I also heard about this from Mysterious Universe. I've sent your article to my wife who has recently decided to [finally] ditch her chemical birth control. She's transitioned to tracking her body, which immediately made me think of this.

We were talking about astrophysiognomy this morning and had some interesting questions which we're going to test. She and the son of a family friend were born in the same hospital on the same day within hours of each other. (Funny story, actually, my father-in-law brought his friend in to meet his wife while she was in labor...🤦‍♂️) So we're going to test the thesis and see if they have similar facial characteristics. We've noted as well that all of the boys who were born within a couple weeks of each other in my son's birth group (we used a birth center, and they group pregnancies by expected month for purposes of their process) are all very tall.

Anyway, all very interesting. Thank you so much!

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Herd about your substack on Mysterious Universe, really impressed by it

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How do we square discrepancies with common understandings of the zodiac calendar and the actual placement of constellations at time of birth?

I’ve charted my own and several others’ birth information on stellarium.org and have often found that entire charts differ dramatically from what is calculated via online tools and books.

In my case, though born in early July (commonly thought of as a Cancer), my sun was actually right in Gemini on my birth.

Nearly all of my planets were at least one sign off...

What to make of this? 🤷‍♀️

Thanks for any input.

I enjoy your writing!

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How many star signs are in the Vedic tradition, is it 14? I should study it. My birth chart in the western style was awesome, I was told I have a beautiful moon. Then I read it and I was like ohhhhh.... 😁

Alicen, I believe your spiritual experience. I enjoyed your recollection. I know how you feel I suppressed my spiritualism for long time. Imagine having an partner... My bad cause I chose, it all happens for a reason.

My most wild experience happened with my eyes open, though I was in the astral world then slipped into the void to begin with, charging up from the ether. Then my higher self channelled through me. I have to do video one day.

To keep it short a vortex came out of my heart, went up over the horizon. Saw lots of time warp cubes, physically walked into them. Had a couple of visions of past life. Saw my higher self, he has light blue skin, and the Devine feminine and masculine flows through him, he spoke to me too. I also spoke to someone who had NDE for 15 mins. Lots more happened. Yeah, I had to keep that inside for so long.

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Vedic astrology has the same 12 signs, they're just calculated in sidereal degrees instead of Tropical ones. So all the signs are pushed back by roughly 24 degrees. That means if you were born in the early degrees of Gemini, for example, you'd actually be a Taurus in Vedic. (But there are some radical, rule-breaking astrologers who combine sidereal nakshatras with Tropical signs, and this is called "neo-Vedic" astrology, which is what I personally practice.)

WOW, what a powerful experience! If you ever make that video, let me know. I'd love to watch it!

Also, as soon as I read that your higher self had blue skin, I thought of the Hindu deities, who are often depicted as light blue. I recently read a woman's account of secretive immortalist communities that live in the mountains (where the air is pure), and their skin turns blue from breathing that air. The Hindu gods are also said to live in the mountains. There does seem to be some sort of relationship between blue skin and "higher" consciousness (both literally and metaphorically). Just something to ponder!

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Atheist partner, mobile, with big fingers.

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Nov 16, 2023
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I have so much to say about the Sidereal/Tropical debate! The way I see it, just like the shape of the Earth (which I wrote about here: https://alicengrey.substack.com/p/a-new-theory-of-the-earths-shape), our perception of Sidereal/Tropical depends entirely on our own inner state and the many beliefs we hold about our own relationship to the sky.

So I appreciate Sidereal for using calculations that are fixed to the stars themselves (because there are facets of knowledge only accessible through this lens of "the stars as fixed"),

but I *also* appreciate Tropical for using calculations based on the movements of the Sun and Moon in relation to the Earth (because there are facets of knowledge *only* available through the lens of "the intersections of the Moon and Sun as they move around each other are just as important in the calculations as the fixed sky they're moving around").

Vic DiCara illuminates the benefits of the Tropical system in this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eiGrAwe78-A&list=PLqnDwobT_2hDJ5aQafXFUely7gYQib4Ru

And I like his work because, fascinatingly, he uses sidereal nakshatras with Tropical signs.

But as you expressed, different systems can resonate more or less with individual people, and that in itself, to me, "proves" astrology because astrology IS us, and as such, it's synchronistic in nature, and its revelations are subject to the non-linear nature of our consciousness. That was actually going to be a big point I make in the next astrology post, so I'll pause here :) Thanks for reading!

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Nov 16, 2023
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Oh absolutely. The main benefit of studying astrology, in my opinion, is bringing conscious *awareness* to the subtle but powerful undercurrents of planetary and stellar power in our lives. Once we know what's going on in the Heavens, we can set the conscious intention to be *in harmony* with those forces, rather than being unconsciously tossed about by them.

What are you planting? :)

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