When humanity Fell from the Garden of Eden, we landed in The Land of the Dead…
…and we took Nature with us.
Welcome back to my “Chrysticism” series! Named a portmonteau of “Christianity” and “mysticism,” this series aims to illuminate the esoteric truths hidden in plain sight in the Christian Bible, including humanity’s potential for miraculous powers and physical immortality.
With these posts about Chrysticism, I aim to establish the foundational theology of my church, The Church of Immortality. ☀️☀️
If you’re a human being born and raised on Earth (which you most likely are), you have probably been taught — and have come to take for granted — that “Death is a part of Life.”
How so? Oh, because it happens in Nature! Lions kill zebras. Wolves kill rabbits. Even some plants kill bugs. It’s kind of A Thing.
The argument is that, if it happens in Nature all the time, it must be n a t u r a l — meaning, it must be inevitable and necessary.
Hence, the vast, vast, vast majority of humanity has resigned itself to what it believes is its fate: to die one day.
Yet, there remains this mysterious and universally consistent fact:
Nothing wants to die.
All life wants to keep living.
There is not a single species of any living thing that doesn’t instinctually avoid dying by any means necessary.
Even people who commit suicide, usually only do so as a last resort, in a state of insane desperation, and must override their most deeply-coded life-seeking instincts in order to go through with the act.
Universally, to want to die means that something is very, very wrong with you.
We all know this. Must I explain the obvious?
And yet: It occurs to hardly anyone that Death may not be natural.
Yes, you heard me.
I said:
Death may not be natural.
Well, okay, semantics-wise, I can concede that Death is natural insofar as it happens in Nature.
But what I mean is: Death may not be necessary for Nature to function.
How could it be, that a force allegedly “needed” to perpetuate nature’s cycles, would incite extreme fear, panic, and deranged stress, from every living species on Earth?
When you see images of bodies decomposing, why do you automatically flinch?
Why is it, that merely witnessing a death is enough to give a person PTSD — if Death is so beautiful and natural?
As strange as I may sound to the average person, I have actually not lost touch with reality (you can believe that or not — your choice), and I am well aware of how unusual these ideas are.
So I’ll take this opportunity to remind us all of two things:
Nature as we currently experience it, isn’t necessarily all there is or all there ever has been.
we know what is possible based on what we’re able to conceive of in our imaginations.
So it’s quite revelatory that humanity is, indeed, able to conceive of a deathless, utopian dimension of Nature, as evidenced by these Bible verses:
And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat.
Fruits may be the only food humans can eat that don’t have to die to be eaten. It’s deathless food, essentially. The first animal killing didn’t happen until after The Fall.
And remember how the first responsibility God gave humans after creating them, was to “steward the animals?”
To steward something is to optimize its potential. The implication, therefore, is that their evolutionary potential depended upon ours. So what if, when we Fell from Eden, our loss of potential automatically reduced theirs? — as though reality truly is anthropocentric, and our Fall automatically became their Fall, too?
Then there’s this imagining of a predator-less future, later on in Isaiah:
ISAIAH 11:6-9 (NIV)
⁶ The wolf will live with the lamb,
the leopard will lie down with the goat,
the calf and the lion and the yearling together;
and a little child will lead them.
⁷ The cow will feed with the bear,
their young will lie down together,
and the lion will eat straw like the ox.
⁸ The infant will play near the cobra’s den,
and the young child will put its hand into the viper’s nest.
⁹ They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain,
for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Lord
as the waters cover the sea.
[Notice how the onus is on the predator to stop being a predator. Take that, pop-occultists-who-promote-the-“embracing”-of-one’s-dark-side.]
I find these Old Testament verses even more interesting when considered side-by-side with this New Testament one, where Jesus says:
MARK 16:15 (NKJV)
¹⁵ And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
¹⁶ He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned.
¹⁷ And these signs will follow those who believe: In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues;
¹⁸ they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.”
For context, Jesus said this right after being crucified, resurrecting himself from the dead, and going around showing people he was alive, only to be doubted and denied.
Jesus first embodied physical immortality to prove it can happen,
and then he sent his disciples forward to tell every creature about it — promising that if they believe, they’ll be saved (from Death, I presume).
He also echoes the same sentiment from Isaiah — that snakes will not have the power to harm (or kill) anyone who accepts Jesus’s demonstration of Physical Immortality.
Take that, serpent-from-the-Garden-of-Eden. 😉
To accept that Jesus did, indeed, come back from the dead — and that, per his promise, we would do “greater works than he did” (greater works than a resurrection?!), is to defy every cultural ordinance that insists upon death’s “necessity.”
