Because they have him on video raping kids, just like the rest

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You got an Instant follow after read this. It's nice to see other people talking about this. Thank you for such an accurate and informative post 👍

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She is revealing some truth to the matter that many are still puppets carrying out the Lord’s perfect prophetic plan for the end times, though they do not realize it. However, this piece is another form of the New Age, agnostic, positive thinking gospel all entwined together, while she is using the Lord’s Word to support that she is representing the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. While in fact she is not.

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exactly, she repurposed that verse to reflect manifestation, etc.

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Voting is a trick, gvt are the real criminals and as Gandi put it: 'Be the change you wish to see in the world'

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He's easily controlled

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Come on my podcast sometime to go this if you'd like. At your leisure.

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Great points. They will always provide us a "hero", but that hero is still just a shepherd leading us to slaughter. It's time to unregister to vote. Check out. View it like the giant soap opera that it is. For entertainment only...


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The below comes from the link. I do not publish aside from Substack.

A few months ago I published a piece that examined, in part, President Donald J. Trump's brief control over Resorts International. Resorts was a curious creature that served as kind of bridge-way between both the Overworld and the Underworld. In addition to Trump, it also had close ties to another controversial Republican President: Richard M. Nixon. Nixon's longtime benefactor, Howard Hughes, also played a role in the Resorts saga during the 1970s.

At the same times Nixon was basking in the luxuries Resorts' Bahama casino (while Hughes was potentially being held prisoner there), the gambling interest also employed the bother of a close Lansky associate and counted among its shareholders William Mellon Hitchcock, a Mellon family heir who at one point was the financier for the largest LSD ring in the world (noted before here).

And then there was Intertel, a wholly owned subsidiary of Resorts. Intertel was a private intelligence agency staffed heavily with former FBI men and other assorted US intelligence veterans. It is most famous (or notorious, depending upon one's point of view) for spiriting Howard Hughes out of his Las Vegas penthouse in 1971 and keeping the reclusive billionaire under lock and key for the rest of his official life, nominally under the guise of providing Hughes with "security." It probably goes without saying, but Intertel is widely believed to have been an arm of the US intelligence community.

Intertel was still a part of Resorts in 1986 when Trump procured a controlling interest in the corporation. He would act as the company's CEO until 1988, when ownership passed to Merv Griffin after Trump played a key role in completing construction on Resorts most ambitions casino, the Taj Mahal, which he ended up the owner as part of his deal with Griffin. In addition to the spooks, it would seem that the Mafioso were still part of Resorts at this time as well. Hell, even Griffin had his own ties to the Gambino family, according to New York Times journalist Wayne Barrett in Trump: The Deals and the Downfall. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2018/02/goodfellas-dark-tower-and-beyond-part-i.html

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This was great. A lot of my thoughts align on this too. Someone finally said it (well written). Great work. Subbed!

Oh and don't bother with the dirty commenters, let them be triggered in their little bubble of self-doubt and cynicism they created for themselves. As Jesus said, give them grace and hope they realize the Truth eventually :)

P.S. I'm curious about your "source material" about the more esoteric claims of manifestation, collective consciousness and the like. I know it's typical "new age" jargon but there's more to it than is hyped out there (I think). Just curious, hope that makes sense. Thanks again!

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We need the collective to read this……this IS a simulation and as you said the collective needs to wake up. 💕

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Trump has been working behind the scenes long ago and was appointed to be who he’s is.

If people research as with anything to do with political subject matter.

Go watch the spiders web on yt it shall give one insight yes leaders are chosen and the system of voting is purely theatrics for the public view.

There are very powerful rich elite humans ?

That’s suspect with are they purely a human or evil in human bodies who like us to see the workings of democracy but that could not be further from facts and truth.

Democracy is the word they used but if we think on this.

What’s its meaning?

A body or single entity voted into power to work for the people who chose and do what we ask.

That could not be further from truth.

Then weaponised with right,

middle,far left,

far right,

All sorts of words that rely mean nothing g but people’s understanding is purely a view of how that person wishes their politics to be.

If we think most people just wish to be living free

With rights !

Respect !

And live to be successful and comfortable and healthy within a natural environment.

Not controlled and poisoned our whole lives by others who have their evil agenda.

And of course lied too to create their narratives of control.

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No, it's the controllers. Even if a person has 'faith' the economy will rebound, putting people on a social-credit-score-zero-sovereignty-currency will not live up to that faith. In fact, it will lead them into a toilet.

After years of crimes against humanity, purposely crushing the economy, and a complete avoidance of transparency in the vaccines, the people are now expected to be the 'adults in the room'?

The people didn't vote for this; they voted for something different. The people don't need to change, the politics do.

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she's 100% correct about everything being fake, she just comes to new age conclusions which, yes, are rather shitty. And we are not going to fix the economy, lol. No one is.

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You are 100% full of shit.

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she's 100% correct about everything being fake, she just comes to new age conclusions which, yes, are rather shitty. And we are not going to fix the economy, lol. No one is.

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Here is why.

Genetically targeted Biological Warfare Covid and MRNA and Nanotech

Dr. Robert Malone worked for the CIA when he created the MRNA technology as a delivery System for Biological Warfare.

Every thing in the field of Nanotechnology and the surrounding fields is basically financed by the CIA MOSSAD Military and so on... the Satanic Pedophile Complex.

Everything in AI is also funded by the same people

And I been telling people for quite some time that this is a covert use of Genetically targeted Biological warfare in order to sterilize Humanity.

Which is by the Geneva conventions a War Crime.

This is the AI war I warn people for a long time.

They sell or sold us Biological weapons technology which is under the Geneva conventions is prohibited... because MrnA is a product of Biological weapons research... as a Vaxxine which it clearly is not.

And now they opt to up it up by telling us they use AI in order to create Biological weapons that are personalized.

Which part of the Geneva Conventions did they miss?


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Great perspective....🤔 Thank you!🤍

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Not a single word about the Jews and their millions and millions of dollars and how we support Zionism. Come on lady, you expect people to by this drivel? I don’t think there are any more hippies that believe in that new age garbage at this point. The world has gotten very real.

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When you use the word "Jews" that is a huge sweeping statement of BS

My dad was Jewish. My gran was killed by a nazi bomb in East London during the blitz. I've grown up without prejudice, without religion. I see the world being controlled by lunatics creating wars ,stealing resources of other countries , false flag narratives to divide and conquer. There are good and bad people whatever their race or culture or biology.

Sweeping statements like yours just create division. it's a few people who fuck up this world with their insane ideology, target their insanity, not a race. People, many like me, can see through the fuckery of this world ...

Use your words carefully don't do these lunatics work for them by creating division.

Peace and love Xena .

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Because some of us actually TAKE PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY instead of submitting ourselves to the will of others. Jew-blaming is such a loser mentality, honestly. You want me to grovel in submission to them, and go around moaning to everyone that ~they~ control my entire life? Nah, that's some real existential kink sh*t. That's some real covertly sexual I-love-to-be-dominated, look-at-me-everyone-I'm-their-little-bitch type sh*t. I feel sorry for you. Get that weird performative submission fetish off my Substack.

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Judaism is a psychopathic cult that captures its members in Stockholm syndrome.

Taking responsibility on a personal level doesn't negate acknowledging the overwhelmingly negative influence organized Jewry has on world affairs.

I know from experience that an overly individualistic perspective can make it difficult to recognize group behavior.

Most of them are victims too.

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