Welcome back to my series on True Power vs. Transhumanism!
In this post, I’ll be introducing my criticism of the “anti-psychic propaganda” that saturates our media, which discourages people from activating their natural superpowers, in favor of inorganic transhumanist “empowerment.”
And the craziest thing about this anti-psychic propaganda, is that it looks psychic-friendly on the surface.
But look deeper, and you’ll see the disempowerment at play.
Let’s start with superheroes.
Before you read this, pause and consider how influential superheroes are.
Think of how much hype there is, around superhero movies. Think of how people exhibit something like religious devotion to their preferred superhero universe — Marvel! DC! The Spiderverse! Every time another superhero remake or spin-off comes out, people line up around the block, get all dressed up, and talk about it nonstop… as if they have nothing else to live for but this elaborate illusion.
Now consider the fact that most people are exposed to superheroes very young, in the form of beloved comic books, TV shows, etc.
So when they grow up and see their childhood “heroes” getting revamped, with shiny new supersuits and explosively vivid CGI graphics, it seems to trigger something in their brains — and I’m not just talking about nostalgia. The part of them that was primed to worship these fictional characters as children, gets hypnotically re-activated with each new hyped-up movie release in adulthood, creating a perpetual cycle of infantilization.
This infantilization programming is bad enough as it is. But it gets worse when you consider what the superheroes are programming people to believe.
I’m not big into comic universes, but I know enough to see how blatantly transhumanistic they are.
Take SpiderMan, for example.
Genetic Modification (GMO)
He was just some four-eyed loser who couldn’t talk to girls, until he was endowed with heroic superpowers… by a spider bite.
But this wasn’t just any spider bite. No — it was a genetically modified spider bite.
At the 2:00 mark, you’ll see that this GMO spider was “designed” to have, among other augmented abilities, precognition — a.k.a. the ability to know future events before they happen. This becomes Spiderman’s infamous “spidey sense,” which allows him to sense danger, and then — hero that he is! — go save people from it.
But you know who else has precognition? Literally all of us.
Me. You. Your cousin. Your mailman. Your grocery store cashier.
This shit’s mad normal, my dude.
Spiderman isn’t special — much less so because of his wrongly glorified GMO spider DNA.
There are quite a few superheroes whose false powers come from “mutations” in their genome (the X-Men, for example). In these storylines, their mutations are initially a cause of social rejection, but eventually make them heroes, far stronger and smarter than their normie counterparts. Thus, genetic mutation is glorified by the Superhero Psyop, as something to aspire to — and what a coincidence! That’s how the transhumanists want us to feel! With their gross gene-modifying vaccines. 🙄
Genetic modification is only one nasty tentacle of the transhumanist beast, predicated on the belief that human DNA is mostly “junk” and needs to be “upgraded.” But I am of the strong conviction that DNA is best “modified” with consciousness, rather than any sort of butchery or radiation.

Another icky tentacle of the transhumanist beast, is the promotion of cyborgification — a.k.a. the merging of human biology with synthetic materials.
My fairy godmother Mary Daly would call this necrotechnology. Though the transhumanists love to call their pathetic inventions “biotechnology,” there is nothing bio about it. It’s death-tech, not life-tech.
There are so many examples of necrotech superheroes, I can’t even fit them all in this post. But as a quick starter, let’s talk about Iron Man.
Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark suffers a severe chest injury during a kidnapping. When his captors attempt to force him to build a weapon of mass destruction, he instead creates a mechanized suit of armor to save his life and escape captivity. Later, Stark develops his suit, adding weapons and other technological devices he designed through his company, Stark Industries. He uses the suit and successive versions to protect the world as Iron Man.
This video has 29 million views as of this writing — and that’s just on YouTube. I don’t even know how many people have seen the movie in theaters or at home, but I know it’s a damn lot. The cultural impact of this “rich technocrats will save us!” propaganda is staggering.
This top comment encapsulates the mindset of the brainwashed pretty well, I think:
Man, I’m so far-flown from transhumanism that this comment seems absurd to me.
This is what I see when transhumanists try to impress me with their “supersuits” —
And yet, that comment alone has ten thousand likes, so I’m clearly in the minority.
Iron Man isn’t the only superhero whose “powers” come from the material world.
In the Black Panther franchise, the entire empire of Wakanda gets its legendary power from a substance known as vibranium. None of Wakanda’s warriors have any significant True psychic power to speak of, as they rely heavily on their vibranium weaponry and costumery.
