When Donald Trump was proclaimed the winner of the 2024 U.S. Presidential Election, I’ll admit: I was relieved.
But not because I wanted him to be President. I didn’t.
See, I didn’t vote. I think that the whole concept of one human ruling over other many other humans is nonsensical — and the fact that those many-other-humans pine and compete and aspire to be ruled-over is even more nonsensical.
Furthermore, I believe that the whole election is a farce. It’s kayfabe theater, and the presidential candidates are merely actors performing on the world stage for our collective amusement.
Side quest: Have you ever asked yourself why many government officials are listed as “Actors” on IMDb, and why their political activities are credited as mere television productions, with no mention of their actual role in politics? If you haven’t asked yourself yet, you should start.
The candidates are puppets — this much I know.
But who’s pulling their strings?
The Controllers, of course!
THEY are the ones who actually run this country — in secret, behind the scenes, under the cover of darkness — using magick, spell-casting, and other occulted reality-creation methods…
…but they’re not who you might be thinking of.
The actual Controllers are not “the Illuminati” or “the elites” or “the shadow government” (unless you’re using the word “shadow” in the Jungian sense).
It’s us.
It’s us.
It’s us.
We are the Controllers.
And I mean this in a spiritual sense.
The world as we know it, is a co-creation sourced from our Consciousness. All of reality is first conceived in the Unseen Realm (which includes the Imagination, Dreams, the Unconscious, etc.), and gradually becomes visible in the Seen Realm (commonly referred to as “the objective physical world.”)
Every word we speak is a spell. Every thought we think exerts influence over reality, whether we want to think of ourselves as magickians or not. “The occult” (or: that was is hidden) is none other than our own Inner World. We are so painfully unconscious of our own souls, our own thoughts from moment to moment, and our own Creative Power, that we can’t even see the relationship between the presidential drama in the outer world, and the secret dramas in our inner world.
Thus, our Collective state of Consciousness can be appraised by our cultural creations: our music, our architecture, our media, our religious institutions, and so on.
The presidency is no exception to this.
As we vote with our consciousness, archetypal figures are selected by an esoteric energetic process, to represent the conflict between the unintegrated “sides” of humanity.
For example: In 2016, it was Hilary versus Trump. Archetypally, it was “woman versus man.” The whole election was presented as some gender war between an “overqualfied” woman versus a “privileged rich white male who didn’t deserve to win but won because he’s a man.” But in actuality, this outcome was only possible because of longstanding, deeply-embedded limiting beliefs in the Collective Psyche about race, class and gender.
In 2020, that Archetypal tension is playing out once more, but caricatured: As a collective, we have utterly failed to heal our internal “gender split,” and as a consequence, we just watched a woman (OF COLOR this time!!!) lose to The Big Bad White Man, again. (And I’m allowed to say this, because I’m a “woman of color” or whatever.)
Beneath the surface-level circusry, elections are just Archetypal dramas played out on the world stage, reflecting the Psyche of Humanity.
As within, so without, after all.

Now, back to why I’m relieved that Trump was elected:
Because we create reality with our Consciousness, it’s worth investigating why the majority of Americans voted for Trump.
Per my own observations, it seems like a lot of Trump voters believe Trump will fix the economy.
And if the majority of the Human Collective genuinely believes (even unconsciously!) that something will happen, then it will.
Get a bunch of humans together to internally visualize and experience the same desired reality, and that reality will manifest every time. This has been proven.
This is because Faith is a Function. What you put your faith into, becomes True. With Faith, you can enter realities and dimensions you otherwise wouldn’t have had access to.
“Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”
- Jesus, Mark 11:24
So if the majority of the country has faith that the economy is about to improve because Trump is now president, then they have created internal conditions that can very well make this true in the next 4 years.
I, personally, feel quite relieved when contemplating this possibility!
But again: it’s not The President who’s fixing the economy. It’s us, through the symbolic vehicle of the President. We 👏🏽 are 👏🏽 the 👏🏽 Controllers.
I see this “faith” in Trump’s ability to heal the economy as erroneous, but also as a baby step towards our own True Power.
The next step would be to believe “We will heal the economy.” No presidential overlord required.
And then the next step would be for humanity to evolve away from the debt-based black magick money system altogether, and towards a money-free utopia based on Free Energy.
And then the next step would be to become breatharians.
And then the next step would be to activate our light bodies.
And then the next step… okay, I’ll stop 😂
One day, I hope to see humanity “grow up” from the infantile urge to be rescued by a politician at all. That goes for the Kamala supporters who are literally crying and threatening to leave the country right now because they feel so victimized by the election results, and (!!!) for the Trump supporters who think they’re better than those stupid woke Dems, but fail to see how their worship of Trump is also a form of self-victimization. (The shadow projection is so real, y’all.)
Whether your preferred presidential candidate won or not, is besides the point. The True Power comes from knowing that they were just Archetypes anyway, forever pointing you back to yourself — to what you’re capable of, and to what potential lies within you, demanding to be real-ized.
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