The Anti-Enlightenment Agenda
How "anti-psychic programming" keeps humanity chained to the ground
Hi, lovelings! Welcome to Part 3 of my TRUE POWER vs. TRANSHUMANISM series!
The big question is:
If humans have potential superpowers, why don’t they know this?
If you ask me, there are lots of reasons why people don’t know they can literally fly, but in this post we’ll focus on one: Anti-psychic programming.
It might be more accurate to call it pro-hylic programming.
A hylic, if you’ll remember, is someone who is unaware of energy — meaning, they don’t know that we have souls, that the spirit realm is real, etc.
Hylics believe the material world is all there is — that there is no God, nor are there ghosts, angels, or demons. In the Gnostic model, hylics are akin to sleepwalkers who are only going through the motions of life but are not aware that they’re alive, let alone that there’s a divine intelligence and purpose behind their existence.
Hylics are the type who demand to see photographic and video evidence of ghosts to be convinced of their existence, though all one needs to do is see things as they are.
Most hylics refer to themselves as “skeptics,” but as I explained in Faith is a Function: Why You Never See Proof of the Paranormal,
A Skeptic requests “extraordinary” evidence to support “extraordinary” claims.
A Hylic erroneously believes that the evidence must take a material form.
And sure, the hylic phase might be a necessary step on the spiritual path. As souls incarnating on this plane until we figure out how not-to anymore, we all have to start somewhere — and for many, hylicism is our first attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. It’s a search for Truth, and in that, it’s sincere. I don’t look down on anyone who tries to ascertain Truth using the tools and framework they have.
My issue is not, and never has been, when people genuinely seek Truth, the best way they know how — even on purely material terms.
My issue is when hylicism becomes an ideology — something proselytized, pushed down people’s throats.
My issue is when professional hylics use mass media and other propaganda channels to deliberately mislead people about the nature of reality, under the guise of “science.”
My issue is when thought leaders in the so-called “rationalist” movement pretend they don’t know that psychic phenomena are real.
Thought leaders like James Randi.
James Randi was perhaps the most famous “skeptic” of our generation. He described himself as “the world’s most tireless investigator and demystifier of paranormal and pseudo-scientific claims.”
Randi created the famous “Million Dollar Challenge,” claiming that he would give 1 million dollars to anyone who could pass (his) “scientific” tests to prove that they had real psychic abilities.
Seems fair on the surface, right? In fact, this ruse was so innocent-looking that it tricked the rationalist and atheist communities into erroneously concluding that because (allegedly) nobody had passed Randi’s tests, Randi had single-handedly put an end to the search for psychic phenomena! Forever! He was something of a hylic hero.
But those of us who are not so easily fooled, looked closer. And here’s what we found:
The millions dollars didn’t technically exist — it was all in the form of bonds, which are essentially worthless. No intelligent, self-respecting psychic would bother applying for a misleading Challenge in the first place.
Randi has no scientific training or credentials, nor was he accountable to any regulating authority.
Randi alone decided the terms of these “scientific” tests, and no transparent record of his tests exists anywhere for any other scientists to duplicate/peer-review. This is not scientific.
If a participant did successfully pass a test and prove their psychic abilities, Randi reserved the right to continue testing their abilities indefinitely until they could no longer pass the test, whereupon he’d announce them ‘another fraud.’
This means two things:
1) a real psychic could theoretically be stuck in the “testing” phase for the rest of their life (so how could they ever win the imaginary prize money?),
2) Randi was determined to find a specific outcome, and rejected all results that didn’t conform to his biased hypothesis. This is not scientific.One of the Challenge rules was that participants were not allowed to say anything negative about Randi or his foundation. This is definitely not scientific.
Despite these glaring deficiencies, Randi’s cultural impact has been staggering. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve tried to talk to people about psionics and they’ve said, “If that shit was real, sOmEbOdY wOuLd’Ve wOn tHe MiLLiOn DoLLaR pRiZe aLrEaDy.” 😑 It’s exhausting, trying to explain to people that they’ve been deceived… by the person who claims to expose deceivers.
