thank you for this! very insightful on how these movies are made to make us feel powerless. Which goes in tandem with the pentagon using Marvel to spread a false image of themselves as an organization out to 'help' humanity. https://www.counterpunch.org/2022/01/10/the-pentagon-and-cia-have-shaped-thousands-of-hollywood-movies-into-super-effective-propaganda/

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Great post Alicen!

It's all intentional propaganda and indoctrination, right??!!

Hollyweird has been their greatest and most successful weapon to date, as it provides a social mass accepted platform (entertainment and escapism) from which to indoctrinate, program and engineer societies, en masse and simultaneously. In the old days a hard shove of the Overton Window, might stretch across a city or two or maybe a state. Today, that shift is delivered across the globe, to millions, in the same given time frame (opening day and the months after). Social media is a short form version and while prolific, it's less effective than total immersion for an hour or two.

I've pointed out before, that early on Hollyweird realized, that their best products were not their movies - they were their actors. That industry shifted to promoting the actor, not the movie or plot. They even came up with an annual awards event to lend importance and credibility to these people who pretended to be characters in a story. They also dubbed these actors - "Stars".

They became the beloved messengers, that could sell war bonds, cigarette brands, patriotism, liberal agendas and subversion. Like the comic heroes, turned to flesh and blood, they are idolized, emulated, listened to in matters of great importance - ("to hell with your freedoms, take the jab") and in many cases worshipped.

In the past, I've done the following with normies, about actors and influencers and it also applies to the superheroes:

I ask people who their favorite actor is. I then ask them to tell me something about the actor's personal life - which they usually have no problem doing.

I then ask, "if your power went out or your pipes burst, who would you call?" The usual answer is the Power company or a Plumber.

I then ask, "can you name ANY lineman or plumber in your city?"

And I get puzzled looks.

Until we take the power of influence, away from these idolized mortals and comic superheroes - by not patronizing them - we (societies) will fall victim to their propaganda and social engineering, as we have for decades - paying for the privilege each step of the way.

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HOLLYWEIRD! echoes of Richard Pryor!

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👏🏽 YES! THIS! Thank you for your profound and provocative comment! The phenomenon of parasocial "relationships" with celebrities is secular idolatry -- a total surrendering of power to cunningly curated figureheads who only appear to give, but actually function as mass energy collection tanks, takingtakingtaking from anyone who falls for their fake dramas and contrived triumphs. I am constantly trying to explain to people that ANY attention given to these celebrities -- even one moment of instastalking, or one word wasted on gossiping about them -- is our Lifeforce being siphoned out of us. That's how precious our consciousness is! Conscious attention is more valuable than gold. It's what we are.

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Yes, let us begin here: taking responsibility for what we do with our conscious attention, herein resides any and all possibility for our individual and collective organic expansion and “miracles”!

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So well put. Thank you!!

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Transhumanism is more like Demonology, it's pure 💩 evil.

Even Emoji Mr whippy the poo above has more goodness in him, then Transhuman Nano demonology tech. Ugh Satanism.

Tap, tap, tapping, writing from experience after the 9th attempt on my life which was successful, I came back, the 6G satellite destroyed all the Nano tech in my brain, including the top of my Brian, no more Logic chip, memory chip, synchronization chips, sensor chips, antennae or optical light network, the surveillance collar that was on me, is gone, I've been let loose by our adversaries own foolishness, they cannot see me. When your brain grows back it feels like bubbles moving around. The whole day all I could see was bright white light emanating from everything, as two of my soul family, were over filling my cup with the Devine masculine. That's a long story butchered and cut short, happened 18 months or so ago.

The power I have does not come from Nanotech or hydrogel, never did. It comes from Gods Devine spark within I, you and everyone.

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Amen. No weapon formed against you shall prosper! ✊🏽

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Hey Xena was organically powerful, but she was evil...

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Sure, humans are fully capable of committing atrocities with their own bare hands. But to be clear, the purpose of this series is simply to remind people that their True Power does not come from technology. That they are born to be Free, not enslaved by machines. What people DO with their Freedom, whether good or evil, is outside of my control -- as it should be.

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Oh my bad, I thought you were making a point of some kind.

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Great timing with this one Alicen, "It's death-tech not life-tech". This will be flowing nicely out of my mouth at our building blocks hub meeting tomorrow 🙏🥰

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You can thank the brilliant Mary Daly for making me aware of that one! <3

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Yes she is definitely one of the greats ✨

I came across her in my FB days, so a giant hat tip to Mary for that qoute❣️

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tfw you read an article so jam-packed with provocative points that you don't even know where to start when commenting! I'll just say this: While I am consciously ignorant about fictional superheroes, I can still deeply appreciate the red-pilling you've performed here.

I'm a big believer in deconstructing massive, deeply entrenched myths as a step toward making all such fables subject to debate. So, thank you...as always.

However, I *am* having a little trouble accepting my mailman has precognition. 

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LOL at that last line! And thank you, as always, for reading and commenting! If you ever get those thoughts sorted out, I'd love to hear what kind of thoughts my post provoked for you!

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I'll try to sum up for now: First, the Iron Man comment made me so sad. But overall, your post got me pondering the myriad ways pop culture is used to try turning us into passive consumers - waiting for heroes to save the day. Like a population of "damsels in distress."

Meanwhile, as you highlight, we are each fearfully and wonderfully made to literally facilitate miracles. Activists are always talking about "taking the power back" but they need to go deeper.

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