So could it be, that the instinctual aversion to death that all living creatures have, is indicative of a subconscious collective awareness that a world without death is, indeed, possible?
Could it be, that all of Creation wants to be redeemed? — brought back to the utopian state of being we all once enjoyed back in Eden, per the Way that Jesus embodied?
If so, we must tell them!
All of the creatures!
Utopia is nigh!
The Death Lie
You’ve been taught that Death is “a part of Life,” but it is no such thing.
You’ve been taught that “Life wouldn’t exist without Death,” but this is a falsehood.
After the Fall, with our wings shorn off at the shoulder blades, and our hearts broken and bleeding, we tried our best to make sense of this new world of suffering, bloodshed, pain and loss that we found ourselves in, desperately attempting to appease a mysterious, seemingly volatile God at every turn, barely surviving… but for what? Towards what end? Just to die after all our vain struggling?
We’ve been trying to convince ourselves that Death makes sense, when it doesn’t.
We’ve been trying to convince ourselves that we see beauty in Death, when actually, we do not, and cannot.
Ever since awakening the Immortalist current within myself, I’ve been noticing a bizarre, sometimes smug insistence in the mainstream, to “just accept Death!”
Embrace Death! De-stigmatize Death! Normalize Death!
As if Death is some small, helpless, trembling entity that needs us to defend it.
As if the way to reconcile our long-forgotten but soul-deep memory of Utopia with the repulsive, rotten stench of putrefaction, is to convince ourselves it’s all good and beautiful, somehow, in the right light, at the right angle, if we squint. 🤨
In any other circumstance, this would be called “being in denial.”
The Land of the Dead will try to teach you that its ways are The Living God’s ways — and you’re just too unenlightened to recognize that. What’s wrong with you, descendant of Eden? Why don’t you love the nauseating stink of decaying flesh? Why don’t you enjoy gazing upon corpses? Why don’t you celebrate watching your own body become one, as you age and creep towards the grave?
Because somewhere in you, you remember. You gno.
It was never meant to be this way.
We do not have to die.
“Believest thou this?”
(JOHN 11:26 KJV)
Jesus Christ: The Antithesis of Death
Now, if it’s not enough that I’m challenging the popular beliefs that Death is inevitable and necessary, and that Nature is Mommy,
I am also challenging the fundamental Church doctrine that Heaven is an afterlife destination — meaning, Christians should look forward to dying because they’ll get to meet their savior Jesus on the other side!
Jesus himself never said that if you believe in him, you’ll die and go to Heaven afterwards.
Actually, Jesus said that Heaven is here and now — and if you believe in him, you won’t die at all.
Jesus was no respecter of the Death Doctrine. Do you think he felt apologetic when resurrecting Lazarus, or the widow’s son, or the daughter of Jairus, or himself?
No. Because he embodied the Truth that Death is not inevitable, or necessary, or beneficial in any way, to anyone.
Jesus embodied Life.
Which is also the Way.
Which is also the Truth.
So how did we get to this point, where Jesus’s blatant teaching and embodiment of physical immortality, which he promised to his true believers, has become twisted into a message that exalts and celebrates Death as a gateway to the eternal life he promised?
How did his message get so badly distorted, warped, and perverted?
I’ll tell you how:
The so-called “Christian” Church has been methodically and deliberately infiltrated
by the Saturn Death Cult.
To be continued.
The Church of Immortality is currently being established. This “Chrysticism” essay series serves to establish The Church’s fundamental concepts while I continue laying the foundation in other ways (such as building as standalone website, creating physical / in-person offerings like tracts and events, etc.)
Get notified of official developments by signing up for the Church mailing list, found at the bottom of the Introduction page.
To escape death, to escape Saturn, to escape the emotions and frequencies of disease, to escape the time lines of our adversaries, we have to change universe, collectively change the rules of the void, the God that all creatures and matter of this universe live under.
For we are all individual fractals of the oneness of the void.
Using scalar wave time warp cubes, is not exactly immortality, it can help you cheat death, there fore change the timelines to beat our adversaries. Our adversaries can tunnel back in time, yet they lack the imagination, to see different futures.
That's why we will win.
The first step to any kind of social change, I believe, is accepting that a) we've been misled and b) such change is both necessary and more than possible.
I have greatly benefitted from your explorations in the realm of immortality and take so much solace that "It was never meant to be this way." Thank you for openly discussing what just may be the biggest deception of all. 🙏