Virtuous Blindness: Why the "Third Eye" is so Controversial
What people REALLY mean when they say "It's all an illusion"
I talk about psionics. A lot.
Psionics, if you don’t know, are the psychic superpowers like telekinesis, teleportation, telepathy, remote viewing… etc.
It’s all real, and I’ve devoted my platform to re-mind-ing people of this.
Now, to be absolutely clear, I’m not really interested in proving psionics to anyone. If I was, I would’ve pursued a career in psychic research.
And I’m certainly NOT trying to glorify myself. Notice that I don’t go around saying “Hey everybody, I’M God, I can fly because I’M special.”
That doesn’t stop people from asking me “Why don’t you fly right now, Alicen?” (The simple answer being: Because this isn’t about me.)
It’s like people can’t imagine that anyone would want to talk about human superpowers except to make themselves look like a god.
And like, yeah. Cult leaders are a thing. I get it.
But also, I don’t.
I don’t get it at all.
The whole point of my platform is that everybody has these powers. I can’t think of anything more exciting and interesting than this fact — except for the ultimate mystery, which is God.
Why does this topic trigger people so much?
Why does it turn people so damn angry, defensive, mean-spirited, dismissive, and condescending when I say “humans can fly”?
Why do people start passionately and ruthlessly defending death when I say “immortality is possible”? (As if death needs anyone to defend it!)
Why are people so quick to shut down these discussions with half-baked thoughts about how “~iT’s aLL aN iLLuSiOn, NoNe oF tHiS mAtTeRs?~”
^ To that last one, I’m curious:
Have the “it’s all an illusion” people ever considered jumping off a roof to prove that the sidewalk “doesn’t matter”? 🤔
Of course not.
Because it’s not an embodied Truth they’re expressing.
It’s a spectacular defense.
The irony is that the humans who truly EMBODY the sentiment that “it’s all an illusion” ARE THE ONES WHO CAN FLY.
They’re the ones who defy the “laws of physics,” because they gno that no such laws exist.
They overcome the illusory material world not by wielding “iLLuSiOn!” as a trump card when a discussion of their own dormant (read: wasted) potential makes them uncomfortable —
but by actually gno-ing what they’re talking about in a direct, experiential way.
When people try to shut down discussions of human spiritual potential, I believe it's because they think of their powerlessness as a virtue.
I mean… they have to.
Because if they were to face the depth of their own ignorance — the consequences of their refusal to see — they’d be overwhelmed with terror. Remorse. Agony.
So, as a defense mechanism, they have to go around evangelically convincing everyone else how right they are.
In reality, they could not be more wrong.
Virtuous Blindness
I see this often in conversations about “opening one’s Third Eye.”
(Though I removed my chakras a few years ago, I will refer to clairvoyance/psychic sight as “Third Eye” vision throughout this post for convenience.)
There’s a lot of fear-mongering around the phenomenon of psychic sight.
Read the comments on almost any YouTube video about the Third Eye, and inevitably, you’ll see someone ~spooking~ everyone else with dramatic warnings about how “opening your Third Eye is a doorway to demonic activity.”
Whether they mean that chakra meditations are a “gateway drug” to deeper occult practices, or that the Third Eye itself is a portal for demons to enter this world, varies from spook to spook.
Regardless, their common ground is that they don’t want people to see with all 3 eyes.
Worse than hylics, these people don't deny that the spiritual powers exist — they actually do think spiritual power is real, but that it's wrong to want!
More over, they seem to think they’re clever for having ~figured out~ that the Third Eye is ackshually some New Age psyop, designed to lead people into ignorance
— and/or they think they’re saving people from seeing awful things, like, shadow people or whatever.
Very virtue! Much wow!
Wanna know what I think?
I think telling people to keep their Third Eye closed, is like trying to convince able-bodied people that it’s more righteous to hop on 1 leg instead of walking on 2.
Or to breathe through only one nostril.
Or to listen through only one ear and keep the other one plugged.
Plainly put: It’s stupid.
Not just stupid, but willfully, aggressively stupid.
Do you know how self-deceived you have to be to crusade against people seeing?!
It’s not clever, or humble, or enlightened, to try to stop people from seeing.
It’s, at once, embarrassingly submissive and unwarrantedly masturbatory.
And it’s the same, exact, mentality, as the COVID-era masking mentality.
“I’m a good person when I breathe less!!!!” head ass. 🙄
See these? These are 2 selfies I took during my bindi sadhana. As I explained in this post, I meditated on my Third Eye while taking the second photo. Lo and behold, a purple spot of light appeared over that chakra. (I promise these photos haven’t been manipulated.)