Isn’t it funny, how people who fancy themselves “skeptical” suddenly aren’t skeptical when someone confirms their biases?
Randi is only one of many celebrity “skeptics” who’ve been instrumental in swaying our culture towards $cientism — which, as you probably know, set the stage for the mass-vaccination agenda in 2020.
Derren Brown is another such figurehead, whose body of work exposes how easily humans are hypnotized and tricked. In the video above ^, he explains how fraudulent “faith healers” create the illusion that they’ve restored vision to the blind, hearing to the deaf, and so on.
Now, to be clear: this video isn’t unique. Rather, it exemplifies a hylic phenomenon — one wherein “skeptics” reveal how certain psychic phenomena can be faked (think of how Penn and Teller reveal the mechanisms behind illusionism and stage magic). Then, once they’ve finished exposing the lies, they pat themselves on the back for seemingly proving that it’s all bullshit.
The glaring illogical fallacy is believing that just because something could have been faked, that means it was definitely faked.
So then they go on to draw this conclusion about all psionics:
They assume that because some phony sadhus can fake levitation, that means all historical accounts of human levitation must be fake.
Or that because some money-hungry charlatans can fake spoon-bending, that means all accounts of psychokinesis are fake.
And so on.
Again: THIS 🗣️ IS 🗣️ NOT 🗣️ SCIENTIFIC 🗣️
So why all the concerted efforts in the media to disprove psychic phenomena?
— and to make us believe there is no Creator?
— and to convince us we’re a cosmic accident, floating on a spinning ball in the Void, with no purpose or meaning?
In fairness, many of these celebrity hylics seem to believe they’re countering the oppressive overreach of religious institutions — which have had way more cultural power, for way longer.
So a lot of hylics would probably ask the same question in reverse: Why all the effort in the media to force everyone to believe in God and woo-woo shit? — to make us submit to religion?
And you know what? They’d be justified in feeling that way!
Ideology is deeply relativistic.
So I understand why many hylics see themselves as being on a mission to save people from fear- and shame-based religious brainwashing.
But the funny thing is, I personally don’t see hylics and religious zealots as opposites.
To the contrary, I believe they have a major commonality — one that, in my mind, makes them essentially the same:
Hylics, and religious institutions, both deny the power of the human spirit.
If you try to tell a hylic that humans can fly, they laugh at you for believing fairy-tale nonsense. Then they’ll tell you that you need technology and transhumanist “solutions” to be able to fly.
If you try to tell a Christian zealot that humans can fly, they’ll tell you you’re going to burn in hell for promoting Satanic doctrines. Then they’ll tell you to rely on God for your power, and never try to conjure any of your own.
Funny enough, even many theistic Satanists/Luciferians (who occupy a warped middle-ground of rejecting submission to a “God” but also acknowledging spiritual phenomena as real), will tell you that you need to go through demonic gatekeepers if you want to unlock your dormant psychic superpowers.
New Agers, similarly, will tell you that you need to follow your spirit guides in order to advance and evolve.
No matter who it is and what they may claim to believe on the surface, they’re all promoting the same core Doctrine of Disempowerment — the false teaching that power comes from anywhere except from within.
So it turns out:
The debate about the existence of human superpowers, is not a debate between materialism and spirituality.
It’s a debate between Submission and Sovereignty.
Here’s what I mean by that:
If you want the Truth, you MUST search for it yourself.
No one can find the Truth for you.
No one can know the Truth for you.
So it is a grave mistake for sit around passively waiting for someone to present you with evidence of the paranormal, metaphysics, psychic abilities, and so on. You’ll be waiting all your life. For multiple lifetimes, even.
