Hi, lovelings! Welcome back to my TRUE POWER vs. TRANSHUMANISM series!
In today’s post, we’ll explore one of my favorite topics:
Telepathy is a form of energetic communication that bypasses spoken words, and instead directly transmits thoughts, feelings and knowledge between living beings.
Even if the communicators don’t speak the same language — indeed, even if they aren’t the same species — telepathy allows them to speak the “universal language” of pure energetic exchange.
This makes communication across cultural divides possible, as well as communication with animals and plants. Some would even say that communication with “inanimate objects” like rocks becomes possible too, because rocks have consciousness.
Before we dive into the ethical and cultural implications of a Telepathic Hivemind, I’ll tell you just one of my own telepathy stories, so you can get an idea of why I long for a world that communicates telepathically:
My Poppy Flowers
When I was 17, I had a spiritual awakening. It’s a long story — one that I wish to write a memoir about one day — but I’ll summarize it like this: I felt connected with God unlike ever before. I became highly sensitive to subtle energies, such that walking down a city street was like wading in an ocean of people’s thoughts and feelings. I experienced many things that year that you might call “paranormal,” such as a shared dream with a high school acquaintance, and the discovery of my psionic abilities.
But perhaps the most profound experience of all, was what happened with my poppy flowers.
I decided to try growing poppy flowers (because they’re my favorite), but failed to research what they needed — most importantly, very dry soil. So my dumb ass put regular potting soil in the planter.
Despite my ignorance, I was very emotionally present with my poppies. Even before they sprouted from the soil, I would sit and talk to them every morning before school. As soon as I’d get home, I’d talk with them some more. I spent a lot of time just “hanging out” with them, speaking to them like I’d speak to my friends.
One day, after they’d sprouted, I started to feel that they were talking back.
I could feel them calling to me in my dreams (“Mom! Wake up!”). I felt their excitement when I entered the kitchen, as if they were happy to “see” me (“She’s here!”). And one day, upon waking up, I sensed a profound sadness hanging like a cloud over the kitchen. When I got there, I saw that one of the sprouts had died overnight. The other sprouts were mourning, and I had felt their sadness.
Despite being a total believer in “paranormal stuff,” even I questioned my sanity at this point. Was I really talking with my flowers? — and if so, how could I know I was really interpreting their energetic communications correctly, and not just making things up?
The answer to that question came far too soon.
One day, I started to feel extremely thirsty. I drank more water, but still felt thirsty. More water. Nope, still thirsty.
“Parched” doesn’t begin to describe this thirst. No matter how much I drank, I only got thirstier over the course of a few days.
And then, I started to feel like a layer of mold had grown on my skin. But there was nothing there. I hadn’t changed my routine at all. I rubbed and rubbed at my skin to make the feeling go away, but the moldy feeling only got worse by the day, in tandem with my increasing thirst.
Now, you can imagine how freakish this was for me, as a 17-year old left alone to navigate these paranormal experiences. Most people would easily (and perhaps logically) decide that I was psychotic — like the kind of person who hallucinates bugs that aren’t there, crawling all over herself.
But as my poppy sprouts began dying one by one, I put it together that I was feeling their thirst.
Desperate to save them (but still woefully ignorant of their needs), I watered them more, hoping to cure their thirst. But they continued to die, and my physical ailments got worse and worse. Then even my vision started to darken, which was the most frightening part of all.
It came to a point where I had a few sprouts left, and all I could do was hang over the side of the planter and beg them to talk to me, because they had “gone dark” — I could feel their presence straddling both this world and the Otherside. I knew they were about to pass on, and it felt like I might go with them if I didn’t do something.
So I asked my dad to turn the soil over while I was at school the next day, because I couldn’t bear to kill them myself. He seemed to understand that something weird was happening, but didn’t ask questions, and dutifully buried my poppies, putting them out of their misery.
The relief was instantaneous. I was no longer thirsty. My skin felt normal again, and my vision brightened.
A little while later, I caught up my spiritual mentor Arachne on what happened, and she said, “Maybe they got root rot.”
“What is root rot?” I’d never heard of it.
“Root rot is when you over-water a plant, so it develops a layer of mold on its roots and can’t absorb water. So even though it’s surrounded by water, it dies of dehydration.”
Whereas most gardeners would learn about root rot — and what to do about it — from reading books and whatnot, I actually had the opportunity to learn about it directly from my poppies, who conveyed to me telepathically how and why they were suffering.
If only I’d taken telepathy seriously a little sooner, instead of internally calling myself crazy… they may have stayed alive.
Indeed, I have even heard many stories over the years of comatose patients telepathically speaking with their families, telling them not to pull the plug because they were still alive and intended to wake up eventually. When they did wake up, they recounted the events that occurred during their comatose state, as if they’d been awake the whole time, observing everything.
My specific experience (sympathetically “dying” when my plants died) may be uncommon. But what it illustrates — telepathy — is actually very common:
We’ve all been so in love with someone that we’ve “finished each other’s sentences.”
We’ve all exchanged knowing glances with a friend, understanding exactly what they’re thinking without it needing to be said.
