Congratulations on the song and the video. I admire your obvious can-do approach. The video was great. Good for you. And the outfit is all the more impressive since you made it.

Necessity is the mother of invention right enough.

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"His icon status was only made possible by his worshipful devotion to Art. He lived in squats, dumpster-dived for food, and subsisted on government benefits, all so he could avoid the 9-to-5 life by any means necessary and make art all-day-every-day." ... It seems to me that someone who is truly opposing the Machine cannot simultaneously benefit from it (as, e.g., a financially successful anti-System artist, or as a "critical" intellectual -- as I once hilariously aspired to be), but saying so apparently exposes my commitment to poverty consciousness.... I've thought about it, and tried to open myself to "abundance mindset" -- and I think I have succeeded in many ways, for abundance truly appears in so many forms, not only the monetary -- but still, I can't help but think that the moment an artist becomes financially successful is the moment their art is betrayed/destroyed... Whatever the case, your Art -- but which I mean not only this incredible music video, but the entirety of your being in the world and especially your expression -- is True, and speaks right to my heart. Thank you.

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You just summarized my current questions about money in relation to Art. I am still parsing through the purpose and function of money as a symbol of debt, backed by bloodshed, and ultimately just an illusion of value... that also, maybe, has the potential to be redeemed with conscious effort and intentionality in how it's spent. Maybe I'll be parsing through this forever. In any case, thank you for watching my video & sharing your insights 🥰

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Wow, Alicen! I got goosebumps while watching your eery, ethereal creation.

What you made is infinitely more meaningful and satisfying than something you would have paid for—you can take pride in what you forged down to the last stitch.

As you know, synchronicity is a topic dear to my heart as well. I opened my “Lattice of Coincidence” essay with the line:

“There are certain synchronistic pinpoints of connection that wind up having a cascade effect destined to alter the course of our lives.” (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/my-two-year-stackiversary-lattice)

I feel my friendship with you and Mickey is one such synchronistic pinpoint of connection and another example of how adversity sparks transformational experiences in our lives.

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What a joy it is to witness these connected works of genius come to fruition!

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