I’ll never forget the time I was driving with a hylic friend who considered himself a reasonable, logical person. Though he claimed to be “open” to psychic phenomena “should the evidence present itself,” our exchange proved otherwise:
We were in another one of our heated debates about whether psychic stuff is real.
I was arguing from personal experience: I’ve had precognitive and shared dreams, I’ve had both out-of-body and Inner World experiences, I’ve communicated telepathically with loved ones, I’ve had energy flow from my hands, and I’ve even woken up levitating over my bed once. That’s just the short list.
In response to everything I said about my personal experiences, he counter-argued with stuff he’d heard, and rational talking-points he borrowed from the internet. He had no direct experience with “woo-woo.”
Finally, I did something that I, on principle, hate to do:
I appealed to Science.
I said, “You know that the CIA proved this already, right?”
“How do you know that?”
“I read it in a CIA document.”
“How do you know the document is real?”
“I found it on the CIA’s official website.”
“There’s literally a search bar at the top where you can search their whole archive of declassified documents.”
“There’s a search bar?”
And therein lies the key:
Only one of us had actually looked for proof of psychic abilities — not just in the form of documented evidence compiled by other scientists, but Self-studied in the laboratory of my own body. And so, my questions were answered.
The other, had idled by, waiting for someone else to hand him the proof, never daring to experiment independently. And so, the knowledge never came to him.
The nature of psionic abilities is such that they are unlocked in tandem with radical self-reclamation.
In other words, as you begin to realize that you’re Sovereign and Free, your powers will automatically come back to you. Psionic powers are both a consequence of, and reward for, relinquishing the infantile need to parasitically depend on an external source of “power,” whether that source is scientists, technology, deities, or demons.
And even just the seeking of Truth is, in and of itself, an act of acknowledging one’s Sovereignty — because again, no one can know Truth for you. You must first have the Willpower and Want (Desire) to even be able to consider finding Truth for yourself.
“Seek and ye shall find” is not just poetry.
It’s a practical instruction.
Same goes for “Where there’s a Will, there’s a Way,” and “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”
If you were truly open to being persuaded about psychic phenomena, you’d look for it by your own inborn agency and authority to ascertain Truth. It’s as simple as that.

Now, to return to the question at the beginning of my post:
The undercurrent of what I’m saying here, is that the real reason humans don’t know they can fly, is that we’ve chosen not to know.
We’ve freely allowed ourselves to be duped, disempowered, and deceived.
It doesn’t matter if the deceiver in question is arguing from religion or from materialism. Anyone who tries to convince you of your own powerlessness, is lying (whether they know it or not) — but if you absorb their beliefs, it’s because you freely chose to. As a Sovereign being, the only one who can convince you to believe a lie, is yourself.
Because we are Free, nobody can force us to be ignorant.
Sure, the media can blast mind-control programming through black cube devices 24/7.
Sure, religious institutions and governments can threaten us to stay in line, to stay small.
Sure, even fellow “Truthers” can try to tear us down with their bitching and moaning about how there’s fluoride and microplastics in everything that shuts down our spiritual senses!, and there’s chemtrails in the sky that are killing us!, and it’s all hopeless!, and the end is near!, and! and! and…!
But instead of blaming all these negative influences for our lack of spiritual power, how about we just choose not to listen to them?
(#ThatAwkwardMomentWhenYouRealizeTheEvilVillainBehindTheAntiEnlightenmentAgendaWasYourself 😬)
Ultimately, we all have an inborn instinct to ask questions. To get curious. To learn. This gives everyone the opportunity to return to Truth and Power, regardless of external circumstances or lack of access to teachers/resources.
And when paired with the powerful ability to admit when we’re wrong,
and the ability to acknowledge that we’re not victims — rather, we freely choose what we perceive and thereby experience,
only then, can we begin to understand
just how Power-full we True-ly are.
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“There’s a search bar?” 😂
Thank you, as always, for yet another red pill disguised as a Substack post. 👏
Thank you.