We’ve all had a sudden thought about someone right before they texted us.
And we’ve all had moments where someone expresses something we were thinking, causing us to exclaim excitedly, “You took the words right out of my mouth!”
This is telepathy.
Telepathy isn’t some woo-woo, made-up superpower that only comic book superheroes have.
It’s a real thing that we actually do all the time, without even realizing that’s what we’re doing — because telepathy is that easy and that natural to us!
It’s actually spoken language that’s unnatural, because it takes years for a human baby to become fluent in our made-up verbal gobbledygook. It can be argued that many traumas stem from being a baby (whose natural language is telepathy), trying desperately to communicate mind-to-mind with adults, but being ignored and misunderstood because those adults refuse to speak your language, and instead insist that you learn theirs — which takes years.
This is one the first wounds of separation, as it scars us with the feeling that we are isolated from our own families at the life phase when we need them most. In reality, we should be learning from babies how to communicate — heart to heart, with pure, un-adult-erated feeling.
Telepathy is the “language” of empathy, which feels and understands with no need for rationalization. It’s the language of Oneness, connectedness, ease. It’s the language of, “I’m attuned to you. I see you. I know you. I love you.”
Telepathy is the language of world peace.
^ This is my favorite documentary. A must-watch.
The Fear of Being Known
Imagine a world where you didn’t need to verbalize difficult emotions, because everyone could already feel what you’re feeling?
Imagine being effortlessly understood by default?
Imagine never needing to waste time writing essays on Substack (😉) to try to convey your viewpoints, because everyone instantly understands your thoughts as soon as you have them?
To me, it sounds heavenly.
But to others… not so much.
When I’ve brought up the topic of telepathy with non-psions, the first thing many of them say is, “But I don’t want anyone inside my head!”
And herein lies our first hurdle to a Holy Hivemind: The fear of being known.
It is true, that in a fully telepathic society, people would not be able to keep secrets from each other. You would not be able to lie, even by omission. You would not have “privacy,” meaning, the ability to selectively reveal parts of yourself & your life to others.
On the surface, I can understand why this seems scary. If people learned out secrets, they might use those secrets against us. They might hurt us. An “open society” like a Hivemind would be, simultaneously, the ultimate source of strength-in-numbers, and also the ultimate form of vulnerability.
And it is true that telepathy does not guarantee empathy. Human superpowers have no intrinsic morals. It’s not like only “good people” get to levitate or use telekinesis. Malicious people have access to these powers, too.
So would it even be worth it, to activate these powers within ourselves?
Well, for starters, there’s the matter of mutually assured destruction.
A common argument against the Holy Hivemind is that, if all information was accessible by telepathy, then anybody could learn your bank account login credentials and take all your money, for example.
But the thing is, you’d know exactly who did it, because the information about who committed the crime could not be hidden either. There would be no need for a complicated process of finding the culprit, and no long, drawn-out court hearing to prove whether the thief was guilty or not. Everyone would know, instantly, who the guilty party was — by virtue of everyone being mentally connected.
So how would crime — which is almost always predicated on anonymity, secrecy and deception — be possible in the first place, in a telepathic society?
There’s also the possibility that, if we were all telepathic (and therefore energetically aware of each other’s circumstances), it’s possible that no one would be struggling with money in the first place (and therefore inclined to steal someone else’s money), because they wouldn’t struggle in secret — as most people do, when confronted with financial issues. Their community might be compelled to offer them help, without them needing to ask.
Or, if the robbery was motivated by greed rather than poverty, the community would be aware of this person’s greed before they could act on it, and that could give them time to correct the thief’s internal issue before anyone got hurt.
Wow, imagine that — a world where nobody could hide how much money they make. That alone, takes so much of the power of money away. Nobody could trick others into thinking they’re rich by wearing expensive brand names they can’t afford, for example.
Would we still be using money at all, in a telepathic society?
Counterfeit Transhumanist “Telepathy”
The challenge of talking about telepathy, is that most people approach this conversation from their current, hylic mindset, applying old ways of thinking to new ways of being, like trying to fit a square peg in a circular hole.
But my point is that in a telepathic community, everything would be different.
E v e r y t h i n g.
In our current transhumanist society, people can hardly fathom a form of communication that doesn’t require a complicated multi-step process, of
having a thought
translating that thought into words
typing those words on a phone keypad (and choosing relevant emojis)
sending the message
waiting around to see if the recipient read the message
waiting for their reply (and projecting insecurities onto “being left on Read”)
reading the reply and (mis)interpreting it in accordance with pre-existing biases, beliefs, and even more insecurities
and going back and forth like that indefinitely
Transhumanists are trippin’ if they think text-based digital communication is superior — or even reminiscent of — telepathy, just because it’s “instant.”
It’s not.
What the transhsumanist counterfeit version of telepathy actually does, is reinforce the erroneous belief that — because we’re so powerless and separate from each other — that we need (their) expensive, slave-manufactured, grid-dependent devices to pseudo-communicate with others in a layered language lasagna that actually complicates the message rather than clarifying it.
