicates that Life is actually the default and most highly-desired state of all beings… no matter how much we may deceive ourselves that we “want to” die, or “will” die.
Life ultimately wants to Live.
Think about it: Your body is a miracle of auto-regeneration. The human body is designed to be self-healing. Broken skin reseals itself, for example. Organs can regrow, given the right conditions. Blood replenishes itself constantly. These are just a few examples.
Why would all this be the case, if we aren’t supposed to Live?
Once you see it, you can’t unsee it.
Realizing this, is where Immortality begins.
To close this introductory post on Immortality, I’d like to give you a few questions to ponder. These questions are designed to bring you out of your bias-towards-death, and into a Zero Point space from which you can conceive of genuine, physical Eternal Life. And no, not the counterfeit vampiric" “immortality” or transhumanist “immortality” — I mean REAL IMMORTALITY.
How/Would an Immortal think?
How/Would an Immortal eat?
How/Would an Immortal sleep?
How/Would an Immortal perceive the world?
How/Would an Immortal talk?
How/Would an Immortal walk?
How/Would an Immortal look?
How/Would an Immortal gno that they’re Immortal?
THIS: We collectively prefer physical-death over ego-death, because at least physical death gives the appearance of being “not our fault.”
I've been waiting for this one, Alicen! Thank you...and I'm looking forward to more contemplations and suggestions.
Great post. I've been wondering how it would be if I had been born into a world where the concept of death/infirmity were not taught. If no one was conditioned to believe that we all become enfeebled from old age and then die what would happen? If our thoughts are what make our reality then, logically, if we had no notion of old age/infirmity/death would we then become immortal or be able to choose when we die? Might be why people lived hundreds or thousands of years in old religious texts. The only issue I see with this thought pattern is how would people grow from babies to adulthood if there was no concept of aging, or conversely, at what age would people then stop "aging"? My grandmother lived to be 101, lived by herself in her home to the day she died, and I've long thought that she chose when she would move on to the next life; there are some among us who have a greater understanding of the rules of the game were all playing.