What a monumental pile of spiritual junk food. Breatharianism is a hoax perpetrated on the spiritual community by itself.

You’re even half onto something there about how we are complicit in the emergent reality we helped create, but given the enormous task we have of walking ourselves through and out this difficult moment, the last thing we need is a bunch of loopy cosplayers thinking they’re solving anything with their spiritual bypass theatrics and esoteric fairground hokum.

Actual spiritual context and practice exists, that is serious and makes grounded contact with reality requiring none of this hacky nonsense. Either your deluded or your dishonest neither are encouraging.

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"Breatharianism is a hoax" *proceeds to insinuate that he knows what an "actual" spiritual practice entails*

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If you ever find yourself inclined and able to stand behind the courage of your own convictions I look forward to speaking with you.

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The body doesn’t run on wishful thinking. There’s a difference between refining your relationship with sustenance and pretending human biology doesn’t apply to you. If a practice claims to transcend physiology but fails under scrutiny, it’s not spirituality—it’s self-deception.

Spirituality without discernment is just another form of self-indulgence. If breatharianism worked, someone would have proven it under controlled conditions. Until then, it remains what it has always been—an idea that preys on the suggestible.

To be clear, breatharianism—the claim that people can live without food and, in extreme cases, without water—has been thoroughly debunked by biology, medical science, and numerous real-world cases of fraud and failure. Spirituality is a human project, and until further notice, humans require food and water.

Now, if you’re confident that you ‘actually’ know what spiritual practice entails, let’s put that to the test. I’m inviting you to record a conversation with me—on video we can publish to YouTube—so we can discuss it openly. Let’s see what stands up to scrutiny and what falls apart.

Are you willing to have a real discussion, or do you prefer to stay in an echo chamber where no one challenges you? Because either you have real knowledge to share, or you’re misguided—or maybe just a poser. Either you care about being part of a real solution, or this is just another grift.

I promise to be fair, respectful, and debate in good faith—and you can hold me to that. Let’s make it happen. I look forward to your response.

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This isn’t just an analysis - it’s a full-blown initiation into seeing the world beyond the illusion of control. 🔥 The idea that elections are just archetypal dramas playing out our unresolved collective wounds? Absolute gold. And the way you connect faith, manifestation, and political theatre? Mind officially expanded. 🚀 Whether people agree or not, this is the kind of perspective shift that actually sparks evolution. Hats (and light bodies) off to you!

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They chose Trump because he is a psychopath and has zero empathy, he is greedy, he is spoiled and he believes his own rhetoric. The most easily controlled humans on the planet.

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Because he is Aryan Royalty.

Of the pure bloodline.

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You get the substack Pulitzer and Nobel Peace Prizes.

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Yes we have been ruled by a band of thespians from England and the whole government here is fake. Come back to the land and soil and take back our original constitution and assembly. Tasa.Americanstatenationals.org

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Hello, I did not vote either. But my reasoning is because the US Corp is dead and gone.

No need for a CEO of that corporation anymore. Also ,voting,is just a recommendation, totally meaningless .

My worry,as we go forward, is that the people are not ready or able to govern themself.

Society has been so dummied down by liberal communist ideology that it is a monumental task.

Where to begin is the question.

How about teaching kids cursive writing and how to use logic and intuition again, sprinkled with spirituality, morals and knowing what’s right and wrong. To love each other again and unite on the side of humanity.

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True speaking! Nice!

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Because they have him on video raping kids, just like the rest

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You got an Instant follow after read this. It's nice to see other people talking about this. Thank you for such an accurate and informative post 👍

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She is revealing some truth to the matter that many are still puppets carrying out the Lord’s perfect prophetic plan for the end times, though they do not realize it. However, this piece is another form of the New Age, agnostic, positive thinking gospel all entwined together, while she is using the Lord’s Word to support that she is representing the Lord Jesus Christ and His Gospel. While in fact she is not.

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exactly, she repurposed that verse to reflect manifestation, etc.

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Voting is a trick, gvt are the real criminals and as Gandi put it: 'Be the change you wish to see in the world'

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He's easily controlled

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Come on my podcast sometime to go this if you'd like. At your leisure.

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Great points. They will always provide us a "hero", but that hero is still just a shepherd leading us to slaughter. It's time to unregister to vote. Check out. View it like the giant soap opera that it is. For entertainment only...


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The below comes from the link. I do not publish aside from Substack.

A few months ago I published a piece that examined, in part, President Donald J. Trump's brief control over Resorts International. Resorts was a curious creature that served as kind of bridge-way between both the Overworld and the Underworld. In addition to Trump, it also had close ties to another controversial Republican President: Richard M. Nixon. Nixon's longtime benefactor, Howard Hughes, also played a role in the Resorts saga during the 1970s.

At the same times Nixon was basking in the luxuries Resorts' Bahama casino (while Hughes was potentially being held prisoner there), the gambling interest also employed the bother of a close Lansky associate and counted among its shareholders William Mellon Hitchcock, a Mellon family heir who at one point was the financier for the largest LSD ring in the world (noted before here).

And then there was Intertel, a wholly owned subsidiary of Resorts. Intertel was a private intelligence agency staffed heavily with former FBI men and other assorted US intelligence veterans. It is most famous (or notorious, depending upon one's point of view) for spiriting Howard Hughes out of his Las Vegas penthouse in 1971 and keeping the reclusive billionaire under lock and key for the rest of his official life, nominally under the guise of providing Hughes with "security." It probably goes without saying, but Intertel is widely believed to have been an arm of the US intelligence community.

Intertel was still a part of Resorts in 1986 when Trump procured a controlling interest in the corporation. He would act as the company's CEO until 1988, when ownership passed to Merv Griffin after Trump played a key role in completing construction on Resorts most ambitions casino, the Taj Mahal, which he ended up the owner as part of his deal with Griffin. In addition to the spooks, it would seem that the Mafioso were still part of Resorts at this time as well. Hell, even Griffin had his own ties to the Gambino family, according to New York Times journalist Wayne Barrett in Trump: The Deals and the Downfall. https://visupview.blogspot.com/2018/02/goodfellas-dark-tower-and-beyond-part-i.html

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