So as a lover of True Power, I’m here to re-mind you
that you already have the power to communicate
and yes, instantly
with anyone, of any species,
no matter how far they may physically seem to be,
and regardless of what “language” they speak.
You don’t need a phone. You don’t need a paper or pen.
You don’t even need words.

Need versus Want
All of that said: I don’t believe language is intrinsically bad or unevolved. It’s not like this is an “either-or,” black-and-white issue.
I appreciate the way language — when spoken through the mouth, or written on a paper or screen — can direct vibrations into coherent forms and sacred geometry, like a wizard’s wand casting spells on reality.
So I’m saying we can speak, and write, and also communicate telepathically.
We can be “bilingual,” so to speak — speaking the language of words, and also the language of energy.
But as this is an exploration of True Power, I will contend that there’s a big difference between needing language, and wanting it.
Discerning Need from Want is the ultimate test of whether you’re in your True Power or not.
Do you need language — because without words, you’re adrift in an ocean of meaninglessness, desperate for coherent land to stand on and call “home”?
Or do you want language — because you appreciate the poetry, the uniqueness, of each person’s particular way of expressing themselves, like an energetic fingerprint that affords a glimpse into the beauty and magnificence of Who They Are
— and of Who You Are, by virtue of being spiritually interwoven with them?
Personally, I want language.
That’s why I’m writing to you, on this miracle of a connection apparatus that we call Substack. I’m glad we’re here, enjoying this, together.
But, not gonna lie — one day I do want to experiment with sending telepathic transmissions, maybe via YouTube video, where I just sit there and say nothing while staring at the camera LOL. We’ll see. 💞
Thank you! Another magnum opus in which you say so many of the quiet parts out loud. Too many examples to list, of course, but this sure jumped out at me:
It’s actually spoken language that’s unnatural, because it takes years for a human baby to become fluent in our made-up verbal gobbledygook. It can be argued that many traumas stem from being a baby (whose natural language is telepathy), trying desperately to communicate mind-to-mind with adults, but being ignored and misunderstood because those adults refuse to speak your language, and instead insist that you learn theirs — which takes years.
This is one the first wounds of separation, as it scars us with the feeling that we are isolated from our own families at the life phase when we need them most. In reality, we should be learning from babies how to communicate — heart to heart, with pure, un-adult-erated feeling.
Thank you for sharing these truths with our human family (that is essentially operating at maybe 5 percent of their potential capacity as co-creative, innately interconnected multi-dimensional spiritual beings inhabiting human bodies).
Even within the limited realms of current human science they are beginning to catch up to what the ancient masters of many traditions taught their disciples regarding the innate capability of humans to perceive and communicate (at a distance) without words (via energy).
In my posts elsewhere online I have stated that Research has shown that the heart communicates to the brain in four major ways: neurologically (through the transmission of nerve impulses), biochemically (via hormones and neurotransmitters), biophysically (through pressure waves) and energetically (through electromagnetic field interactions). Communication along all these conduits significantly affects the brain’s activity. Moreover, our research shows that messages the heart sends to the brain also can affect performance.
The heart communicates with the brain and body in four ways:
- Neurological communication (nervous system)
- Biochemical communication (hormones)
- Biophysical communication (pulse wave)
- Energetic communication (electromagnetic fields)
(for more info: https://www.heartmath.org/research/science-of-the-heart/
https://www.heartmath.org/research/global-coherence/ )
It would seem that the most up to date scientific data is confirming something that ancient spiritual teachings have been saying for millennia (the importance of "seeing with the heart"). This is no longer just a fun metaphor, it is now confirmed to be literally true. The heart is capable of acting as an organ of perception and a means of intentionally communicating (through energetic means) with the cells in our body, the people we share this world with, and with the very matter that makes up everything on Earth and beyond.
In my essay titled "Dispelling the Most Detrimental Myth in Modern Western Civilization" ( https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/dispelling-the-most-detrimental-myth ) I explored how part of what enables telepathy can be understood by science via the the endogenously produced electromagnetic fields that are emitted from the heart and brain (and also perceived by the heart and brain). The truth of the unity of consciousness at great distances which enables phenomena such as telepathy, remote viewing and astral travel goes deeper than physiological phenomena, but that is the starting point.
In a comment on a Solutions Watch Episode of The Corbett Report titled “Simple Sabotage” I talked about how given the how we are all connected through coherent energy fiends that are modulated based on what we think and feel, it is possible that (given enough people aligned their efforts) we could use a form of what I referred to as “Psychic” Sabotage (Or Sabotage initiated via intentionally proliferated endogenously produced coherent modulated electromagnetic fields) to plant seeds and shift the landscape of our collective consciousness.
Thank you for illuminating the "Counterfeit Transhumanist “Telepathy” " as many people who do not understand their divine birthright and innate (atrophied/untapped) abilities are being seduced by all this Elon Musk brain chip neural link nonsense.
In truth, technologically facilitated wannabe "telepathy" is a sad comparison for the real thing (which not only allows perception of thoughts) but also perceiving heart based knowing and wisdom.
I am grateful we were guided to cross paths sister, thank you for shining your light.