I didn’t need this photographic “proof” to believe my Third Eye was there — which, I believe, is part of why the evidence was able to appear at all. “Proof of the paranormal” tends to appear spontaneously, challenging the scientific method which relies on repeatability.
The reason I never needed to see my Third Eye in a photo, is because I had been too busy seeing through my Third Eye all my life! 😂 Ghosts, demons, auras, aliens, you name it — I’ve clair-sensed it. (And boy, have I got stories.)
I was never looking at my Third Eye from the outside, but seeing through it from the inside.
Not looking for the Third Eye, but looking from it.
Again, this isn’t about me. I merely use the photos to illustrate a point:
I am here to re-mind you that your Third Eye is actually your First Eye.
Seeing with all 3 eyes is actually humanity’s default way of seeing.
We’re born seeing into the subtle realms.
This is why children are notoriously psychic, always seeing things that adults can’t.
Understanding the difference between theoretical knowledge and experiential knowledge, is crucial to understanding why the Third Eye is controversial at all.
People who fear-monger about psychic vision — and other psionic powers — are almost always people who can’t see through their Third Eye.
They’ve forfeited their spiritual birthright of psychic sight, in favor of limited vision.
Now, all they “know” is hearsay. Secondhand information. Rumors.
So they have ideas about what the Third Eye is,
and they have beliefs about what it means to have clairvoyance,
and they have vague, repressed memories of having psychic sight as a child,
but ultimately, they don’t have experience.
So what do they know?
What can they know?
And why listen to them?
They’re no wiser than blind men trying to figure out what an elephant is.
And to harken back to my earlier point, I think people who discourage other people from activating their psychic abilities (be it clairvoyance or full-on flight) are, on some level, trying to avoid the excruciating discomfort of how they (mis)used their own free will to choose limitation.
They cleverly position themselves as “egoless” saints who are “too good” to seek power…
…but ironically, it’s precisely the unchecked ego that makes them want to stop other people from exploring power!
Because again: if they faced the Truth of their own self-inflicted limitation, it would collapse their reality completely. That would be an ego death, and they’re afraid of it. Not so egoless after all, huh?
Nobody who is True-ly power-full, would feel the need to take away other people’s power.
A genuinely free person, is not threatened or frightened by somebody else’s free will.
They’re not triggered by the mere mention of humans flying.
I mean, it seems obvious to me — but I suppose spiritual blindness can’t see that it can’t see. 🤷🏽♀️
And yes, I have seen creepy, scary things with my psychic vision. Fear-mongers would say that this proves Third Eye vision is, itself, demonic or evil.
But as someone with clairvoyance, I can promise you: Those demons don't go away just because you can't see them. Some of the most demon-afflicted people I've ever known, are people who lack psychic vision and therefore can't see the spiritual activity going on around them.
Blindness isn't protection.
What you can't see CAN hurt you.
Granted, clairvoyance doesn't guarantee your safety either — but at least it gives you a fighting chance.
So to conclude, let’s return to the point made earlier about the sentiment “it’s all an illusion.”
There are people who say the words “it’s all an illusion,” but it’s just a pseudo-poetic smokescreen meant to disguise and distract from their (willful) ignorance.
And then there are people who actually gno that “it’s all an illusion.”
The fact that they can fly, or engage in other psionic abilities, is the proof of their gno-ing.
These powers are merely a byproduct of their True Gnosis.
The gnowledge comes first,
and the power comes from that gno-ing.
So if you ever find yourself tempted to listen to the fear-mongers
who tell you not to see so much,
not to be so powerful,
ask yourself:
Brilliant from beginning to end. Thank you! 👁
This passage jumped out at me as being especially applicable in a wide range of ventures and struggles:
"I think people who discourage other people from activating their psychic abilities (be it clairvoyance or full-on flight) are, on some level, trying to avoid the excruciating discomfort of how they (mis)used their own free will to choose limitation."
"people who discourage other people from activating their psychic abilities (be it clairvoyance or full-on flight) are, on some level, trying to avoid the excruciating discomfort of how they (mis)used their own free will to choose limitation."
we've been programmed to disempower ourselves for millennia and the programming has never been so fine-tuned as it has been during the plandemic
maybe because TPWWTW don't have the boots on the ground to do the job?
adrienne elise says that if just one human came into full potential, it would be game over for the cabal
would be interested to learn more about you removing your chakras - firing them up has always been empowering for me. or am i missing something?