There’s Cyborg, who’s literally a cyborg:
And then of course, there’s Batman. He had money to burn, so he hooked himself up with a batcave, batmobile, blah blah, and now he’s one of the most glorified superheroes ever.
In my mind, he’s just another unspecial transmitter of transhumanist propaganda, making people believe that they need to be rich and technologically augmented in order to benefit the world.
On that note, quick sidequest: There’s an added layer of danger to the glorification of wealthy transhumanists like Iron Man and Batman. It’s disempowering enough to make people believe that they need technology to “evolve” from an average human to a superhuman. But that they also need to be rich, to afford that technology in the first place? A double whammy!
No wonder so many people fell for the COVID psyop! While they were losing their jobs during the lockdowns, glamorous celebrities were promising them pseudo-immunity from poverty — if only they’d take a vaccine designed by wealthy shadowy scientists. It’s as if their mindset was, “If I don’t have money to save myself right now, I’ll put my faith in the people who do have money!”
So I’ll take this opportunity to remind you that your True Power is free. Free, as in, it costs nothing. And free, as in, it’s Free Energy — available to you at any time, in any place, regardless of your circumstances or economic status.
Aliens are a big, big topic that I’ve only briefly talked about in the past. I’m still not entirely sure what I believe about aliens, except that they exist, and that the Greys are running a genetic modification project to create human-alien hybrids that make True Humans obsolete. (You can read all about that in David M. Jacobs’s excellent book, Walking Among Us: The Alien Plan to Control Humanity — and I believe my direct, personal experience with aliens confirms the book’s claims.)
It’s key to understand that the aliens attempting to take over humanity, often resort to hypnotic and deceptive tactics to make humans love, trust, and even worship aliens.
So don’t you find it kind of — idk, at least questionable? — that Superman, the most popular superhero of all time, is an alien?
Superman was born on the fictional planet Krypton and was named Kal-El. As a baby, his parents sent him to Earth in a small spaceship moments before Krypton was destroyed in a natural cataclysm…. [He] began developing his various superhuman powers and abilities, such as incredible strength and impervious skin. His adoptive parents advised him to use his powers for the benefit of humanity, and he decided use his powers to fight crime.
Then there’s Wonder Woman, an alien in the sense that she’s a demi-god from another world:
Wonder Woman's origin story (from Golden to Bronze Age) relates that she was sculpted from clay by her mother Queen Hippolyta and was given a life as an Amazon, along with superhuman powers as gifts by the Greek gods…. She possesses an arsenal of magical items, including the Lasso of Truth, a pair of indestructible bracelets, a tiara which serves as a projectile, and, in older stories, a range of devices based on Amazon technology.
She’s got the alien origins and the augmentative necrotech!
And going back to Wakanda, here’s an interesting fact about vibranium:
Vibranium (based on the Marvel Comics element of the same name) is a metal used to create Captain America's shield, the Black Panther suit, the Vision, Sam Wilson's Captain America suit and the Winter Soldier's cybernetic arm. It came from a meteorite collision with Earth and is regarded as the strongest metal in the world, stronger than steel and a third of the weight.
So in the Superhero Psyop, even “the strongest metal in the world” isn’t even from this world.
While we’re at it, here’s a looooong list of alien superheroes.
The glorification of aliens and their technologies, plays right into the transhumanist narrative that Earth’s people aren’t “as intelligent/evolved as” visitors from outer space — and this disempowering belief leaves us vulnerable to their invasion and body-snatching (or, quite literally, possession).
All of this being said…
Notice how none of these popular superheroes are organically powerful.
The Hulk gets his power from exposure to gamma rays. The Flash gets his from a lightning strike. Captain America: from Super Soldier Serum. Thor: from a magical hammer. The Powerpuff Girls: from Chemical X…
The list goes on and on...
All these superheroes get their powers from spider bites, genetic mutations, expensive technology, alien DNA…
…anywhere but from within — from their soul.
It’s fair to wonder: do they have souls?
It seems clear to me, that the end goal of transhumanism is to eliminate the human soul altogether, replacing the soul’s wondrous beauty and boundless potential with something mechanistic, material, programmable, and as far from God as one can get.
True Power, spiritual power — the kind that we are all born with the potential (and the right!) to cultivate — is never glorified to the same degree as fake superheroes are.
