An Introduction to Psionics - a.k.a. Humanity's Lost (and Found) Superpowers
Hi, lovelings!
I am quite pleased to announce that I’m writing a new series! And what you’re reading now is the Introductory post. Welcome!
This series will be all about how transhumanism is counterfeit evolution.
Though the masses have (mostly) been fooled into believing that technological advances represent the ever-heightening peak of human intelligence, the opposite is true. Transhumanism is evolution in reverse.
Transhumanism is devolution.
Transhumanism is regression.
Transhumanism is all our True spiritual power, lost to the mind-dulling, soul-binding trickery and convenience of mechanistic machines, boundary-blurring cyborgification, and artificial “intelligence.”
If you’re reading a Substack like mine, you probably feel this way already. But before you assume I’m preaching to the choir and tune out, consider this:
Whenever I try to talk about physical immortality with Truthers, their first assumption is that I’m talking about the transhumanist version of “immortality” — like uploading human consciousness to a digital cloud stored in an android “brain,” so that people can “live forever” inside machines.
Eww, no.
Or worse, they might think I’m talking about vampiric “immortality” — the kind that requires the false immortal to feed on baby blood to remain forever young.
Fuck no.
They have no idea that self-sourced and spiritually-sustained physical immortality — the kind that harms no one — the kind that Jesus talked about — is possible.
In fact, it’s not just possible — it’s being lived as we speak, by countless True Immortals hiding-in-plain-sight all around the world, across all cultures and creeds!
Do you know how bad it fucking breaks my heart, that when I say the word “immortal,” most people — Truthers included! — immediately think of vampires and robots???? 💔
And they don’t even know that another Immortality
— the only True Immortality
— exists???
— or that its potential lies patiently waiting to be discovered within their own body,
right now????
Luckily for everyone (myself included),
I quite enjoy alchemizing Heartbreak into “HEAR YE!!!!” 📣
Hence: this series.
Let’s begin.
The first thing you need to know is this:
For every new technology that falsely claims to advance or improve humanity’s condition or abilities,
a corresponding spiritual power already exists.
I need you to understand the magnitude, of what I just said.
I need you to get this in your soul.
So I’ll say it again, with ~flair~ —
And when I say that, I’m not just referring to the raging debate over whose visual art is better — humans’ or AI’s?
I mean humans have POWERS — real psionic/psychic/superhero-type powers — that robots can only dream of having.
(Oh wait, robots can’t dream. So sad. Anyway.)
Take cell phones, for example. Most people think iT’s So GrEaT that “we can talk to each other now, no matter the distance!”
“Now,” they say. As if we couldn’t before.
But, uh… Telepathy is (and always has been, and always will be) Very Much A Thing.
Humans have been speaking telepathically since as long as we’ve existed. No matter the distance — be it separate rooms or separate countries — humans are capable of transmitting thoughts to each other, instantaneously and clearly, directly from mind to mind.
No cell phones (or radiation poisoning) required! 🤪
In fact, there are indigenous communities alive today who communicate telepathically with each other as the norm.
oh how i long to live in such a community 😭
Oh, and notice how the transhumanist knock-off of “telepathy” (the not-so-mighty cell phone) actually reduces and corrupts Communication between people — while claiming to enhance and advance it.
You don’t need me to bitch about how cell phones have turned people into shit communicators. We all know it. And don’t even get me started on how cell phones cause cancer and exploit child labor. (Telepathy would never!)
And yet — the transhumanists have the gall — the audacity — to celebrate cell phones as some advanced version of Communication! LOL!!!
Cell phones? more advanced than spiritual telepathy??? I think the fuck not! 😂
But see, this is how it is with all transhumanist “advancements.”
They’re all presented as something desirable —
necessary, even —
when in reality, they destroy and corrupt the very thing they claim to improve.
That, my friends, is called Inversion.
Inversion is the modus operandi of the undead. We can call them parasites, vampires, demons, whatever — the point is that they are devoid of Life.
And without Life inside them, they cannot truly create anything — so instead, they take what has already been created, and invert it, and call that something “new and improved.”
Whenever you see this anti-creation at work, you know you’re dealing with the undead.
The undead, who spitefully seek to out-create God, by taking everything God made and turning it inside-out and upside-down,
in the desperate hope that they may cheat and deceive and manipulate their way back into the Eternal Life they forfeited upon Falling from heaven —
by “creating” a version of “Eternal Life” that is “lived” in a black cube,
in a power grid,
in a circuit board,
in a microchip,
in a nanobot’s singular synthetic brain cell
in a digital hellscape that they deceive even themselves into believing is a Heaven better than the one they Fell from.
But I’m getting ahead of myself.
We’ll get to the demonic aspect of transhumanism
later in this series.

Now, get this:
When I say every technological “advancement” is a pathetic knock-off of the original spiritual version of that same power,
I mean every.
From cell phones being an inversion of True Telepathy,
to geolocation being an inversion of True Dowsing,
to cars being an inversion of True Teleportation,
to consciousness-uploading being an inversion of True Immortality,
it’s all an inversion of the Truth….
…the Truth that you, my love,
are powerful enough to move mountains.
Not figuratively.
Not poetically.
You can move mountains
with telekinesis.

Does this sound crazy to you?
Does it sound impossible?
Do you think “the only way” to become more powerful — more evolved — is to augment the body with synthetic materials, interface with electronics, marry oneself to the machines, and become a cyborg?
Well then, I’m very sorry to say that you’ve been fooled
into promoting your own powerlessness
and celebrating your own submission to the forces of darkness
— or perhaps I should say, the forces of False Light.
But I am happy to say:
It’s not too late for you to remember
your True Power.
That is: the Power that can only be found in Truth.
In the next post, I’ll dive deep on why we collectively don’t remember our psychic superpowers. I’ve briefly touched on that here, but there’s much more to be said about the Spiritual War we find ourselves in, and how a clusterfuck of media, religion, and ancestral trauma have programmed us to surrender our psychic abilities in favor of cyborgification.
Until then: thank you for reading this Introduction 💓
Thank you for starting this series. I look forward to reading it!
"Well then, I’m very sorry to say that you’ve been fooled into promoting your own powerlessness and celebrating your own submission to the forces of darkness'. SO. FUCKING. TRUE.