You’ll never see people lining up around the block to see a movie about how the legendary yogi Patanjali meditated his way to achieving superpowers, for example.
And why haven’t they made a superhero movie about Jesus Christ, the ultimate superhero? Dude could walk on water and raise the dead, for Christ’s sake 😂 And he did it by simply having faith.

Which leads me to my next point…
See, the thing is, there’s a Law underpinning the cosmos, and it’s this: What you believe, becomes true. That’s faith.
And this Law is so consistent, that it can even apparently contradict itself! In other words, if you believe your beliefs can’t influence reality, then that becomes true for you.
If you believe that your own consciousness isn’t powerful enough to create your reality, then your consciousness will create a world in which it’s not powerful enough to create your reality.
Thus, all “superpowers” will be relegated to the genre of “fiction,” and you’ll think superheroes only exist in comic universes — literally, universes so comical that they rely on genetically modified spiders, magical hammers and lightning strikes to evolve themselves.
And that brings me to my final point: All this anti-Truth media programming may not be intentional.
Sure, it would be easy to say “The Elites are trying to make us forget how powerful we are,” or “I bet the GMO companies are funding these movies about GMO spiders!”
But the truth is: even the people making these superhero franchises, may not know how powerful they are!
They may genuinely believe that transhumanism is the path to human advancement! They may genuinely believe that one needs to be bitten by a GMO spider, or exposed to gamma radiation, etc., to become superhuman!
So they make these comics/movies/etc. as a direct expression of their personal limiting beliefs. And because most of us are exposed to the resulting Superhero Psyop in childhood, these limits become deeeeeeply seeded in our subconscious minds during childhood, and continue to operate outside of our conscious awareness now that we’re adults.
That is, until now.
Now that you’ve been made aware of how you’ve been groomed to glorify transhumanism,
what will you choose to believe instead?
That’s all for now, lovelings. Thank you for reading.
In the next post, I’ll talk about another layer of anti-psychic programming: so-called scientific “skepticism” promoted by figurehead atheists like Neil DeGrasse Tyson, Richard Dawkins, Derren Brown, James Randi, and more.
Stay {at}tuned. 🩷
P.S. If you want an example of a superhero movie that acknowledges the tension between True Psychics versus robots, I recommend Code 8. I also recommend Raising Dion on Netflix as a series that provides practical instructions for activating psychic abilities — no technology required.
tfw you read an article so jam-packed with provocative points that you don't even know where to start when commenting! I'll just say this: While I am consciously ignorant about fictional superheroes, I can still deeply appreciate the red-pilling you've performed here.
I'm a big believer in deconstructing massive, deeply entrenched myths as a step toward making all such fables subject to debate. So, thank you...as always.
However, I *am* having a little trouble accepting my mailman has precognition.
Great post Alicen!
It's all intentional propaganda and indoctrination, right??!!
Hollyweird has been their greatest and most successful weapon to date, as it provides a social mass accepted platform (entertainment and escapism) from which to indoctrinate, program and engineer societies, en masse and simultaneously. In the old days a hard shove of the Overton Window, might stretch across a city or two or maybe a state. Today, that shift is delivered across the globe, to millions, in the same given time frame (opening day and the months after). Social media is a short form version and while prolific, it's less effective than total immersion for an hour or two.
I've pointed out before, that early on Hollyweird realized, that their best products were not their movies - they were their actors. That industry shifted to promoting the actor, not the movie or plot. They even came up with an annual awards event to lend importance and credibility to these people who pretended to be characters in a story. They also dubbed these actors - "Stars".
They became the beloved messengers, that could sell war bonds, cigarette brands, patriotism, liberal agendas and subversion. Like the comic heroes, turned to flesh and blood, they are idolized, emulated, listened to in matters of great importance - ("to hell with your freedoms, take the jab") and in many cases worshipped.
In the past, I've done the following with normies, about actors and influencers and it also applies to the superheroes:
I ask people who their favorite actor is. I then ask them to tell me something about the actor's personal life - which they usually have no problem doing.
I then ask, "if your power went out or your pipes burst, who would you call?" The usual answer is the Power company or a Plumber.
I then ask, "can you name ANY lineman or plumber in your city?"
And I get puzzled looks.
Until we take the power of influence, away from these idolized mortals and comic superheroes - by not patronizing them - we (societies) will fall victim to their propaganda and social engineering, as we have for decades - paying for the privilege each step of the way.